- 分析与建模 - 大数据分析
- 可穿戴设备 - 植入物
- 销售与市场营销
- 交通模拟
- 车载远程信息处理
SIN Sistema de Implante Nacional SA (Sinimplante) 是一家巴西公司,专门为牙种植体市场提供解决方案。该公司拥有广泛的全国覆盖范围和国际影响力,是拉丁美洲该领域最大的公司之一。自 2003 年以来,Sinimplante 一直采用世界上最先进的技术在巴西开发和生产牙种植体。所有产品均以科学研究为基础,以富有远见和创新的思维开发和制造。 Sinimplante 旨在为牙科专业人士的日常生活提供更大的便利和成功,并为数以千计的恢复笑容带来更多的信心、自尊和快乐。
Sinimplante 是一家专门从事牙科种植解决方案的巴西公司,面临着管理分布在广泛地理区域的大量客户组合的挑战。该公司的现场代表很难组织日常销售活动,无法为所有客户提供服务,经常会反复拜访同一客户。市场情报部门提供了每月要拜访的客户名单,每位代表都会收到一份包含相关销售历史记录的 Excel 电子表格。然而,代表们必须手动准备每周的销售路线,这是一个耗时的过程。他们经常每周花半天时间在这个程序上,导致路线过长,浪费交通时间,并且无法重新激活不活跃的客户。此外,重要客户的任何即时服务请求都会扰乱整周的计划。
Sinimplante 求助于 portatour(一种路线规划工具),以确保最佳的优先级、呼叫间隔和灵活性。在评估了多家供应商后,Cristina Tosin 的团队选择了 portatour,因为它具有动态路由功能以及在广泛的客户组合中确定优先级的可能性。最初,两个地区的销售代表进行了为期三个月的试点项目。试点成功后,portator 在整个团队的销售启动活动中推出。尽管最初对额外的官僚流程持谨慎态度,但在同事们在试点项目中取得成功的激励下,销售人员很快认识到了 portator 的优势。
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Case Study
Transformation for IoT Business Model in Connected Industrial Vehicles
CNH Industrial wanted to put IoT-enabled viechles onto the market. Whether monitoring a single machine or integrating an entire fleet, operators are able to track the status, speed, and movement of machines and their performance and also receive alerts on issues that may require service by a qualified technician to improve uptime and overall effectiveness of the vehicle.
Case Study
Cold Chain Transportation and Refrigerated Fleet Management System
1) Create a digital connected transportation solution to retrofit cold chain trailers with real-time tracking and controls. 2) Prevent multi-million dollar losses due to theft or spoilage. 3) Deliver a digital chain-of-custody solution for door to door load monitoring and security. 4) Provide a trusted multi-fleet solution in a single application with granular data and access controls.
Case Study
IoT Based Asset Tracking System
The existing system used by the customer could only track a few thousand assets and was able to generate only a few standard set of reports. As the number of assets tracked grew exponentially, the system started to break at the seams. The Tracking devices were from different manufacturers following different protocols. There was no proper integration among the devices to send instant alerts. There are thousands of tracking devices spread across multiple geographies, that are moving. The configuration and troubleshooting of these devices incurred heavy costs, which was a logistics challenge. The existing system did not provide sophisticated Analytics, Business Intelligence and Insights from the data
Case Study
Real-time In-vehicle Monitoring
The telematic solution provides this vital premium-adjusting information. The solution also helps detect and deter vehicle or trailer theft – as soon as a theft occurs, monitoring personnel can alert the appropriate authorities, providing an exact location.“With more and more insurance companies and major fleet operators interested in monitoring driver behaviour on the grounds of road safety, efficient logistics and costs, the market for this type of device and associated e-business services is growing rapidly within Italy and the rest of Europe,” says Franco.“The insurance companies are especially interested in the pay-per-use and pay-as-you-drive applications while other organisations employ the technology for road user charging.”“One million vehicles in Italy currently carry such devices and forecasts indicate that the European market will increase tenfold by 2014.However, for our technology to work effectively, we needed a highly reliable wireless data network to carry the information between the vehicles and monitoring stations.”