Areas of Focus
- 创伤应激与心理病理
Work Experience
- 01/2013-至今 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 研究员
- 08/2009-12/2012 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 副研究员
- 08/2007-08/2009 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 09/2003-09/2006 基础心理学博士:北京师范大学
- 09/2000-07/2003 临床心理学硕士:中南大学湘雅医学院
- 09/1993-07/1998 临床医学学士:南京医科大学
- Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the emotion regulation questionnaire in Chinese left-behind children, Chen, W., Zhang, G., Tian, X., & Wang, L., 2021
- Post-traumatic stress symptoms in COVID-19 survivors: A self-report and brain imaging follow-up study, Tu, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Zhao, Q., Bi, Y., Lu, X., Kong, Y., Wang, L., Lu, Z., & Hu, L., 2021
- Cortical volume abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder: An ENIGMA-psychiatric genomics consortium PTSD workgroup mega-analysis, Wang, X., Xie, H., Chen, T., Cotton, A. S., Salminen, L. E., Logue, M. W., . . . Liberzon, I., 2020
- Latent profile analysis of PTSD and dissociation, and relations with anger, Durham, T. A., Byllesby, B. M., Elhai, J. D., & Wang, L., 2020
- Altered white matter microstructural organization in posttraumatic stress disorder across 3047 adults: Results from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD consortium, Dennis, E. L., Disner, S. G., Fani, N., Salminen, L. E., Logue, M., Clarke, E. K., . . . Morey, R. A., 2019
- Anxiety, depression, and PTSD Symptoms among high school students in China in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, Cao, C., Wang, L., Fang, R., Liu, P., Bi, Y., Luo, S., Grace, E., & Olff, M., 2022
- Mental health responses to COVID-19 around the world, Olff, M., Primasari, I., Qing, Y., Coimbra, B. M., Hovnanyan, A., Grace, E., Williamson, R. E., Hoeboer, C. M., & the GPS-CCC Consortium., 2021
- Impacts of COVID-19 on psychological wellbeing, Zhao, Q., Sun, X., Xie, F., Chen, B., Wan, L., Wang, L., Hu, L., & Dai, Q., 2021
- The ADCYAP1R1 gene is correlated with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms through diverse epistases in a traumatized Chinese population, Wang, L., Zhang, J., Li, G., Cao, C., Fang, R., Liu, P., Luo, S., Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, K., 2021
- Oxytocin receptor variant rs53576 genotype is associated with dysphoric arousal symptoms of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese earthquake survivors, Cao, C., Wang, L., Fang, R., Li, G., Liu, P., Luo, S., & Zhang, X., 2021
- Neural correlates of posttraumatic anhedonia symptoms: Decreased functional connectivity between ventral pallidum and default mode network regions, Li, G., Cao, C., Fang, R., Liu, P., Luo, S., Liberzon, I., & Wang, L., 2021
- Rasch analysis of Work-Family Conflict Scale among Chinese prison police, Chen, W., Zhang, G., Tian, X., Wang, L., & Luo, J., 2021
- Posttraumatic stress or posttraumatic growth? Using network analysis to explore the relationships between coping styles and trauma outcomes, Peters, J., Bellet, B. W., Jones, P. J., Wu, G. W. Y., Wang, L., & McNally, R. J., 2021
- The factor structure of major depressive symptoms in a sample of Chinese earthquake survivors, Bi, Y., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Li, G., Liu, P., Luo, S., Yang, H., & Hall, B. J., 2021
- Post-traumatic stress symptoms of children and adolescents exposed to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake: A longitudinal study of 5-HTTLPR genotype main effects and gene–environment interactions, Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Hall, B. J., Elhai, J. D., & Liberzon, I., 2021
- Test of the dynamic interplay between DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters in children and adolescents, Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Chen, C., Qiao, X., Yang, H., Forbes, D., & Elhai, J. D., 2020
- An item-based analysis of PTSD emotional numbing symptoms in disaster-exposed children and adolescents, Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Chen, C., Qiao, X., Yang, H., Hall, B. J., & Elhai, J. D., 2020
- Factor structure and multi-group measurement invariance of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms assessed by the PCL-5, Caldas, S. V., Contractor, A. A., Koh, S., & Wang, L., 2020
- An exploration of the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptom latent variable network, Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Bi, Y., Liu, P., . . . Elhai, J. D., 2020
- Depicting the associations between different forms of psychopathology in trauma-exposed adolescents, Cao, X., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Chen, C., Hall, B. J., & Elhai, J. D., 2020
- A comparison of ICD-11 and DSM-5 criteria for PTSD among a representative sample of Chinese earthquake survivors, Cao, C., Wang, L., Wu, J., Bi, Y., Yang, H., Fang, R., . . . Elhai, J., 2020
- Treatment response prediction and individualized identification of first-episode drug-naïve schizophrenia using brain functional connectivity, Cao, B., Cho, R. Y., Chen, D., Xiu, M., Wang, L., Soares, J. C., & Zhang, X. Y., 2020
- Association between the OXTR rs53576 genotype and latent profiles of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms in a representative sample of earthquake survivors, Cao, C., Wang, L., Wu, J., Li, G., Fang, R., Liu, P., . . . Elhai, J. D., 2020
- Correlation between hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis gene polymorphisms and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, Zhang, K., Wang, L., Cao, C., Li, G., Fang, R., Liu, P., . . . Zhang, X., 2020
- An epistasis between dopaminergic and oxytocinergic systems confers risk of post-traumatic stress disorder in a traumatized Chinese cohort, Zhang, K., Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Cao, X., Fang, R., . . . Zhang, X., 2019
- FKBP5 genotype linked to combined PTSD-depression symptom in Chinese earthquake survivors, Li, G., Wang, L., Zhang, K., Cao, C., Cao, X., Fang, R., . . . Zhang, X., 2019
- Item response analysis of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory among the elderly in China: dimensionality and differential item functioning test, Li, Z., Zhao, X., Sheng, A., & Wang, L., 2019
- Neuropeptide Y gene × environment interaction predicts resilience and positive future focus, Gan, Y., Chen, Y., Han, X., Yu, N. X., & Wang, L., 2019
- Posttraumatic stress disorder and executive dysfunction among children and adolescents: A latent profile analysis, Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Cao, X., Chen, C., . . . Hall, B. J., 2019
- PTSD latent classes and class transitions predicted by distress and fear disorders in disaster-exposed adolescents, Cao, X., Wang, L., Cao, C., Zhang, J., & Elhai, J. D., 2019
- Characteristics of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines alteration in PTSD patients exposed to a deadly earthquake, Wang, W., Wang, L., Xu, H., Cao, C., Liu, P., Luo, S., . . . Zhang, X., 2019
- Sex differences in global and local connectivity of adolescent posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, Cao, X., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Chen, C., Hall, B. J., & Elhai, J. D., 2019
- The association between disaster exposure and media use on posttraumatic stress disorder following Typhoon Hato in Macao, China, Hall, B. J., Xiong, Y. X., Yip, P. S. Y., Lao, C. K., Shi, W., Sou, E. K. L., Chang, K., Wang, L., Lam, A. I. F., 2019
- The preliminary investigation of orexigenic hormone gene polymorphisms on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, Li, G., Zhang, K., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Liu, P., . . . Liberzon, I., 2019
- Altered gray matter volume and its correlation with PTSD severity in Chinese earthquake survivors, Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Wang, L., & Zhang, W., 2018
- Psychophysiological correlates between emotional response inhibition and posttraumatic stress symptom clusters, Duan, H., Wang, L., & Wu, J., 2018
- Patterns of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and posttraumatic growth in an epidemiological sample of Chinese earthquake survivors: A latent profile analysis, Cao, C., Wang, L., Wu, J., Li, G., Fang, R., Cao, X., . . . Elhai, J. D., 2018
- Anger as an underlying dimension of posttraumatic stress disorder, Durham, T. A., Byllesby, B. M., Lv, X., Elhai, J. D., & Wang, L., 2018
- DSM-5 Posttraumatic stress symptom dimensions and health-related quality of life among Chinese earthquake survivors, Li, G., Wang, L., Cao, C., Fang, R., Liu, P., Luo, S., . . . Elhai, J., 2018
- A DRD2/ANNK1–COMT interaction, consisting of functional variants, confers risk of post-traumatic stress disorder in traumatized Chinese, Zhang, K., Wang, L., Cao, C., Li, G., Fang, R., Liu, P., . . . Liberzon, I., 2018
- Serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR genotype is associated with intrusion and avoidance symptoms of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Chinese earthquake survivors, Liu, L., Wang, L., Cao, C., Cao, X., Zhu, Y., Liu, P., . . . Zhang, J., 2018
- An overview of posttraumatic stress disorder genetic studies by analyzing and integrating genetic data into genetic database PTSDgene, Zhang, K., Qu, S., Chang, S., Li, G., Cao, C., Fang, K., . . . Wang, L., Wang, J., 2017
- Factor structure of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms in trauma-exposed adolescents: Examining stability across time, Wang, L., Cao, X., Cao, C., Fang, R., Yang, H., & Elhai, J. D., 2017
- The “weakest link” as an indicator of cognitive vulnerability differentially predicts symptom dimensions of anxiety in adolescents in China, Wang, J., Wang, D., Cui, L., McWhinnie, C. M., Wang, L., & Xiao, J., 2017
- Error consciousness predicts physiological response to an acute psychosocial stressor in men, Wu, J., Sun, X., Wang, L., Zhang, L., Fernández, G., & Yao, Z., 2017
- The underlying dimensions of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms and their relations with anxiety and depression in a sample of adolescents exposed to an explosion accident, Yang, H., Wang, L., Cao, C., Cao, X., Fang, R., Zhang, J., & Elhai, J. D., 2017
- DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptom structure in disaster-exposed adolescents: Stability across gender and relation to behavioral problems, Cao, X., Wang, L., Cao, C., Zhang, J., & Elhai, J. D., 2017
- Support for the association between RORA gene polymorphisms and the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in male earthquake survivors in China, Cao, C., Wang, L., Cao, X., Dong, C., Liu, P., Luo, S., . . . Zhang, J., 2017
- The relationship between negative expressivity, anger, and PTSD symptom clusters, Claycomb, M., Roley, M. E., Contractor, A. A., Armour, C., Dranger, P., Wang, L., & Elhai, J. D., 2016
- Increased anticipatory contingent negative variation in posttraumatic stress disorder, Duan, H., Wang, L., Fernández, G., Zhang, K., & Wu, J., 2016
- Testing the dimensional structure of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in a nonclinical trauma-exposed adolescent sample, Liu, L., Wang, L., Cao, C., Qing, Y., & Armour, C., 2016
- Altered resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala in Chinese earthquake survivors, Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Wang, L., Li, R., & Zhang, W., 2016
- The relationship between cortisol activity during cognitive task and posttraumatic stress symptom clusters, Duan, H., Wang, L., Zhang, L., Liu, J., Zhang, K., & Wu, J., 2015
- Patterns of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms in an epidemiological sample of Chinese earthquake survivors: A latent profile analysis, Cao, X., Wang, L., Cao, C., Zhang, J., Liu, P., Zhang, B., . . . Elhai, J. D., 2015
- Hair cortisone level is associated with PTSD's dysphoric arousal symptoms in highly traumatized Chinese females, Wang, W., Deng, H., Wang, L., Cao, C., Xu, H., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Mental disorders as causal systems: A network approach to posttraumatic stress disorder, McNally, R. J., Robinaugh, D. J., Wu, G. W. Y., Wang, L., Deserno, M. K., & Borsboom, D., 2015
- Assessing the underlying dimensionality of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms in Chinese adolescents surviving the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Wang, L., Zhang, L., Armour, C., Cao, C., Qing, Y., Zhang, J., . . . Fan, G., 2015
- Assessing possible DSM-5 ASD subtypes in a sample of victims meeting caseness for DSM-5 ASD based on self-report following multiple forms of traumatic exposure, Hansen, M., Armour, C., Wang, L., Elklit, A., & Bryant, R. A., 2015
- The relationship between response inhibition and posttraumatic stress symptom clusters in adolescent earthquake survivors: An event-related potential study, Wu, J., Yuan, Y., Cao, C., Zhang, K., Wang, L., & Zhang, L., 2015
- Assessing relations between PTSD’s dysphoria and reexperiencing factors and dimensions of rumination, Claycomb, M. A., Wang, L., Sharp, C., Ractliffe, K. C., & Elhai, J. D., 2015
- Linking hair cortisol levels to phenotypic heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptomatology in highly traumatized Chinese females, Wang, L., Cao, C., Wang, W., Xu, H., Zhang, J., Deng, H., Zhang, X., 2015
- Towards a dimensional model of depression: Evidence from Chinese samples, Wang, L., Wang, R., & Chan, R. C. K., 2014
- The COMT gene variant is associated with depression's decreased positive affect symptoms in Chinese adults, Cao, C., Wang, L., Wang, R., Qing, Y., Zhang, J., & Wu, G. W. Y., 2014
- The factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries, Liu, S., Wang, L., Cao, C., & Zhang, J., 2014
- TPH2 genotype is associated with PTSD's avoidance symptoms in Chinese female earthquake survivors, Cao, C., Wang, L., Wang, R., Qing, Y., & Zhang, J., 2014
- The underlying dimensions of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in an epidemiological sample of Chinese earthquake survivors, Liu, P., Wang, L., Cao, C., Wang, R., Zhang, J., Zhang, B., . . . Elhai, J. D., 2014
- Prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder among Chinese youths after an earthquake, Wei, Y., Wang, L., Wang, R., Cao, C., Shi, Z., & Zhang, J., 2013
- PAC1 receptor (ADCYAP1R1) genotype is associated with PTSD's emotional numbing symptoms in Chinese earthquake survivors, Wang, L., Cao, C., Wang, R., Qing, Y., Zhang, J., & Zhang, X., 2013
- Latent structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in an adolescent sample one month after an earthquake, Wang, R., Wang, L., Li, Z., Cao, C., Shi, Z., & Zhang, J., 2013
- Stathmin genotype is associated with reexperiencing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese earthquake survivors, Cao, C., Wang, L., Wang, R., Dong, C., Qing, Y., Zhang, X., et al., 2013
- Mental health problems among the survivors in the hard-hit areas of the Yushu Earthquake, Zhang, Z., Wang, W., Shi, Z., Wang, L., & Zhang, J., 2012
- The Mini-IPIP Scale: Psychometric features and relations with PTSD symptoms of Chinese earthquake survivors, Li, Z., Sang, Z., Wang, L., & Shi, Z., 2012
- The structure of acute stress disorder among Chinese adults exposed to an earthquake: Is dysphoric arousal a unique construct of acute posttraumatic responses?, Wang, R., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Liu, Z., & Wu, K., 2012
- The dimensionality of PTSD symptoms and their relationship to health-related quality of life in Chinese earthquake survivors, Wang, L., Cao, C., Wang, R., Zhang, J., & Li, Z., 2012
- Assessing a five factor model of PTSD: Is dysphoric arousal a unique PTSD construct showing differential relationships with anxiety and depression?, Armour, C., Elhai, J. D., Richardson, D., Ractliffe, K., Wang, L., & Elklit, A., 2012
- Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of a Short-Form of the EMBU among Chinese adolescents, Li, Z., Wang, L., & Zhang, L., 2012
- Testing the dimensionality of posttraumatic stress responses in young Chinese adult earthquake survivors: Further evidence for “dysphoric arousal” as a unique PTSD construct, Wang, L., Li, Z., Shi, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, K., Liu, Z., & Elhai, J. D., 2011
- Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom structure in Chinese adolescents exposed to a deadly earthquake, Wang, L., Long, D., Li, Z., & Armour, C., 2011
- Comparing alternative factor models of PTSD symptoms across earthquake victims and violent riot witnesses in China: Evidence for a five-factor model proposed by Elhai et al. (2011), Wang, L., Zhang, J., Shi, Z., Zhou, M., Li, Z., Zhang, K., et al., 2011
- One year later: Mental health problems among survivors in hard-hit areas of the Wenchuan earthquake, Zhang, Z., Shi, Z., Wang, L., & Liu, M., 2011
- Mental health problems among children one-year after sichuan earthquake in China: A follow-up study, Liu, M., Wang, L., Shi, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhang, K., & Shen, J., 2011
- Confirmatory factor analysis of posttraumatic stress symptoms assessed by the Impact of Event Scale-Revised in Chinese earthquake victims: Examining factor structure and its stability across sex, Wang, L., Zhang, J., Shi, Z., Zhou, M., Li, Z., 2011
- Gender difference in motives of knowledge searching: Measurement invariance and factor mean comparison of the interest/deprivation epistemic curiosity, Huang, D., Wang, L., Zhou, M., & Zhang, J., 2010
- Diagnostic utility of the PTSD Checklist in detecting PTSD in Chinese earthquake victims, Li, H., Wang, L., Shi, Z., Zhang, Y., Wu, K., & Liu, P., 2010
- Response inhibition in adolescent earthquake survivors with and without posttraumatic stress disorder: A combined behavioral and ERP study, Wu, J., Ge, Y., Shi, Z., Duan, X., Wang, L., Sun, X., et al., 2010
- Psychometric properties of the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in Chinese earthquake victims, Wang, L., Shi, Z., Zhang, Y. & Zhang, Z., 2010
- Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among health care workers in earthquake-affected areas in southwest China, Wang, L., Zhang, J., Zhou, M., Shi, Z., & Liu, P., 2010
- Factor structure of acute stress disorder symptoms in Chinese earthquake victims: A confirmatory factor analysis of the Acute Stress Disorder Scale, Wang, L., Li, Z., Shi, Z., Zhang, Y., & Shen, J., 2010
- Internal consistencies and structural analysis of the MMPI-2 PSY-5 facet subscales in Chinese population, Wang, L., Zhang, J., Shi, Z., Zhou, M., & Li, Z., 2010
- Developing a computer system for health assessment, Zhou, M., Wang, L., & Zhang, J., 2009
- Neurological soft signs and their relationships to neurocognitive functions: A re-visit with the structural equation modeling design, Chan, R.C.K., Wang, Y., Wang, L., Chen, E., Manschreck, T., Li, Z., et al., 2009
- Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among adult survivors two months after the Wenchuan Earthquake, Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Shi, Z. & Wang, W., 2009
- Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among adult survivors three months after the Sichuan Earthquake in China, Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, W., Shi, Z., Shen, J., Li, M., Xin, Y., 2009
- Age-related change in emotional experience in a sample of Chinese adults: A preliminary study, Shi, Z., Wang, L., & Li, H., 2009
- A survey on the generalized problematic internet use in Chinese college students and its relations to stressful life events and coping style, Li, H., W, J., & Wang, L., 2009
- Neuroticism, extraversion, emotion regulation, negative Affect and positive affect: The mediating roles of reappraisal and suppression, Wang, L., Shi, Z., Li, H., 2009
- A psychometric study of the Test of Everyday
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