- 功能应用 - 车队管理系统 (FMS)
- 传感器 - 全球定位系统
- 物流运输
- 采购
- 车队管理
- 车辆性能监测
- 系统集成
Life Without Barriers (LWB) 是一个非营利组织,已在全国运营超过 21 年。该组织致力于建立关系并提供支持各种弱势群体的计划。其中包括残疾人、家庭外护理的儿童和青少年、老年人、有心理健康问题的人、无家可归者以及包括难民和寻求庇护者在内的新移民。作为其运营的一部分,LWB 管理着一支由 1,130 多辆车辆组成的车队,这些车辆用于提供服务。该组织最近决定将其车队以前外包的部分纳入内部,旨在改善对其车队各个方面的控制。
Life Without Barriers (LWB) 是一家非营利组织,在管理其不断增长的车队方面面临着挑战。该组织已在全国范围内扩展了 21 年,提供各种计划来支持残疾人、家庭外护理的儿童和青少年、老年人、有心理健康问题的人、无家可归者以及包括难民和寻求庇护者在内的新移民。作为改善对其车队各方面控制的举措的一部分,LWB 决定将其车队之前外包的部分纳入内部。车队管理部将充当内部车队租赁代理,全程管理采购流程。然而,实现机队最佳效率对 LWB 来说是一项重大挑战,因为降低整个业务的非必要成本至关重要。
为了应对管理不断增长的车队的挑战,LWB 认识到需要一个强大的车队管理系统。该组织与我们合作实施我们的企业级车队管理系统 FleetWave。该系统旨在通过聚合事故信息、保险、燃油、人力资源数据、供应商、车辆制造商、维修商和 GPS 提供商等丰富来源的数据来支持 LWB。因此,我们的系统为 LWB 提供了对其 1,130 多辆车组成的车队的完整可视性。这有助于组织更有效地管理相关的业务工作流程和数据,最终增强服务交付。
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Case Study
IoT-based Fleet Intelligence Innovation
Speed to market is precious for DRVR, a rapidly growing start-up company. With a business model dependent on reliable mobile data, managers were spending their lives trying to negotiate data roaming deals with mobile network operators in different countries. And, even then, service quality was a constant concern.
Case Study
Vehicle Fleet Analytics
Organizations frequently implement a maintenance strategy for their fleets of vehicles using a combination of time and usage based maintenance schedules. While effective as a whole, time and usage based schedules do not take into account driving patterns, environmental factors, and sensors currently deployed within the vehicle measuring crank voltage, ignition voltage, and acceleration, all of which have a significant influence on the overall health of the vehicle.In a typical fleet, a large percentage of road calls are related to electrical failure, with battery failure being a common cause. Battery failures result in unmet service agreement levels and costly re-adjustment of scheduled to provide replacement vehicles. To reduce the impact of unplanned maintenance, the transportation logistics company was interested in a trial of C3 Vehicle Fleet Analytics.
Case Study
Zonar Takes the Wheel with a M2M Solution
Zonar’s fleet management solutions collect, report and analyze data before, during and after a vehicle’s trip. The company needed Machine-to-Machine (M2M) connectivity to enable communication between in-vehicle devices and back-end systems. To deliver high volumes of potentially sensitive information from and to moving vehicles – and keep pace with its rapid business growth – Zonar wanted a highly secure solution that it could easily manage and that had the required national and global reach.