- America
- United States
- Canada
- Domo
- Mobile Data Access
- Data Visualization
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Brand Awareness
- Customer Satisfaction
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据可视化
- 食品与饮料
- 城市与自治市
- 商业运营
- 销售与市场营销
- 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
- 数据科学服务
- 系统集成
马克·布兰德是一名厨师、教授和社会影响企业家,他领导倡导计划,通过有意义的工作和创新帮助边缘化人群重新融入社会。他经营多家企业和倡导计划,所有目标都是帮助消除全世界的孤立和贫困。他的一家企业 Save On Meats 是温哥华的一家餐馆,它有一个计划,有需要的人可以用塑料代币换取三明治。自 2012 年推出以来,Save on Meats 通过其餐饮计划为社区提供了超过 200 万份餐食。马克的愿景是扩大他的倡导计划,他一直在寻找更有效、更高效地运营核心业务的方法,以便他可以将更多的时间集中在扩大他的愿景上。
马克·布兰德是一名厨师、教授和社会影响力企业家,他经营着多家企业和倡导项目,旨在帮助边缘化人群重新融入社会。他的餐厅 Save On Meats 有一个项目,有需要的人可以用塑料代币换取一个三明治。自 2012 年启动以来,该项目已为社区提供了超过 200 万份餐食。然而,由于有太多项目让他的时间紧张,马克需要一种更有效、更高效地运营核心业务的方法,以便他可以更专注于拓展自己的愿景。他需要一个移动优先的解决方案来访问他所需要的统计数据和证据,以支持他的变革呼吁。他还需要实时查看他的 Save On Meats 业务的进展情况,包括餐厅盈利能力指标(从收入到运营成本),以及所有这些对利润的影响。
马克转向了 Domo,这是一种移动优先的解决方案,可让他轻松地从任何地方连接和转换数据。Domo 将无家可归者数据提取到仪表板中,以便马克以前所未有的方式查看和交互。由于 Domo 是实时和移动优先的,因此马克可以随时随地查看其业务中发生的一切。除了实时业务洞察之外,马克还可以访问来自数十个来源的信息,Domo 已将这些信息可视化,以便他可以将其展示给其他人,从而推动更具影响力的变革。Domo 直接与 Save On Meat 核心运营软件的供应商 Profitek 合作,在他们的数据和 Domo 之间建立直接连接。然后,Domo 为 Save On Meats 餐厅构建了一个财务仪表板,用于更新他们所有的销售点信息以及库存、收入和劳动力成本数据。
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Case Study
Turning A Stadium Into A Smart Building
Honeywell created what it called the “intelligent system” for the National Stadium in Beijing, China, turning the venue for the opening and closing events at the 2008 Summer Olympics into a “smart building.” Designed by highly controversial artist Ai Weiwei, the “Bird’s Nest” remains one of the most impressive feats of stadium architecture in the world. The 250,000 square meter structure housed more than 100,000 athletes and spectators at a time. To accommodate such capacity, China turned to Honeywell’s EBI Integrated Building Management System to create an integrated “intelligent system” for improved building security, safety and energy efficiency.
Case Study
The Kellogg Company
Kellogg keeps a close eye on its trade spend, analyzing large volumes of data and running complex simulations to predict which promotional activities will be the most effective. Kellogg needed to decrease the trade spend but its traditional relational database on premises could not keep up with the pace of demand.
Case Study
Smart Street Light Network (Copenhagen)
Key stakeholders are taking a comprehensive approach to rethinking smart city innovation. City leaders have collaborated through partnerships involving government, research institutions and solution providers. The Copenhagen Solutions Lab is one of the leading organizations at the forefront of this movement. By bringing together manufacturers with municipal buyers, the Copenhagen Solutions Lab has catalyzed the development and deployment of next-generation smart city innovations. Copenhagen is leveraging this unique approach to accelerate the implementation of smart city solutions. One of the primary focus areas is LED street lighting.
Case Study
HEINEKEN Uses the Cloud to Reach 10.5 Million Consumers
For 2012 campaign, the Bond promotion, it planned to launch the campaign at the same time everywhere on the planet. That created unprecedented challenges for HEINEKEN—nowhere more so than in its technology operation. The primary digital content for the campaign was a 100-megabyte movie that had to play flawlessly for millions of viewers worldwide. After all, Bond never fails. No one was going to tolerate a technology failure that might bruise his brand.Previously, HEINEKEN had supported digital media at its outsourced datacenter. But that datacenter lacked the computing resources HEINEKEN needed, and building them—especially to support peak traffic that would total millions of simultaneous hits—would have been both time-consuming and expensive. Nor would it have provided the geographic reach that HEINEKEN needed to minimize latency worldwide.
Case Study
Buoy Status Monitoring with LoRa
The Netherlands are well-known for their inland waterways, canals, sluices and of course port activities. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure indicates that there are thousands of buoys and fixed items in and near water environments that would profit from IoT monitoring. One of the problems with buoys for example, is that they get hit by ships and the anchor cable breaks. Without connectivity, it takes quite some time to find out that something has happened with that buoy. Not to mention the costs of renting a boat to go to the buoy to fix it. Another important issue, is that there is no real-time monitoring of the buoys at this moment. Only by physically visiting the object on the water, one gains insight in its status.