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301 实例探究
Coca-Cola Refreshments, U.S. - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Coca-Cola Refreshments 在零售场所拥有并管理 Coca-Cola 品牌的冰箱。旧系统用于通过登录到多台服务器来定位设备信息,这需要长达 8 小时才能更新 30-40 台设备的信息。该公司无法全面了解设备状态或维护历史。
PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
制造商正确地专注于提高利润率和增加收入。吸引新客户、销售更多产品和精益实践会有所帮助。然而,随着设备复杂性的提高,设备监控能力也随之提高。制造商现在可以从维护服务中获得收入。预防性维护有其优势,但要真正延长正常运行时间并保持服务水平,就需要预测性维护。无缝的 IoT 和机器传感器数据集成以及低延迟消息传递骨干对于可扩展、快速和可靠的传输至关重要。以亚秒级的速度提供潜在的大量数据是下游活动的关键。 webMethods Integration 以通用消息传递为特色,通过企业级服务总线满足了这一需求,用于机器数据的连接、消息传递、转换和安全性,以进行高级实时分析。
Software AG - Market Operator Enhances Australia Energy Future - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Software AG - 市场运营商增强澳大利亚能源的未来
AEMO 需要对 Gas FRC Hub 进行现代化改造,使其成为澳大利亚天然气零售市场的 B2B 平台,并提供一个可靠的 B2B 平台,该平台可以扩展以支持在新南威尔士州 (NSW) 采用 B2B 程序。
Setting a New Pace for Increased Competitive Advantage - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
富士通需要一种能够为用户界面提供更大灵活性、促进改进其 24/7 支持、加快客户加入并提高成本效率的解决方案。由于苛刻的服务水平协议 (SLA) 和高额罚款,富士通还需要在整个过渡过程中持续可用。
Scalable IoT Empowering GreenFlex's Sustainable Growth - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
GreenFlex 帮助公司和地区加速其可持续发展、脱碳和能源效率计划。为了将能源和低碳绩效项目变为现实,GreenFlex 设计并实施了切实可行的解决方案,以减少客户的能源使用,同时提高绩效。该公司的战略是集成分布式工业物联网传感器来测量和控制能源设备。 GreenFlexIQ 是该公司用于管理行动计划的数字平台,是其成功的关键因素。 GreenFlexIQ 的功能涵盖分析、远程监控和控制,可帮助项目实现效率目标并节省成本。部署可持续且强大的物联网技术以支持业务增长以安全、可靠的方式监控客户现场的设备跨一系列通信协议集成设备收集数据并根据数据采取行动以实现效率目标
Accelerating Enterprise Digitalization: Deutsche Telekom’s Cloud of Things IoT Platform - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
德国电信认识到其客户,包括 Dürkopp Adler、Deutsche Afrika Linien、HUBTEX 和 Definitiv,需要进行业务转型以保持全球竞争力和创新性。与企业客户的现有关系和专注于简化物联网采用为德国电信使其企业客户能够轻松有效地实施端到端物联网解决方案铺平了道路。
Optimizing Business Operations with IoT: A Compilation of Case Studies - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
为了进一步取悦 Nespresso 客户,Lyreco 为 Nespresso 咖啡和咖啡机采用了 Cumulocity VendMe 解决方案。该物联网解决方案有助于从自动售货机以及库存和运营管理应用程序中收集数据,所有这些都由 Cumulocity 物联网平台提供支持。完整的 Cumulocity IoT 解决方案为 Lyreco 提供了实时库存和销售分析、Lyreco 机器操作的独特配置、一套库存级业务规则以及与 Lyreco 业务系统的集成。
Optimizing Business Operations with IoT: A Compilation of Case Studies - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Gardner Denver 的客户依赖于其工业设备的持续运行。消除停机时间是最终目标。 Gardner Denver 寻求一种经济高效的方法来提高机器质量并减少停机时间。该公司通过强大的全球合作伙伴和分销商销售其设备。它需要一种方法来从其机器中捕获操作信息,并将其提供给最适合支持其客户的组织。每个合作伙伴和分销商都拥有其客户的所有权,并为其设备的质量性能感到自豪。每个合作伙伴和分销商提供安全和独特的解决方案对于确保高性能机器至关重要。
Saudi Telecom Company‘S SOA Journey - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Saudi Telecom Company‘S SOA Journey
STC, the major provider of telecommunication services in Saudi Arabia, was facing a rapidly changing business environment characterized by volatility and the need for new and innovative business models. Globalization was impacting the telecom industry as a whole and, in addition, technologies were converging, customers were becoming more highly educated and expressed demands that were both increasing in scope and diversity. Telecom companies, therefore, needed to invest in new and rapidly evolving technologies while at the same time deal with the commoditization of their products and services. Customer volatility and regulatory pressures were also compounding this competitive situation. Winning and retaining customers today is about service excellence and as prices point are lowered so are the entry points into these industries by competitors. To combat this, telecom enterprises are shifting their focus from growth to efficiency.
Cargolux Takes Off into A Successful Future - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Cargolux Takes Off into A Successful Future
Cargolux Airlines S.A. was in a strong market position with impressive sales and constant profit figures when the top management decided to run a “health check” on the company’s processes. Management perceived inefficiencies with the organization and IT spending was not optimized to support it. “In addition, management felt that internal groups sometimes had different versions of the truth and decision makers were having trouble gathering the information they needed in a timely manner. Finally, over time each business unit had started to run their own systems and created databases that sometimes competed with each other. The risk of duplicated and unclear ownership of tasks had become too high.” Cargolux started to look for a way to streamline its processes and provide the foundation for creating a service-oriented systems architecture.
CENIBRA: Achieving Sustainable Growth through SAP Process Transformation - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
CENIBRA:通过 SAP 流程转型实现可持续增长
CENIBRA 是巴西漂白桉木浆的主要生产商,面临着多项挑战。该公司希望从其传统 ERP 系统过渡到 SAP S/4HANA,但在建立 SAP 标准以节省时间和金钱方面遇到了困难。该公司还缺乏复杂的供应链管理流程的清晰度,并且正在努力建立单一的事实来源。业务和 IT 之间存在不一致,并且需要对公司的林业流程周期进行控制和安全。不断增长的市场需求和 IT 系统现代化的需求清楚地表明该公司未能跟上步伐。升级到 SAP S/4HANA 是迈向现代 IT 基础设施的必要步骤,但在升级过程中存在循环中断的风险。
BOK Financial Saves Millions of Dollars A Year with Paperless Check Processing - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
BOK Financial Saves Millions of Dollars A Year with Paperless Check Processing
The Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act became U.S. law in 2004 so banks could process more checks electronically. Before this act, banks had to physically transport paper checks from where they were deposited to the bank that paid them. Now, instead, banks can process checks faster and more efficiently using digital images. BOK Financial saw this as a business opportunity to gain efficiency. However, the process of integrating the digital check processing system was complex due to the numerous back-end operational systems involved in depositing, validating, and handling errors and closed accounts.
Taxes Collected 80% Faster with Software AG Solution - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Taxes Collected 80% Faster with Software AG Solution
The Department of the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has three main applications for the collection and management of taxes: ARBITRIOS for the calculation of taxes, PRITAS for the management of corporate taxes and REFO for processing individual taxes. The challenge is to provide a single view of the taxpayer through a Web portal that integrates data from all three main systems. The Treasury Department was looking for the tools to carry out an application integration, which would allow the agency to have a single view of the taxpayer through a Web portal. This new integration platform was also needed to provide higher efficiency in managing department records. The solution would have to maintain and improve existing investments, re-using the Natural and COBOL application code. The solution also would need to support a technological evolution—rather than a revolution that would completely alter existing IT assets.
Bossini Advances Its Supply Chain Strategy with the Webmethods ESB - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Bossini Advances Its Supply Chain Strategy with the Webmethods ESB
To keep ahead in the fast-moving fashion industry, Bossini wanted to have better visibility into its business and operational processes by synchronizing real-time data across multiple orders, shipments and stock-keeping units (SKUs). However, the data resided in a number of systems, from point-of-sale (POS) solutions to Bossini’s warehouse management inventory. In order to achieve its goals, Bossini had to integrate a series of platforms including the old and new versions of its Oracle application and the company’s legacy platform. During the transition from legacy system to SOA, the company’s different platforms had to be integrated. Other applications like the company’s new POS system had to be connected not only to its new Warehouse Management System (WMS), but also to the old POS because the company was still in the midst of systems migration.
Water companies detect leaks, reduce costs with Telstra & Software AG - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Water companies detect leaks, reduce costs with Telstra & Software AG
Water leaks, poor metering, and tampering of water supplies are leading to wastage and shortages worldwide. In Australia, one of the world’s driest countries, every drop matters even more. The Goldfields pipeline, a 600-kilometer pipeline that sends water from Perth to 100,000 people around Western Australia, is suffering from endemic leaks and burst pipelines. The World Bank estimates that more than 126 million cubic meters of water is lost each year globally—at a cost of over $40 billion. As a utility, if you cannot rein in leaks and control the flow, quality and reliability of your supplies, you are at risk of penalties, fines and—even worse—reputational damage leading to loss of business.
Re-Engineered Business Processes Improve Internal Control Auditing - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Re-Engineered Business Processes Improve Internal Control Auditing
Poste Italiane operates across many lines of business, including postal, banking, insurance and financial services. As a result, this diverse enterprise is subject to many different laws and regulations. The company is also widespread with 154,000 employees in 14,000 offices and 16 subsidiaries. This is why a traditional audit approach based on simple testing for each subsidiary or location simply wouldn’t work. As a diverse enterprise, Poste Italiane has to comply with a wide range of laws and regulations issued by the European Union, the Italian Parliament and other authorities. Because of these different regulations— combined with the company’s dispersed structure—Poste Italiane was unable to use a traditional audit procedure based on testing. Instead, Poste Italiane opted for an integrated and methodical approach focused on control design and system reliability.
Baker Hughes Drills into Webmethods to Reduce Process Time and Costs - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Baker Hughes Drills into Webmethods to Reduce Process Time and Costs
Baker Hughes, a top-tier oilfield service company, wanted to optimize its Procure-to-Pay (P2P) process to improve invoice accuracy, minimize delivery delays, and reduce late payments. The company needed a world-class Business Process Management (BPM) solution to increase process agility, visibility, and control. The company was looking for a solution that could provide real-time metrics and alerts for process abnormalities, reduce invoice errors and payment delinquency rates, and save costs on every invoice.
Unifying Process Architecture: Alicorp's Journey with ARIS - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
统一流程架构:Alicorp 的 ARIS 之旅
Alicorp 是拉丁美洲领先的食品加工公司,其雄心勃勃的 2025 年路线图面临着多项挑战。该公司需要统一其四个复杂业务线的技术和流程。所有地区和子公司都需要流程标准化和自动化。然而,Alicorp 一直面临内部和外部流程可视性缺乏的问题。该公司还发现,找到一个可以与其新的 SAP 迁移集成的开放式流程管理平台具有挑战性。该公司多年来的加速增长导致了运营的复杂性,不同的技术解决方案解决了当地的问题,新的应用程序服务于全球客户,以及大量收购后的系统合并。
Advanced Analytics for the Factory of the Future: A Case Study on Ashland Manufacturing - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Ashland Manufacturing 是一家价值 50 亿美元的美国特种化学品解决方案提供商,面临着一系列挑战。该公司正将业务重心从建筑材料转向药品,这一转变带来了新的挑战。这种转变需要更高的附加值、更低的产品吞吐量以及对生产流程的更多控制。该公司还面临着看似“无法解决”的生产问题,以及提高运营效率以提高质量和盈利能力的需求。还面临着提高良好生产规范 (GMP) 生产量的压力。此外,该公司必须适应与药品质量相关的严格 GMP 标准的新领域。
Australian Unity: Enhancing Customer Wellbeing through Open Integration and API Management - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Australian Unity:通过开放集成和 API 管理增强客户福祉
Australian Unity 是一家领先的健康、财富和护理产品及服务提供商,面临着多项挑战。该公司接到指令,将关键的本地应用程序迁移到云端。他们还需要在其复杂、多样化的业务组合中提供单一的事实来源。该公司希望实现复杂的会员规则流程自动化,并感受到在整个企业内实现安全文件传输的压力。该公司的产品和服务多种多样,因此需要对 IT 进行投资,以便为客户和会员提供重要的服务。 Australian Unity 需要一种解决方案,能够解锁众多遗留系统中孤岛中的数据,并将其连接起来以释放其真正价值。
Autosen's Innovative Sensor-to-Cloud Solution: A Case Study - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Autosen 创新的传感器到云解决方案:案例研究
Autosen 是一家传感器和自动化解决方案在线销售平台,在实现中小企业和工业部门数字化的过程中面临着多项挑战。该公司的目标是创建一个快速、简单且经济高效的传感器到云流程。他们希望让所有行业都能进入工业物联网 (IIoT),并提供新的数字业务模式。此外,他们还寻求扩大云中传感器数据的潜力。将传感器数据传输到云端的传统方法成本高昂,需要大量的技术工作,给许多工业公司带来了巨大的困境。
AXA Cooperative Insurance's API-led Transformation with webMethods - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
AXA Cooperative Insurance 通过 webMethods 进行 API 主导的转型
AXA 合作保险是 AXA 集团的子公司,也是沙特阿拉伯最大的保险提供商之一,面临着多项挑战。该公司正在应对雄心勃勃的后端转型、监管机构不断增长的需求、竞争日益激烈的保险市场以及需要现代化的遗留集成系统。该公司的成功越来越依赖于其利用数据立即为新客户生成报价并遵守日益严格的法规的能力。然而,其 IT 系统无法胜任这项任务。复杂且不断增长的应用程序环境几乎是由严格的点对点连接网络维系在一起的。旧应用程序经常因缺乏维护而宕机,而新应用程序缺乏以安全、高效的方式与行业合作伙伴共享数据的能力。此外,AXA的数据甚至没有存储在国内,而是分散在迪拜、西班牙和法国的服务器上。
Digital Transformation of Microfinance: A Case Study of Bank Rakyat Indonesia - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
印度尼西亚人民银行 (BRI) 是印度尼西亚最大的国家银行和全球最大的小额信贷机构,在实现交易数字化和满足快速变化的客户需求方面面临着多项挑战。该银行的复杂架构包括 200 多个不同的系统和多个中间件平台,这使得集成、操作和监控新应用程序变得困难。这种复杂性也阻碍了银行将新服务快速推向市场的能力。此外,“一带一路”倡议需要降低小额、短期贷款的成本,这是其小额信贷产品的关键组成部分。该银行现有的技术能力和性能有限,无法支持其新的数字银行计划。
Revolutionizing Process Management in Real Estate and Medical Equipment Industry: A Case Study of Sichuan Languang Development Co., Ltd. (BRC) - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
四川澜光发展股份有限公司 (BRC) 是一家拥有 20,000 多名员工和 390 多家企业的公司,在管理其庞大的文档方面面临着巨大的挑战。该公司有 8000 多个有关系统、流程、规范和指南的文档未及时更新。缺乏组织和及时更新影响了系统的实施,影响了工人的效率。此外,由于培训材料分散且无组织,培训新员工是一个耗时的过程。公司需要协调多个部门业务人员的参与,难以控制。这通常会导致新员工感到困惑和起步缓慢。
Carnival Cruise Line: Enhancing Customer Experience through IoT Integration - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
嘉年华游轮公司是一家全球领先的游轮公司,在管理其全球旅行合作伙伴与预订系统的集成以及船上服务合作伙伴与船上物业管理和 POS 系统的集成方面面临着多项挑战。该公司还在巡航前从岸到船以及巡航后从船到岸同步数据方面遇到了困难。需要解耦和授权集成以最大限度地缩短周转时间也是一个重大挑战。该公司的运营跨越多个托管环境、应用程序和平台,使得集成过程变得复杂。该公司还面临着独特的海事挑战,例如昂贵且不太可靠的卫星连接,这要求船舶作为自主 IT 中心运行。
Unleashing Unlimited Agility with APIs and Integration: A Case Study on Clal Insurance - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
通过 API 和集成释放无限敏捷性:Clal Insurance 案例研究
Clal Insurance 是以色列领先的保险和养老金公司,面临着诸多挑战。由于旨在扰乱市场的新保险科技初创公司的涌入,以色列的保险业竞争变得异常激烈。这使得拥有 34 年行业经验的 Clal 需要快速做出反应才能超越这些初创公司,而旧系统中存在大量数据,因此这项任务变得非常困难。此外,克拉尔还应对全球金融危机、监管环境的剧烈变化以及低至零利率的挑战。该公司还面临着手动申请、不断增加的 SLA 合规风险以及不断上升的业务成本。为了保持竞争力并满足 SLA 要求,Clal 需要创新并适应这些不断变化的市场条件。
Empowering Choice for Disabled Individuals: A Digital Transformation Journey - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
澳大利亚政府委员会 (COAG) 于 2011 年对澳大利亚各地的残疾人服务提供进行了改革,形成了一个高绩效组织,为两个地区和六个州的近 467,000 名受影响人士提供个性化服务。然而,该组织面临着一些挑战。缺乏数字化流程文档,并且六个州的流程各不相同。 IT 部门面临着建立适合新目的的流程架构的压力。需要提高和扩展流程效率,但由于缺乏当前状态的可见性而无法定义未来状态是一个重大障碍。该组织还需要关注更好的客户体验的业务需求。
Driving Social Action Through Integration: The Case of Seine-Maritime Department - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
IIoT Analytics Revolutionizing the Automotive Painting Industry: A Case Study on Dürr - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
IIoT 分析彻底改变汽车涂装行业:杜尔案例研究
杜尔是一家领先的机械和设备工程公司,在运营中面临着多项挑战。该公司面临着满足客户对生产数据安全监控和自助预测维护功能的需求的压力。还需要避免由材料或设备磨损引起的涂装故障。杜尔还努力应对日益增长的 ESG 要求,以减少能源使用和排放。该公司正处于从传统制造向数字化业务转型的过程中,这也带来了一系列挑战。
Dürr Group's Infrastructure Integration with webMethods: A Case Study - Software AG Industrial IoT Case Study
Dürr 集团与 webMethods 的基础设施集成:案例研究
Dürr Group 是一家领先的机械和设备工程公司,在使其 IT 与全公司 OneDürrGroup 战略保持一致时面临着多项挑战。该公司的持续扩张和多样化的客户群导致了复杂的 IT 基础设施,其特点是不同的集成解决方案和混合应用程序环境。该公司的目标是在所有地点和部门实施其 OneDürrGroup 战略,这自然影响了其自身的 IT。多样化的解决方案——本地、集成平台即服务 (iPaaS) 和软件即服务——意味着更多的成本和精力,并且需要更多不同技术方面的专业知识,以及大量冗余接口。该公司相信,集成架构可以仅在人力资源领域实现显着的精简。


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