- 分析与建模 - 过程分析
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 消费品
- 矿业
- 采购
- 质量保证
- 租赁金融自动化
- 物料搬运自动化
- 系统集成
Alicorp 是拉丁美洲领先的食品加工公司,成立于 1900 年。该公司最初是一家油和肥皂生产商,后来发展成为消费品市场的巨头。 Alicorp 拥有超过 150 个自有品牌和四个成熟的业务线。这家总部位于秘鲁的公司在 9 个不同国家拥有超过 12,000 名员工,仅 2020 年就实现了 30 亿美元的收入。 Alicorp 多年来的加速增长是通过努力工作、有机增长和战略收购实现的,使其成为拉丁美洲家喻户晓的品牌和快速增长的全球巨头。
Alicorp 是拉丁美洲领先的食品加工公司,其雄心勃勃的 2025 年路线图面临着多项挑战。该公司需要统一其四个复杂业务线的技术和流程。所有地区和子公司都需要流程标准化和自动化。然而,Alicorp 一直面临内部和外部流程可视性缺乏的问题。该公司还发现,找到一个可以与其新的 SAP 迁移集成的开放式流程管理平台具有挑战性。该公司多年来的加速增长导致了运营的复杂性,不同的技术解决方案解决了当地的问题,新的应用程序服务于全球客户,以及大量收购后的系统合并。
Alicorp 向 Software AG 的 ARIS Enterprise 寻求解决方案。 ARIS 提供了一个强大的业务流程管理平台,工程师、设计师、建筑师和战略供应商可以使用连接的用户界面进行协作。 Alicorp 能够建立一个关于角色、职责和层次结构的明确的流程治理系统。该公司可以通过流程挖掘功能来管理绩效,并根据战略 KPI 优化流程。 ARIS 还提供了管理运营风险和合规性的能力。该平台通过 HTTP 访问与 Alicorp 的 SAP 解决方案管理器 (SolMan) 无缝集成,从而能够在不到两年的时间内完成母公司 Alicorp 业务的全面迁移,涵盖所有流程。所有 500 名用户现在都在积极使用 ARIS,分享有关公司和客户旅程的单点事实。
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Case Study
Improving Vending Machine Profitability with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The vending industry is undergoing a sea change, taking advantage of new technologies to go beyond just delivering snacks to creating a new retail location. Intelligent vending machines can be found in many public locations as well as company facilities, selling different types of goods and services, including even computer accessories, gold bars, tickets, and office supplies. With increasing sophistication, they may also provide time- and location-based data pertaining to sales, inventory, and customer preferences. But at the end of the day, vending machine operators know greater profitability is driven by higher sales and lower operating costs.

Case Study
Underground Mining Safety
The goal was to produce a safety system to monitor and support underground mining operations; existing systems were either too simple (i.e. phone line) or overly complex and expensive, inhibiting deployment, and providing little-to-no support in event of an accident. Given the dangerous nature of the mining work environment and the strict regulations placed on the industry, the solution would have to comply with Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations. Yet the product needed to allow for simple deployment to truly be a groundbreaking solution - increasing miner safety and changing daily operations for the better.

Case Study
Series Production with Lot-size-1 Flexibility
Nobilia manufactures customized fitted kitchens with a lot size of 1. They require maximum transparency of tracking design data and individual processing steps so that they can locate a particular piece of kitchen furniture in the sequence of processes.

Case Study
Mining Firm Quadruples Production, with Internet of Everything
Dundee Precious Metal’s flagship mine, in Chelopech, Bulgaria, produces a gold, copper, and silver concentrate set a goal to increase production by 30%. Dundee wanted to increase production quality and output without increasing headcount and resources, improve miner safety, and minimize cost.