Areas of Focus
- 微生物合成生物学
Work Experience
- 2015-12 到 2019-12 - 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 - 副研究员
- 2013-12 到 2015-12 - 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 - 助理研究员
- 2011-12 到 2013-12 - 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院 - 博士后
- 面向合成生物学的机器学习方法及应用, 胡如云, 张嵩亚, 蒙海林, 余函, 张建志, 罗小舟, 司同, 刘陈立, 乔宇, 2021
- 响应面优化黑水虻幼虫粗油脂提取工艺, 刘复荣, 何敬愉, 罗涛, 蒙海林, 吴伟浩, 崔金明, 2020
- 珠江口水产源乳酸菌资源库的构建及优良乳酸菌的高通量筛选, 李嘉盛, 刘复荣, 刘明珠, 张宏刚, 崔金明, 蒙海林, 2020
- Comparison of gal-lac operons in wild-type galactose-positive and -negative Streptococcus thermophilus by genomics and transcription analysis, 熊志强, 孔令辉, 蒙海林, 崔金明, 夏永军, 王世杰, 艾连中, 2019
- Coupling metagenomics with cultivation to select host-specific probiotic micro-organisms for subtropical aquaculture, 崔金明, 肖明, 刘明, 王志, 刘复荣, 郭磊, 蒙海林, 张宏, 杨金芳, 邓登, 黄世, 马玉, 刘陈立, 2017
- Construction of precise support vector machine based models for predicting promoter strength, 马英飞, 蒙海林, 麦国钦, 王勇, 刘陈立, 2017
- Construction of polyketide overproducing Escherichia coli strains via synthetic antisense RNAs based on in silico fluxome analysis and comparative transcriptome analysis, 蒙海林, 熊志强, 宋书杰, 王建峰, 王勇, 2016
- Synbiological systems for complex natural products biosynthesis, 李建华, 蒙海林, 王勇, 2016
- Cis-acting regulatory elements: from random screening to quantitative design, 蒙海林, 王勇, 2015
- Identification of novel knockout and up-regulated targets for improving isoprenoid production in E. coli, 王建峰, 蒙海林, 熊志强, 张思亮, 王勇, 2014
- Identification of Novel Knockout Targets for Improving Terpenoids Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 孙志强, 蒙海林, 李静, 王建峰, 李倩, 王勇, 张燕生, 2014
- Quantitative Design of Regulatory Elements Based on High-Precision Strength Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network, 蒙海林, 王建峰, 熊志强, 许峰, 赵国平, 王勇, 2013
- Synthetic biology triggers new era of antibiotics development, 蒙海林, 2012
- In silico improvement of heterologous biosynthesis of erythromycin precursor 6-deoxyerythronolide B in Escherichia coli, 蒙海林, 陆志国, 王勇, 王晓宁, 张思亮, 2011
- In silico Analysis and Experimental Improvement of Taxadiene Heterologous Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli, 蒙海林, 王勇, 华强, 张思亮, 王晓宁, 2011