Areas of Focus
- 语义加工
- 阅读
Work Experience
- 2024.08—至今 - 中科院心理所 - 研究员
- 2023.08—2024.08 - 中科院心理所 - 青年特聘研究员
- 2016.03—2023.08 - 中科院心理所 - 副研
- 2012.07—2016.03 - 中科院心理所 - 助研
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2007.09—2012.07 博士: 北京师范大学脑与认知科学研究院 基础心理学专业
- 2001.09—2005.07 学士: 南开大学生命科学学院 生物技术专业
- A social-semantic working-memory account for two canonical language areas., Zhang, G., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Li, J., Shi, W., Bi, Y., & Lin, N., 2023
- Coexistence of the social semantic effect and non-semantic effect in the default mode network., Zhang, G., Hung, J., & Lin, N., 2023
- A large dataset of semantic ratings and its computational extension., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Shi, W., Zhang, G., Zhang, J., Lin, N., & Zong, C., 2023
- Situation updating during discourse comprehension recruits right posterior portion of the multiple‐demand network., Yang, X., Lin, N., & Wang, L., 2023
- The database of eye-movement measures on words in Chinese reading., Zhang, G., Yao, P., Ma, G., Wang, J., Zhou, J.,... Lin, N., & Li, X., 2022
- The Brain Network in Support of Social Semantic Accumulation., Zhang, G., Xu, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, S., & Lin, N., 2021
- Individual differences in first-pass fixation duration in reading are related to resting-state functional connectivity., Zhang, G., Yuan, B., Hua, H., Lou, Y., Lin, N., & Li, X., 2021
- Dissociating the neural correlates of the sociality and plausibility effects in simple conceptual combination., Lin, N., Xu, Y., Yang, H., Zhang, G., Zhang, M., Wang, S., ... & Li, X., 2020
- Coin, telephone, and handcuffs: Neural correlates of social knowledge of inanimate objects., Lin, N., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Yang, H., Du, M., Hua, H., & Li, X., 2019
- Fine Subdivisions of the Semantic Network Supporting Social and Sensory-Motor Semantic Processing., Lin, N., Wang, X., Xu, Y., Hua, H., Zhao, Y., & Li, X., 2018
- Neural correlates of three cognitive processes involved in theory of mind and discourse comprehension., Lin, N., Yang, X., Li, J., Wang, S., Hua, H., Ma, Y., & Li, X., 2018
- How context features modulate the involvement of the working memory system during discourse comprehension., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Yang, Y., & Lin, N., 2018
- Skipping of Chinese characters does not rely on word-based processing., Lin, N., Angele, B., Hua, H., Shen, W., Zhou, J., & Li, X., 2018
- Functional anatomy of recognition of Chinese multi-character words: Convergent evidence from effects of transposable nonwords, lexicality, and word frequency., Lin, N., Yu, X., Zhao, Y., & Zhang, M., 2016
- Premotor Cortex Activation Elicited during Word Comprehension Relies on Access of Specific Action Concepts., Lin, N., Wang, X., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Li, X., & Bi, Y., 2015
- The theory-of-mind network in support of action verb comprehension: Evidence from an fMRI study., Lin, N., Bi, Y., Zhao, Y., Luo, C., & Li, X., 2015
- Motor knowledge is one dimension for concept organization: Further evidence from a Chinese semantic dementia case., Lin, N., Guo, Q., Han, Z., & Bi, Y., 2011
- Is the semantic category effect in the lateral temporal cortex due to motion property differences?, Lin, N., Lu, X., Fang, F., Han, Z., & Bi, Y., 2011