Mid-size Company
- Europe
- United Kingdom
- Censornet MFA
- VMWare Horizon View
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Outlook Web Access
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Productivity Improvements
- 网络安全和隐私 - 身份认证管理
- Professional Service
- 商业运营
- 网络安全
- 系统集成
Capsticks 是领先的全国医疗保健律师事务所,在社会护理和社会住房领域也拥有无与伦比的专业知识。该公司总部位于伦敦,在伯明翰、利兹和温彻斯特设有地区办事处。Capsticks 为 200 多家医疗保健客户提供服务,包括 NHS 信托、CCG、监管机构、慈善机构和独立医疗保健提供商,以及 150 家注册住房提供商。主要客户包括 NHS 诉讼管理局、First Wessex、英国牙科总理事会、Barts Health NHS Trust 和 Sovereign Housing 协会。
Capsticks 是一家领先的全国性医疗保健律师事务所,它拥有一套远程访问系统,供其律师从家中或其他远程位置登录。但是,远程访问仅通过密码保护。由于超过三分之二的安全漏洞是由于密码太弱或被盗而造成的,Capsticks 的 IT 团队非常清楚公司系统的脆弱性。作为一家律师事务所,他们处理的许多案件都非常敏感,因此他们存储的数据是保密的。他们意识到,就他们的远程工作环境而言,他们的安全性仅与员工使用的最弱密码一样好。他们需要迅速找到解决方案。除了提高安全性之外,对于 Capsticks 及其忙碌的律师团队来说,解决方案是否易于使用也至关重要。
IT 团队的职责是寻找一种易于使用、非侵入式的系统,不会给用户带来额外的负担。通过研究各种解决方案,他们喜欢无令牌解决方案的想法,这种解决方案不需要用户随身携带额外的硬件。他们知道基于令牌的安全性成本更高,而且管理额外的硬件会占用他们大量的时间。他们发现,多重身份验证 (MFA) 使用许多变量来验证用户,并通过员工的手机提供密码——这是他们必不可少的硬件——是一个更好的选择,它更具成本效益且易于管理。除了 Outlook Web Access 之外,Capsticks 还选择了 Censornet 的 MFA 解决方案为其 VMWare Horizon View 远程工作系统提供身份验证,并且最近添加了密码重置模块,使用户能够从自助服务门户快速安全地重置密码。
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Case Study
Infosys achieves a 5–7 percent effort reduction across projects
Infosys, a global leader in consulting, technology, and outsourcing solutions, was facing significant challenges in application development and maintenance due to its distributed teams, changing business priorities and the need to stay in alignment with customer needs. The company used a mix of open source, home-grown and third-party applications to support application development projects. However, challenges resulting from distributed teams using manual processes increased as the company grew. It became more and more important for Infosys to execute its projects efficiently, so they could improve quality, reduce defects and minimize delays.
Case Study
Engine Informática offers SAP software as a service with IBM
Engine Informática, a Brazil-based company specializing in the implementation of SAP ERP solutions, identified a gap in the market for small and medium-sized companies. The company realized that the fixed infrastructure investment needed to run SAP 24/7, such as data centers, hardware, and support, meant that the per-user cost could be perceived as too high for smaller companies. The challenge was to reduce or eliminate the capital expenditures and implementation costs as much as possible to help reduce the barriers to entry for these smaller companies.
Case Study
Wittmann EDV-Systeme launches IT monitoring services
Small and medium-sized businesses often lack the know-how and resources required for thorough IT system monitoring. Wittmann EDV-Systeme wanted to launch a solution to plug the gap – enabling it to improve its own competitiveness and that of its customers. IT landscapes are becoming ever more complex and outsourcing is gaining popularity, IT systems must nonetheless remain easy-to-use and extremely reliable at all times. Automated, round-the-clock system monitoring therefore represents an immensely valuable proposition for companies: downtime for business-critical applications can be avoided, and IT systems remain available at all times.
Case Study
IBM social business software connects and empowers employees for competitive advantage
Superior Group, a company providing workforce productivity solutions, found that its employees worldwide felt disconnected from headquarters, regional offices and each other due to outdated internal communication and collaboration tools. The company's intranet had become a top-down affair with little staff involvement, and employees lacked effective tools for anywhere/anytime communications. Those working remotely had limited access to co-workers and company apps. The main method of collaboration was inefficient email, challenging IT staff to manage a growing store of attachments. These factors inhibited the company from achieving its productivity goals.
Case Study
IT-Informatik: Staying ahead of the competition by cutting costs and deploying SAP systems faster
IT-Informatik, a provider of SAP solution hosting and cloud services for medium-sized companies, aimed to boost retention and win new business by creating highly competitive and flexible offerings. However, its complex hosting environment made it difficult to set up client environments cost-effectively. With existing systems at or near capacity, IT-Informatik looked for ways to expand the scope, performance and capabilities of its hosting and cloud services. The company realized that if it could accelerate the deployment of new SAP application environments, it could onboard new customers more rapidly and respond faster to clients’ changing business needs.
Case Study
Uncovering behavioral insight to help reward and retain the best employees
The HR services company, an IBM client, was facing the challenge of understanding the factors underlying personal employment choices. They wanted to offer their clients unprecedented insight into what motivates employees and prospective job candidates. However, their existing systems were not capable of handling the surging data volumes collected from a wide range of different data sources. With the total volume likely to keep on growing, the firm looked for a solution that could meet current needs and scale to meet tomorrow’s demands.