Areas of Focus
- 人格及社会心理学
- 发展心理学
- 个性化学习与能力测量
- 互联网教育
Work Experience
- 2011 - 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 - 博士后研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2001-2005 心理学/经济学双学士: 北京大学
- 2005-2011 心理学博士: 美国卡耐基·梅隆大学
- Auditory over visual advantage of sensorimotor synchronization in 6- to 7-year-old children but not in 12- to 15-year-old children and adults, Mu, Y., Huang, Y., Ji, C., Gu, L., & Wu, X., 2018
- Who Is Good at This Game? Linking an Activity to a Social Category Undermines Children's Achievement, Cimpian, A., Mu, Y., & Erickson, L., 2012
- Chinese Children Excel on Novel Mathematics Problems Even before Elementary School, Siegler, R., & Mu, Y., 2008
- 10~12岁儿童的同伴接纳类型与社交策略, 穆岩,苏彦捷, 2005
- 公平--精神道德观念还是互利合作机制?, 苏彦捷,穆岩, 2004
- 3~5岁儿童的交换行为研究, 穆岩,何子静,苏彦捷, 2004