- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据可视化
- 功能应用 - 企业资源规划系统 (ERP)
- 库存管理
- 时间敏感网络
- 系统集成
USU 是欧洲领先的 IT 和知识管理软件供应商。该公司总部位于德国莫格林根,为世界各地各行各业的公司提供屡获殊荣的软件解决方案,以实现服务和支持流程的自动化。 USU 的目标是通过增强其软件解决方案的内置分析功能,为其客户提供更大的价值。该公司致力于帮助客户的业务用户无需技术专家的帮助即可构建报告和可视化。
USU 是欧洲最大的 IT 和知识管理软件供应商之一,希望通过改进其内置分析功能来增强其软件解决方案。该公司的目标是提供更灵活的报告和可视化,以支持按需的临时分析和流程绩效预测。他们希望通过使客户的业务用户能够构建这些报告和可视化而无需技术专家的帮助来增强他们的能力。关键的挑战是从单一供应商那里找到全面的数据集成、数据分析和前端数据可视化解决方案,并且可以轻松集成到其软件产品组合中。
经过彻底的供应商评估流程后,USU 选择 Hitachi Vantara 的 Pentaho 套件作为其新分析功能的基础。 USU 选择 Pentaho Data Integration 作为其后端提取、转换、加载 (ETL) 工具,并选择 Pentaho Business Analytics 来支持临时分析和报告。 USU 与 Hitachi Vantara 合作,将 Pentaho 套件的高级分析功能集成到其用于 IT 和企业服务管理的 USU 分析解决方案中。 USU 利用其在 IT 服务管理最佳实践和标准(例如 ITIL v3、COBIT 和 ISO 20000)方面的经验和深入知识,确保捕获所有相关信息。业务流程性能的重要指标包括周期时间、创建的支持票证数量、响应时间、解决方案时间和错误频率。与 Pentaho Business Analytics 的无缝集成让客户可以近乎实时地监控和分析这些指标。
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Case Study
Hospital Inventory Management
The hospital supply chain team is responsible for ensuring that the right medical supplies are readily available to clinicians when and where needed, and to do so in the most efficient manner possible. However, many of the systems and processes in use at the cancer center for supply chain management were not best suited to support these goals. Barcoding technology, a commonly used method for inventory management of medical supplies, is labor intensive, time consuming, does not provide real-time visibility into inventory levels and can be prone to error. Consequently, the lack of accurate and real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple supply rooms in multiple hospital facilities creates additional inefficiency in the system causing over-ordering, hoarding, and wasted supplies. Other sources of waste and cost were also identified as candidates for improvement. Existing systems and processes did not provide adequate security for high-cost inventory within the hospital, which was another driver of cost. A lack of visibility into expiration dates for supplies resulted in supplies being wasted due to past expiry dates. Storage of supplies was also a key consideration given the location of the cancer center’s facilities in a dense urban setting, where space is always at a premium. In order to address the challenges outlined above, the hospital sought a solution that would provide real-time inventory information with high levels of accuracy, reduce the level of manual effort required and enable data driven decision making to ensure that the right supplies were readily available to clinicians in the right location at the right time.
Case Study
Hardware Retailer Uses Data Warehouse to Track Inventory
Ace tracked which products retailers ordered, when they were ordered and shipped. However, the company could not track or forecast actual sales. Data used for reporting was up to a one-week old, owing to performance and data cleansing issues. Requirement to integrate wholesale and inventory data with POS data to help drive key business decisions, improve category management, lower inventory costs and optimize pricing. Reliance on custom coding to integrate POS data was excessively resource intensive and led to major performance constraints.
Case Study
Remake Enterprise-to-production System
The client was running a legacy material flow tracking system and wanted to replace the system with a more effective one as the system was increasingly expensive to maintain and support and also was not extendable. The client's IT landscape was filled with modern applications and it was difficult to interface the material flow tracking system with modern applications.