- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 事件驱动型应用
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 产品研发
- 结构健康监测
- 时间敏感网络
- 系统集成
RISE Structural Design, Inc.是一家总部位于日本东京的公司,专门从事海外工厂、建筑和管道设计的结构设计和分析。该公司以其在地震诊断方面的工作而闻名,它根据其在提供安全耐用的结构设计和管道分析方面的丰富经验来识别情况并制定建议。在该项目中,RISE 签约在日本的一家甲醇工厂进行管道应力分析,负责提供准确的评估并降低钢材成本。
RISE Structural Design, Inc. 是一家总部位于东京的公司,专门从事结构设计和分析,负责日本一家甲醇工厂的管道应力分析项目。该项目要求该公司对工厂熔炉附近的管道进行管道应力分析,这些管道的运行温度为 300 至 900 摄氏度。该公司负责提供准确的评估并降低钢材成本。挑战之一是安装弹簧支架,以确保管道系统能够灵活地应对熔炉的极端温度。该项目还需要结构和管道等各个设计团队之间的有效协调,以避免延误。传统的工作流程中,每个学科独立进行分析并使用不同的条件,不适合该项目。这种传统方法几乎不可能创建 3D 数据并增加了分析时间。
为了克服这些挑战,RISE 使用了 Bentley 的 AutoPIPE 软件,该软件可以管理数千个节点和段,以保证设计进度按计划进行。该应用程序的快速处理速度使设计团队能够在更短的时间内分析更复杂的模型。该团队还使用 STAAD 的 pipelinelink 功能创建管道和框架的联合模型,自动在支撑点连接梁。这种方法有助于减少二氧化碳排放。 Bentley 的集成结构建模 (ISM) 解决方案用于耦合分析,帮助 RISE 减少低效的工作流程,包括检查部门之间设计策略的差异、调整进度表以及降低项目交付成本。模型的集成提高了分析效率并降低了设计成本。
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Case Study
Bridge monitoring in Hamburg Port
Kattwyk Bridge is used for both rail and road transport, and it has played an important role in the Port of Hamburg since 1973. However, the increasing pressure from traffic requires a monitoring solution. The goal of the project is to assess in real-time the bridge's status and dynamic responses to traffic and lift processes.
Case Study
Reservoir monitoring in Hontomin
The Spanish Government has launched a CO2 Capture and Storage Program in Hontoman with the aim of developing this technology. This programme's approach is based on the fact that CO2 capture and storage could be an essential part of the solution to achieve substantial global CO2 emission reductions.
Case Study
Parc Des Princes Stadium - Paris Monitoring of the Roof Structure
Advitam has acquired a solid expertise in civil infrastructures monitoring and assets management. During their life cycle, civil engineering structures and construction works are aging, deforming, deteriorating and their mechanical capacities are evolving. A sharp knowledge of the mechanical parameters evolution and the monitoring of physical data are key elements to define and execute predictive maintenance strategies as well as to manage the structure life cycle with balance and to ensure the required safety and security for the users of the civil engineering structure.
Case Study
Designed and developed an ASIC for sensing to set up straight with the contact lens. The MEMS sensor which can be digitized through ASIC is reading and transfers the assessments back to the recorder with the same RF link used to power the device using load modulation techniques. By using a 0.35µm process, Faststream could incorporate power capture and conditioning, RF signaling, high linearity ADC, and digital control functionality on a single die within the limited power budget and at a low cost.
Case Study
IoT for Civil Architecture and Artistic Monuments
Some public works, civil and heritage buildings have challenges in detecting abnormal structure movements in real time to maintain control of critical structure points, logging and analyzing data of all the structural properties to identify anomalies and accessing promptly to the data without the need of an on-site intervention.