Areas of Focus
- 暴力电子游戏与青少年心理及其神经机制
- 社交媒体使用与儿童青少年心理及其神经机制
- 网络游戏成瘾的认知神经机制
Work Experience
- 2017.07 - 至今: 西南大学教授,博士生导师
- 2008.07 - 2017.06: 西南大学副教授,硕士生导师
- 2006.10 - 2007.09: 日本早稻田大学访问学者
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2017.07 - 至今: 西南大学教授,博士生导师
- 2008.07 - 2017.06: 西南大学副教授,硕士生导师
- 2006.10 - 2007.09: 日本早稻田大学访问学者
- 2003.09 - 2007.01: 西南大学教育学博士
- 1998.09 - 2001.07: 西南师范大学教育学硕士
- 1994.09 - 1998.07: 西南师范大学理学学士
- What increases the risk of gamers being addicted? An integrated network model of personality–emotion–motivation of gaming disorder, Yuhong Zhou, Xin Lv, Ling Wang, Jiayu Li, Xuemei Gao, 2023
- Intentional forgetting in excessive behavior: direct suppression and thought substitution, Yuzhou Chen, Xuemei Gao, 2023
- The roles of moral sensitivity and father presence on the relationship between violent video game exposure and aggression among left-behind adolescents, Jiayu Li, Xiaoli Zhang, Qian Du, Danni Zhan, Xuemei Gao, 2023
- Effective interventions for gaming disorder: A systematic review of randomized control trials, Chen Y, Lu J, Wang L and Gao Xuemei, 2023
- A dual-process perspective to explore decision making in internet gaming disorder: An ERP study of comparison with recreational game users, Yuhong Zhou, Mengyun Yao, Shuting Fang, Xuemei Gao, 2022
- The advantage for action video game players in eye movement behavior during visual search tasks, Jiayu Li, Yuhong Zhou, Xuemei Gao, 2022
- Influences of Emotional Information on Response Inhibition in Gaming Disorder: Behavioral and ERP Evidence from Go/Nogo Task, Chen, Y.; Yu, H.; Gao, X, 2022
- Loneliness and problematic mobile phone use among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of escape motivation and self-control, Jiayu Li, Danni Zhan, Yuhong Zhou, Xuemei Gao, 2021
- Gaming Motivation and Negative Psychosocial Outcomes in Male Adolescents: An Individual-Centered 1-Year Longitudinal Study, Ling Wang, Jialan Li, Yuzhou Chen, Xuemei Chai, Yuman Zhang, Zihan Wang, Hong Tan, Xuemei Gao, 2021
- Adolescent Aggression and Violent Video Games: The role of moral disengagement and parental rearing patterns, Jiayu Li, Qian Du, Xuemei Gao, 2020
- Violent video games exposure and aggression: The role of moral disengagement, anger, hostility and disinhibition in Aggressive Behavior, Mengyun Yao, Yuhong Zhou, Jiayu Li, Xuemei Gao, 2019
- The relationship between the big five and cyberbullying among college students: the mediating effect of moral disengagement, Yuhong Zhou, Weixi Zheng, Xuemei Gao, 2019
- Spontaneous Brain Activity Did Not Show the Effect of Violent Video Games on Aggression: A Resting-State fMRI Study, Pan, W., Gao, X., Shi S., Liu F., Li C., 2018
- 2023: 国家级一流本科课程(课程负责人)
- 2022: 重庆市课程思政示范课程、重庆市课程思政教学名师和团队(课程负责人)
- 2021: 重庆市一流本科课程(课程负责人)
- 2021: 唐立新教学名师
- 2021: 西南大学第四届教育教学成果奖一等奖
- 2020: 西南大学兴明青年教师奖
- 2019: “MOOC中国杯”最受学习者喜爱课程奖
- 2019: 西南大学优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
- 2018: 入选全国首批高校“双带头人”教师党支部书记工作室
- 2018: 入选全国党建样板支部培育创建单位
- 2018: 重庆市最美教师
- 2018: 西南大学优秀教师