- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 虚拟私有云
- 可穿戴设备 - 虚拟现实(VR)眼镜/耳机/控制器
- 城市与自治市
- 金融与保险
- 采购
- 销售与市场营销
- 库存管理
- 基于使用的保险
- 系统集成
Spring Venture Group 是一家位于密苏里州堪萨斯城的创新型保险经纪公司。该公司专门销售健康和人寿保险,包括补充医疗保险计划。通过比较 25 家不同运营商的购物计划,Spring Venture Group 能够为客户找到最佳的保单费率。该公司一直在寻找提高销售团队效率的方法,特别是通过使用销售自动化解决方案。它从多个来源产生潜在客户,包括直邮、需求生成活动、其网站,以及通过竞价从第三方供应商处购买潜在客户。
Spring Venture Group 是一家位于密苏里州堪萨斯城的领先独立保险经纪公司,该公司正在寻求提高其销售团队效率并降低每笔销售线索获取成本的方法。该公司通过各种来源(例如直邮、需求生成活动、其网站)以及通过竞价从第三方供应商处购买潜在客户来产生潜在客户。营销副总裁面临的主要挑战是确定营销所需的潜在客户数量,以推动销售,从而在不增加每次转化成本 (CPA) 的情况下实现其目标。该公司已经在使用 Salesforce 等销售自动化解决方案,但需要更有效的解决方案来管理销售转化流程。
Spring Venture Group 于 2014 年初实施了自动化销售转化管理软件 Conversica。该软件与 Salesforce 集成,并使用名为 Mary 的虚拟角色来联系、吸引和鉴定销售团队三天后无法联系到的潜在客户。五到七个表盘。一旦 Mary 收到潜在客户的意向确认,Conversica 应用程序就会向销售代理发送一封警报电子邮件,然后由销售代理跟进该热门潜在客户。代理记分卡是 Conversica 与 Salesforce 集成的一部分,可帮助管理销售团队并就哪些代理应参与特定营销活动做出明智的决策。该公司还使用 Conversica 的指标来评估潜在客户来源并确定表现最佳和最差的人员。
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Case Study
Turning A Stadium Into A Smart Building
Honeywell created what it called the “intelligent system” for the National Stadium in Beijing, China, turning the venue for the opening and closing events at the 2008 Summer Olympics into a “smart building.” Designed by highly controversial artist Ai Weiwei, the “Bird’s Nest” remains one of the most impressive feats of stadium architecture in the world. The 250,000 square meter structure housed more than 100,000 athletes and spectators at a time. To accommodate such capacity, China turned to Honeywell’s EBI Integrated Building Management System to create an integrated “intelligent system” for improved building security, safety and energy efficiency.
Case Study
Smart Street Light Network (Copenhagen)
Key stakeholders are taking a comprehensive approach to rethinking smart city innovation. City leaders have collaborated through partnerships involving government, research institutions and solution providers. The Copenhagen Solutions Lab is one of the leading organizations at the forefront of this movement. By bringing together manufacturers with municipal buyers, the Copenhagen Solutions Lab has catalyzed the development and deployment of next-generation smart city innovations. Copenhagen is leveraging this unique approach to accelerate the implementation of smart city solutions. One of the primary focus areas is LED street lighting.
Case Study
Buoy Status Monitoring with LoRa
The Netherlands are well-known for their inland waterways, canals, sluices and of course port activities. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure indicates that there are thousands of buoys and fixed items in and near water environments that would profit from IoT monitoring. One of the problems with buoys for example, is that they get hit by ships and the anchor cable breaks. Without connectivity, it takes quite some time to find out that something has happened with that buoy. Not to mention the costs of renting a boat to go to the buoy to fix it. Another important issue, is that there is no real-time monitoring of the buoys at this moment. Only by physically visiting the object on the water, one gains insight in its status.
Case Study
Barcelona Case Study
Barcelona’s heavy traffic and its associated high levels of pollution were the primary factors that motivated some companies and universities to work on strategies for improving traffic in the city centre. Bitcarrier is one of the technologies involved in the In4Mo Project, whose main objective is to develop the applications that form the core of smart mobility, one of the fundamental pillars of the smart city concept.
Case Study
China Mobile Smart Parking
Smart Parking, powered by NB-IoT technology, is making it easier for drivers to find free parking spots. Cities can better manage their parking assets and maximize the revenue available to them as a result. Drivers searching for parking create congestion and pollution by circling and hunting for available parking. Smart Parking services are able to significantly ease these problems by guiding a driver directly to a parking space.