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Integrify > 实例探究 > 简化运营并确保合规性:Cardinal Logistics Management 的物联网之旅

简化运营并确保合规性:Cardinal Logistics Management 的物联网之旅

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  • 网络安全和隐私 - 安全合规
  • 网络与连接 - 5G
  • 建筑物
  • 运输
  • 物流运输
  • 质量保证
  • 库存管理
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 系统集成
  • 培训
Cardinal Logistics Management, Inc. 总部位于北卡罗来纳州康科德,成立于 1981 年,最初是一家公共承运商,拥有 14 台拖拉机。 1997 年 7 月,总部位于芝加哥的私募股权公司 GTCR Golder, Rauner 从其前母公司 ABF 手中收购了 Cardinal Freight Carriers。由于专注于专业的交付和物流咨询,该公司的增长速度显着高于行业平均水平,成为《Inbound Logistics》读者评选的北美“十大物流提供商”之一。随着公司持续快速增长,在有效管理运营和确保遵守监管要求方面面临着挑战。
Cardinal Logistics Management, Inc. 是北美领先的物流提供商,在扩张过程中面临着重大的运营挑战。该公司手动处理请求或使用脱节的桌面数据库在现场地点之间进行通信的传统方法变得越来越低效和无序。每个部门都有自己的流程和首选的沟通方式,这导致混乱和低效率。该公司需要标准化和简化的流程来更好地管理工作流程、改善客户服务并持续发展。此外,当公司为未来的公开募股做准备时,它需要一个符合上市企业萨班斯-奥克斯利法案要求的系统。这包括需要验证公司各级员工的所有损益输入。
Cardinal Logistics Management 采用 Integrify 软件来实现驱动程序开发和帮助台流程的自动化。 Integrify 是一种灵活的业务流程管理工具,使公司能够自动执行请求并简化审批流程。该软件为负责处理请求、最大限度地减少数据输入并简化审批和履行请求的人员提供了表单创建、路由定义和跟踪工具。该软件基于网络,允许用户轻松访问和管理审批流程。该解决方案消除了通常与劳动密集型流程相关的问题,例如手动纸张处理和电子邮件请求,并且与纸质流程相比,可以将每笔交易的成本降低 60% 至 90%。此外,Cardinal 还添加了 Integrify 的 SOX 评估软件,以促进遵守 Sarbanes-Oxley 法规。该软件允许 Cardinal 设计、描述和发布公司政策;自动执行内部控制,创建控制活动的完整审计跟踪,并自动执行和记录风险评估。
  • The implementation of Integrify’s software led to significant operational improvements for Cardinal Logistics Management. The company saw a standardization of its processing and improved visibility into processing. Employees and managers could now quickly revise and update a process when it needed to be changed, and get instant compliance because all necessary changes were automatically made within the system. This capability, as well as the fact that fewer people were required to process requests, saved the company time and resources that could be better used to serve customers. In addition, better communication on exceptions, better documentation, and online access to case history requests improved intra-department communication and made operations run much smoother. The company was also able to run more driver applications through the system than ever before, improving the quality of the applicants they hire. The SOX Assessments tool gave Cardinal the ability to easily document and communicate policies and procedures, carry out management assessment, base its internal controls on a suitably recognized framework, automate enforcement of defined internal controls, and create a complete audit trail of transactions and control activities.
  • Cardinal’s revenues grew by 50 percent in 2004, and the company added 40 field offices to its operation.
  • The company was able to process a higher volume of driver applications (up from 2,610 in 2003 to 3,370 in 2004) and service its increased number of users in the field offices (up from 200 in 2003 to 400 in 2004) without having to add heads at its corporate office.
  • Because Integrify managed a 30 percent increase in process volume without requiring an increase in staff, Cardinal saw a savings of $30,000 in overhead.

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