- 分析与建模 - 机器学习
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 事件驱动型应用
- 食品与饮料
- 医疗保健和医院
- 现场人员安全管理
- 篡改检测
- 系统集成
Yuka 是一款移动应用程序,允许用户扫描食品和化妆品以了解产品的相关健康影响。该应用程序使用 OCR 和机器学习从上传的成分列表图像中提取数据,如果是食品,则从营养表中提取数据。然后,该信息用于计算给定产品的健康评分。 Yuka 的数据库内容广泛,包含超过 400 万种产品,并且还在快速增长,每天新增约 1,200 种新产品。该公司的目标是实时提供新产品对健康的影响,或者在产品添加到数据库后 2-3 小时内提供。
Yuka 是一款提供食品和化妆品对健康影响信息的移动应用程序,在管理其快速增长的数据库方面面临着重大挑战。该数据库已包含超过 400 万种产品,并以每天约 1,200 种新产品的速度扩展。 Yuka 的小团队无法手动审查添加到平台的每个新产品,这个过程通常需要多个转录任务。该应用程序最初使用 OCR 扫描产品图像以获取营养信息和成分,但此过程并不总是准确的。 OCR 难以处理光照不一致、障碍物或不规则文本表面的图像。结果,提交给 Yuka 的大约 60% 的图像需要外包给人工注释者。对于 Yuka 的小团队来说,这是一项艰巨的任务,特别是考虑到他们的目标是在产品添加到数据库后 2-3 小时内提供产品的健康评分。
Yuka 求助于 Scale Rapid 来克服快速准确转录产品信息的挑战。当 OCR 无法在图像上实现足够的检测率时,Yuka 将图像发送到 Scale Rapid,由人工注释者进行手动转录。 Yuka 通常每天向 Scale Rapid 发送数百或数千张此类图像。返回转录数据后,Yuka 将文本与现有的已知成分和营养信息词典进行比较。如果错误率足够低,该产品就会被集成到他们的数据库中并计算健康评级。 Scale Rapid 在短时间内处理大量数据的能力对于 Yuka 来说至关重要。该服务始终如一地在每次请求的 2-3 小时内以多种语言提供准确的转录,包括英语、法语、德语、意大利语和西班牙语。
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Case Study
The Kellogg Company
Kellogg keeps a close eye on its trade spend, analyzing large volumes of data and running complex simulations to predict which promotional activities will be the most effective. Kellogg needed to decrease the trade spend but its traditional relational database on premises could not keep up with the pace of demand.

Case Study
HEINEKEN Uses the Cloud to Reach 10.5 Million Consumers
For 2012 campaign, the Bond promotion, it planned to launch the campaign at the same time everywhere on the planet. That created unprecedented challenges for HEINEKEN—nowhere more so than in its technology operation. The primary digital content for the campaign was a 100-megabyte movie that had to play flawlessly for millions of viewers worldwide. After all, Bond never fails. No one was going to tolerate a technology failure that might bruise his brand.Previously, HEINEKEN had supported digital media at its outsourced datacenter. But that datacenter lacked the computing resources HEINEKEN needed, and building them—especially to support peak traffic that would total millions of simultaneous hits—would have been both time-consuming and expensive. Nor would it have provided the geographic reach that HEINEKEN needed to minimize latency worldwide.

Case Study
Hospital Inventory Management
The hospital supply chain team is responsible for ensuring that the right medical supplies are readily available to clinicians when and where needed, and to do so in the most efficient manner possible. However, many of the systems and processes in use at the cancer center for supply chain management were not best suited to support these goals. Barcoding technology, a commonly used method for inventory management of medical supplies, is labor intensive, time consuming, does not provide real-time visibility into inventory levels and can be prone to error. Consequently, the lack of accurate and real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple supply rooms in multiple hospital facilities creates additional inefficiency in the system causing over-ordering, hoarding, and wasted supplies. Other sources of waste and cost were also identified as candidates for improvement. Existing systems and processes did not provide adequate security for high-cost inventory within the hospital, which was another driver of cost. A lack of visibility into expiration dates for supplies resulted in supplies being wasted due to past expiry dates. Storage of supplies was also a key consideration given the location of the cancer center’s facilities in a dense urban setting, where space is always at a premium. In order to address the challenges outlined above, the hospital sought a solution that would provide real-time inventory information with high levels of accuracy, reduce the level of manual effort required and enable data driven decision making to ensure that the right supplies were readily available to clinicians in the right location at the right time.

Case Study
Gas Pipeline Monitoring System for Hospitals
This system integrator focuses on providing centralized gas pipeline monitoring systems for hospitals. The service they provide makes it possible for hospitals to reduce both maintenance and labor costs. Since hospitals may not have an existing network suitable for this type of system, GPRS communication provides an easy and ready-to-use solution for remote, distributed monitoring systems System Requirements - GPRS communication - Seamless connection with SCADA software - Simple, front-end control capability - Expandable I/O channels - Combine AI, DI, and DO channels

Case Study
Energy Management System at Sugar Industry
The company wanted to use the information from the system to claim under the renewable energy certificate scheme. The benefit to the company under the renewable energy certificates is Rs 75 million a year. To enable the above, an end-to-end solution for load monitoring, consumption monitoring, online data monitoring, automatic meter data acquisition which can be exported to SAP and other applications is required.