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Nintex > 实例探究 > 简化金融服务流程:Sparebanken Vest 案例研究

简化金融服务流程:Sparebanken Vest 案例研究

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  • 分析与建模 - 过程分析
  • 分析与建模 - 机器人过程自动化 (RPA)
  • 建筑物
  • 金融与保险
  • 人员跟踪与监控
  • 时间敏感网络
Sparebanken Vest 是一家金融服务提供商,自 1832 年以来一直为私人和企业客户提供服务。该公司在挪威西部设有 54 家分行,拥有 800 名员工。尽管该公司历史悠久、影响范围广泛,但其各个分支机构的流程各不相同,导致员工效率低下和混乱。前台和后台职能之间缺乏分离也意味着前台员工必须执行行政任务,从而将这些任务从客户手中夺走。该公司需要一种能够简化和标准化流程、提高运营效率并增强客户服务的解决方案。
Sparebanken Vest 是一家金融服务提供商,在挪威西部拥有 54 家分支机构,拥有 800 名员工,正在应对一项重大挑战。该公司正在处理各个分支机构的不同流程,一位团队负责人指出,“做同一件事有大约 60 种不同的方法”。缺乏标准化导致效率低下和混乱,特别是对于新员工而言。此外,银行内部的前台和后台职能没有分离。结果,分行的前台工作人员不得不执行一些行政任务,这些任务占用了客户的时间。该公司还面临 Microsoft InfoPath 表单的限制,他们最初将其用作流程自动化解决方案的一部分。然而,该公司拥有不适合 InfoPath 功能的复杂架构。
Sparebanken Vest 求助于 Nintex K2 Five 来简化和标准化其分支机构的流程。该银行对多种流程自动化解决方案进行了竞争性评估,并因其与 Microsoft 解决方案的简单集成而选择了 Nintex K2 Five。已开发了 50 多个 Nintex K2 Five 解决方案,涵盖从抵押贷款和信用卡申请到地址变更请求的所有内容。该银行还决定建立一个集中的后台团队,并实施标准化、自动化的流程,以提高运营效率和客户服务。自动化流程的引入有助于减少员工,从而节省成本。所有流程都是自动化和标准化的,这对于新员工来说更加简单。该公司还用 SmartForms 取代了 Microsoft InfoPath 表单,SmartForms 更能处理复杂性并允许创建和重用模板。
  • The implementation of Nintex K2 Five has brought about significant operational improvements for Sparebanken Vest. The standardization and automation of processes have eliminated the confusion and inefficiencies that resulted from having multiple ways of doing the same thing. Managers can now use the reporting capabilities of Nintex K2 Five to see where the largest workloads are and plan internal resources accordingly. They also use reports as a coaching tool, with great success. The formal escalation procedures included in the Nintex K2 Five processes ensure that any unusual customer requirements are quickly directed to more senior staff members who can deal with them effectively. This, along with the efficiency savings of automation, helps Sparebanken Vest to deliver a prompt, responsive service for its customers. The introduction of automated processes has also allowed front-office employees to spend more time with customers, delivering a more personal service and having added opportunities to sell financial products.
  • More than 50 processes automated
  • 54 branches and offices now standardized
  • Reduction in staff leading to cost savings

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