Areas of Focus
- 社会认知神经科学
- 社交媒体信息(谣言)传播
- 情绪与认知
Work Experience
- 华为技术有限公司 - UCD工程师
- 深圳大学 - 助理教授、副教授、博士生导师
Academic Background & Achievements
- 心理学博士: 华南师范大学
- 哲学硕士: 香港大学
- 心理学硕士: 北京大学
- 信息与计算科学学士: 湘潭大学
- 在顶级期刊发表20余篇论文
- 《认知神经科学史》第一译者
- 团队课程《积极心理学》获国家精品在线开放课程
- Anonymity in sharing morally salient news: the causal role of the temporoparietal junction, Cui, F., Zhong, Y., Feng, C., & Peng, X*., 2022
- The Association of Social Emotions, Perceived Efficiency, Transparency of the Government, Concerns about COVID-19, and Confidence in Fighting the Pandemic under the Week-Long Lockdown in Shenzhen, China, Peng, X., Huang, J., Liang, K., & Chi, X., 2022
- Simultaneous LC-MS/MS quantification of glucocorticoids, melatonin and its metabolites in hair, Zhu, M., Yuan, L., Wu, Y., Chu, L., Wang, W., Zhang, H., ... & Deng, H., 2022
- “Emoji, I can feel your pain”–Neural responses to facial and emoji expressions of pain, Liao, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Xu, X., & Peng, X*., 2021
- Three stages of perceiving consecutively moral behaviors: neurophysiological effect of agent and valence on the moral judgments, Peng, X., Lu, J., Li, L., Cao, Q., Cui, F., 2020
- Neurophysiological Effect of Exposure to Gossip on Product Endorsement and Willingness-to-Pay, Liao, W., Zhang, Y., & Peng, X*., 2019
- The stereotype of professional roles influences neural responses to moral transgressions: ERP evidence, Lu, J., Peng, X., Liao, C., & Cui, F., 2019
- 谣言传播的情境、内容、传播者与受众特征及相关认知神经科学研究, 彭晓哲,崔芳,焦璨,李红, 2018
- The time course of indirect moral judgment in gossip processing modulated by different agents, Peng, X., Jiao, C., Cui, F, Chen, Q., Li, P., & Li, H., 2017
- Unconscious processing of facial expressions in individuals with Internet Gaming Disorder, Peng, X., Cui, F., Wang, T., & Jiao, C., 2017
- The Modulation of Causal Contexts in Motion Processes Judgment as Revealed by P2 and P3, Chen, Q.*, Liang, X., Peng, X., Liu, Y., Lei, Y.*, & Li, H., 2017
- Impaired Empathy Processing in Individuals with Internet Addiction Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study, Jiao, C., Wang, T. , Peng, X., & Cui, F*., 2017
- Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Analyze the Character of Peer Relationship Networks and Their Effects on the Subjective Well-Being of Adolescents, Jiao, C., Wang, T., Liu, J., Wu, H., Cui, F., & Peng, X*., 2017
- To know or not to know? Theta and delta reflect complementary information about an advanced cue before feedback in decision-making, Wang, J., Chen, Z., Peng, X., Yang, T., Li, P., Cong, F., & Li, H., 2016
- The ugly truth: negative gossip about celebrities and positive gossip about self entertain people in different ways, Peng, X., Li, Y., Wang, P., Mo, L., & Chen, Q., 2015
- Influence of visual path information on human heading perception during rotation, Li, L.*, Chen, J., & Peng, X., 2009
- 情绪信息与注意偏向, 彭晓哲, 周晓林*, 2005
- 语义判断中选择与抑制机制的功能MRI研究, 郝晶*, 李坤成, 王岩, 陈骐, 彭晓哲, 周晓林, 2004
- 国家精品在线开放课程(团队) (2017)
- 教材《乐观人生:积极心理学讲稿》获深圳大学教学成果一等奖(团队) (2017)
- 首批国家级一流本科课程 (2020)
- 广东省高校课程思政优秀案例二等奖(团队) (2020)
- 深圳大学2021-2022学年教学单项奖(优秀本科课程奖)(独立) (2023)
- 深圳大学年度考核优秀 (2020-2021)
- 深圳大学年度考核优秀 (2016-2017)