Areas of Focus
- 车内和车外人机交互
- 指挥调度系统人机交互
- 智能系统交互与设计
- 工作负荷和绩效建模
- 人因大数据分析和建模
- 特殊作业人员(飞行员、管制员、调度员等)选拔培训
Work Experience
- 2023至今 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 研究员
- 2022至今 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 科学院特聘骨干研究员
- 2019-2023 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 青年特聘研究员
- 2015-2019 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 副研究员
- 2011-2015 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 助理研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005-2011 应用心理学博士:中国科学院心理研究所
- 2008-2009 应用心理学联合培养博士生:德国慕尼黑大学
- 2001-2005 心理学理学学士:北京大学
- 2002-2005 经济学学士:北京大学
- A multi-level analysis on the causes of train-pedestrian collisions in Southwest China 2011–2020, Zhang, J., Liu, F., Chen, Z., Yu, Z., Xiao, X., Shi, L., & Guo, Z, 2023
- Developmental differences in children’s adaptation to vehicle distance and speed in street-crossing decision-making, Ma, J., Shen, Z., Wang, N., Xiao, X., & Zhang J., 2023
- Open people are more likely to trust their new team members under subliminal influence, Cai, J., Sun, X., Zhang, J., & Sun, X., 2023
- The effect of subliminal priming on team trust: The mediating role of perceived trustworthiness, Cai, J., Wu, R., Zhang, J., & Sun, X., 2023
- The impact of subliminal stimuli on interpersonal trust and team trust, Cai, J., Tang, X., Zhang, J., & Sun, X., 2023
- Enhancing global thinking can reduce the misconception of accumulation: A potential way to mitigate climate change, Qiao, H., & Zhang, J., 2023
- 交互自然性的心理结构及其影响, 曹剑琴, 张警吁, 张亮, & 王晓宇, 2022
- The Development and Validation of the Perceived Safety for Intelligent Connected Vehicles Scale, Cao, J., Lin, L., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., & Wang, J., 2021
- Exploring the peak-end effects in air traffic controllers' mental workload ratings, Qiao, H., Zhang, L., Zhang, J. & Loft, S., 2021
- The influence of subliminal stimuli on interpersonal trust---a possible mechanism, Cai, J., Zhang, J., Sun, X., 2020
- Human performance analysis of processes for retrieving Beidou satellite navigation system during breakdown, Wu, M., Zhang, L., Li, W., Wan, L., Lu, N., Zhang, J., 2020
- How Job Satisfaction can influence Air Traffic Controllers’ backup-providing behavior in parallel runway operation, Kuang, Y., E, X., Li, Y., & Zhang, J., 2020
- Type 2 diabetes can undermine driving performance of middle-aged male drivers through its deterioration of perceptual and cognitive functions, Ma, S., & Zhang, J., 2020
- The difficulty to break a relational complexity network can predict air traffic controllers’ mental workload and performance in conflict resolution, Zhang, J., E., X. & Du, F., Yang, J., & Loft, S., 2019
- Looking for an optimal pedal layout to improve the driving performance of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Ma, S., Wu, C., Zhang, J., Zeng, X., Zhao, G., & Sun, X., 2019
- Holistic thinking style and intervention decision making of air traffic controllers: taking risk perception and workload management into consideration, E., X., & Zhang, J., 2017
- From trees to forest: relational complexity network and workload of air traffic controllers, Zhang, J., Yang, J. & Wu, C., 2015
- 2008: 中国国家留学基金委博士联合培养奖学金
- 2006: 中科院研究生奖学金
- 2003: 北京大学“社会活动奖”
- 2002: 北京大学“北京大学十佳社团负责人”