- 网络安全和隐私 - 安全合规
- 传感器 - 相机/视频系统
- 金属
- 运输
- 质量保证
- 销售与市场营销
- 驾驶员表现监测
- 时间敏感网络
Sabel Steel 是一家家族企业,成立于 1856 年。该公司专门从事钢铁产品的销售、制造和运输,业务遍及三个州。萨贝尔钢铁公司为提供卓越的客户服务、强调安全并重视员工(他们将员工视为最重要的资产)感到非常自豪。该公司拥有一支由 45 辆卡车组成的车队,用于运输其产品。在采用 Motive 之前,Sabel Steel 使用一家知名供应商作为其 ELD 解决方案,这带来了许多挑战。
Sabel Steel 是一家家族拥有的钢铁和废钢企业,驾驶员对其电子记录设备 (ELD) 的不满情绪与日俱增。事实证明,他们使用的知名提供商提供的 ELD 解决方案成本高昂、不可靠且复杂。硬件不可靠,用户体验复杂,司机投诉频发。此外,从提供商的客户服务处获得帮助是一个耗时且困难的过程。这种情况让交通部合规与安全经理黛安·伍德拉夫 (Diane Woodruff) 感到沮丧。该公司还面临着重大挑战,其中一辆卡车被一辆皮卡车冲出道路并陷入沟渠,造成的损失超过 120,000 美元。由于没有视频证据来证实司机没有过错,他们只能依靠司机的证词和事故报告。
为了应对这些挑战,Sabel Steel 决定改用 Motive,这是一种物联网解决方案,可提供更加用户友好、可靠的体验、增强的客户支持和成本效益。他们在卡车上安装了 Motive 智能行车记录仪,以保护司机和公司今后免受类似事件的影响。事实证明,行车记录仪的录像对于在发生事故时为司机辩护、使公司免于昂贵的诉讼具有无价的价值。 Motive 的优先镜头和辅导工具还提高了安全经理的效率,使她能够使用视频镜头回顾事件、讨论事件并帮助驾驶员从经验中学习。该公司还使用 Motive 的跟踪解决方案来监控司机的实时位置,通过提供准确的预计到达时间来改善问责制和客户服务。
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Case Study
Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future
Goldcorp is committed to responsible mining practices and maintaining maximum safety for its workers. At the same time, the firm is constantly exploring ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, extend the life of its assets, and control costs. Goldcorp needed technology that can maximize production efficiency by tracking all mining operations, keep employees safe with remote operations and monitoring of hazardous work areas and control production costs through better asset and site management.
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KSP Steel Decentralized Control Room
While on-site in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, the DAQRI team of Business Development and Solutions Architecture personnel worked closely with KSP Steel’s production leadership to understand the steel production process, operational challenges, and worker pain points.
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Airport SCADA Systems Improve Service Levels
Modern airports are one of the busiest environments on Earth and rely on process automation equipment to ensure service operators achieve their KPIs. Increasingly airport SCADA systems are being used to control all aspects of the operation and associated facilities. This is because unplanned system downtime can cost dearly, both in terms of reduced revenues and the associated loss of customer satisfaction due to inevitable travel inconvenience and disruption.
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Bluescope Steel on Path to Digitally Transform Operations and IT
Increasing competition and fluctuations in the construction market prompted BlueScope Steel to look toward digital transformation of its four businesses, including modern core applications and IT infrastructure. BlueScope needed to modernize its infrastructure and adopt new technologies to improve operations and supply chain efficiency while maintaining and updating an aging application portfolio.
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IoT-based Fleet Intelligence Innovation
Speed to market is precious for DRVR, a rapidly growing start-up company. With a business model dependent on reliable mobile data, managers were spending their lives trying to negotiate data roaming deals with mobile network operators in different countries. And, even then, service quality was a constant concern.
Case Study
Digitize Railway with Deutsche Bahn
To reduce maintenance costs and delay-causing failures for Deutsche Bahn. They need manual measurements by a position measurement system based on custom-made MEMS sensor clusters, which allow autonomous and continuous monitoring with wireless data transmission and long battery. They were looking for data pre-processing solution in the sensor and machine learning algorithms in the cloud so as to detect critical wear.