- 功能应用 - 制造执行系统 (MES)
- 添加剂制造
- 时间敏感网络
- 系统集成
Syntax Consultancy 是英格兰中部地区最大的独立招聘咨询公司。这家位于德比的机构为 IT、工程和制造企业提供全球招聘服务。它专门将高技能候选人与有特定技术要求的组织相匹配。 2012 年,Syntax 审查了其 CRM 和业务报告解决方案,并决定两者都需要升级。该机构的旧 CRM 系统(由 Syntax IT 团队于 2004 年构建)已经无法满足其发展需求。
Syntax Consultancy 是一家位于德比的招聘机构,其旧版客户关系管理 (CRM) 系统面临着挑战。该系统由 Syntax IT 团队于 2004 年构建,已无法满足该机构不断增长的需求。该机构需要一个具有可扩展报告和分析功能的 CRM 系统。现有系统是劳动密集型的,由于人为错误导致数据不准确。这通常会导致决策基于假设而不是具体数字。该机构还花费了大量时间来关联每个招聘人员的多个电子表格。此外,事实证明,关键绩效指标(KPI)和董事会级信息的整理非常困难。
在评估了 12 种不同的软件即服务 (SaaS) 产品后,Syntax Consultancy 决定实施 Bullhorn 作为其全面的在线 CRM 和报告解决方案。这一决定受到 Bullhorn Marketplace 提供的附加报告功能的影响。 Bullhorn 的实施使 Syntax 能够提高生产力并将操作简化为单一系统和高效的工作流程。它还实现了关键任务的自动化,从而降低了错误率并将所有流程引入基于网络的系统。新系统提供了对信息的即时访问,节省了日常活动和管理的时间。它还改善了公司内部的沟通,因为新的 SaaS 解决方案使团队能够在工作地点轻松共享资源和专业知识。 Syntax 还能够集成来自 Bullhorn Marketplace 的关键报告应用程序,以衡量效率并提高数据质量。
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Case Study
Ford Motor Company on the Road to 3D Manufacturing
To date, key challenges have stood in the way of 3D printing becoming a manufacturing tool for the automaker. The first issue is a fundamental one — conventional 3D printing technologies make parts layer-by-layer, slowly crafting one layer at a time, creating parts that aren’t nearly as robust as those stamped or injection molded. While the slow speed of this process is a major drawback, the bigger problem is that the parts produced are not isotropic and not durable enough to be used in production vehicles. In addition, most parts used in vehicles today must withstand temperature extremes from the hottest desert to the coldest Arctic environments and still maintain their integrity. With only a handful of stock materials available for 3D printers, meeting the automaker’s unique demands has not been possible.

Case Study
Bekaert's Journey to Manufacturing Digitalization with TCS
Bekaert, a major player in the steel wire industry, was facing significant challenges in its manufacturing operations due to outdated data platforms. The company was unable to trace genealogy beyond a week's data and lacked diagnostic analysis of plant operations, which severely hampered decision-making. The absence of automation in benchmarking operations and extensive reporting on plant management further complicated the situation. To enhance efficiency and effectiveness in multiple focus areas, Bekaert needed a modern data platform capable of managing large volumes of data and generating actionable insights. The company aimed to drive quality, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and plant productivity based on these insights.

Case Study
3D Printed Prototypes Streamline Equipment Introduction
Vauxhall set out to introduce a modified process hanger with a new part that would be used to support each vehicle body throughout the production process. This part is a critical piece and had to perfectly fit both the machinery and the auto body to create correct clearances and avoid damage during production.

Case Study
Centralizing Data for Improved Efficiency: A Case Study on Malvern Panalytical
Malvern Panalytical, a UK-based hi-tech electronics company, was grappling with the challenge of decentralized data storage. The company had a vast amount of unstructured data scattered across various platforms, from hard drives to emails and floppy disks. This made the data searching process extremely cumbersome and inefficient. The company's rapid growth, from 200 to over 1,000 employees in a decade, and expansion across three continents further exacerbated the need for a more structured and centralized data system. As a company involved in electronics manufacturing and software development, it was crucial for Malvern Panalytical to find a platform that could structure all their data, track all modifications of documents in real time, and provide clear visibility of the internal information flow across all its facilities.