Areas of Focus
- 语义知识表征、语义加工与概念组合
- 隐喻理解
- 情感计算与社会认知
Work Experience
- 2010.2 至今:副研究员,中国科学院心理研究所,脑与认知科学国家重点实验室
- 2009.2 - 2010.4:访问学者,美国Rutgers大学(新泽西州立大学)认知科学中心
- 2005.7 - 2010.2:助理研究员,中国科学院心理研究所,脑与认知科学国家重点实验室
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2000-2005 博士学位:中国科学院心理研究所
- 1996-2000 理学学士学位:华中师范大学心理系
- 头部朝向在社会性注意转移中的作用, 鲁上,刘烨*,傅小兰, 2013
- The social attention shifts triggered by supraliminal and subliminal gaze-head direction cues, S. Lu, Y. Liu*, & X. Fu, 2012
- 2D-line-drawing-based 3D object recognition, Y. J. Liu*, Q. Fu, Y. Liu, & X. Fu, 2012
- Naturally-formed objects categorized as artifacts: Effect of objects' functional depictions, Y. H. Sun, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, & X. L. Fu*, 2010
- 认知与情绪的交互作用, 刘烨, 付秋芳, 傅小兰*, 2009
- Language Selection in Naming Task: Role of Language Similarity Effect——Evidence from Tibetan-Mandarin Bilinguals, Z. Cui, J. J. Zhang*, & Y. Liu, 2009
- The interaction between Chinese university students’ computer use and their attitudes toward computer in learning and innovation, Y. Liu & X. L. Fu*, 2009
- The role of trait anxiety in the interaction between eye gaze and facial expressions, J. C. Shang, X. L. Fu*, Y. Liu, & C. M. Luo, 2009
- Dominance modulates the effects of eye gaze on the perception of threatening facial expressions, J. C. Shang, Y. Liu*, & X. L. Fu, 2008
- A Computational Study on PAD based Emotional State Model, L. M. Tao, Y. Liu, X. L. Fu, & L. H. Cai, 2008
- How Does Distraction Task Influence the Interaction of Working Memory and Long-Term Memory?, Y. Liu & X. L. Fu*, 2007
- Category-specific effect on interpretation of conceptual combination, Y. Liu & X. Fu, 2004