Areas of Focus
- 无精子症、少精子症、弱精子症、畸形精子症的致病基因及分子机制
- 精子膜及受体异常导致不受精的致病基因及分子机制
- 早期胚胎发育停滞的致病基因及分子机制研究
- 反复自然流产及胚胎植入前遗传学检测技术防治研究
Work Experience
- 2020-至今 - 厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院 - 副教授
- 2016-至今 - 厦门市妇幼保健院 - 副主任医师
- 2012-2016 - 厦门市妇幼保健院 - 主治医师
- 2006-2012 - 厦门市妇幼保健院 - 住院医师
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2002-2005 硕士学位: 吉林大学
- 2000-2002 临床医学: 吉林大学白求恩医学部
- Defective piRNA Processing and Azoospermia, Sha Y, Li L, Yin C, 2022
- Bi-allelic variants in DNHD1 cause flagellar axoneme defects and asthenoteratozoospermia in humans and mice, Tan C, Meng L, Lv M, He X, Sha Y, Tang D, Tan Y, Hu T, He W, Tu C, Nie H, Zhang H, Du J, Lu G, Fan LQ, Cao Y, Lin G, Tan YQ, 2022
- Biallelic mutations in ARMC12 cause asthenozoospermia and multiple midpiece defects in humans and mice, Liu W, Wei X, Liu X, Chen G, Zhang X, Liang X, Isachenko V, Sha Y, Wang Y, 2022
- DNAH1 gene mutations and their potential association with dysplasia of the sperm fibrous sheath and infertility in the Han Chinese population, Sha Y, Yang X, Mei L, Ji Z, Wang X, Ding L, Li P, Yang S, 2017
- Bi-allelic DNAH8 Variants Lead to Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagella and Primary Male Infertility, Liu C, Miyata H, Gao Y, Sha Y, Tang S, Xu Z, Whitfield M, Patrat C, Wu H, Dulioust E, Tian S, Shimada K, Cong J, Noda T, Li H, Morohoshi A, Cazin C, Kherraf ZE, Arnoult C, Jin L, He X, Ray PF, Cao Y, Touré A, Zhang F, Ikawa M, 2020
- Biallelic mutations of CFAP74 may cause human primary ciliary dyskinesia and MMAF phenotype, Sha Y, Wei X, Ding L, Ji Z, Mei L, Huang X, Su Z, Wang W, Zhang X, Lin S, 2020
- Loss-of-function mutations in SPEF2 cause multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF), Liu W, Sha Y, Li Y, Mei L, Lin S, Huang X, Lu J, Ding L, Kong S, Lu Z, 2019
- Biallelic mutations in PMFBP1 cause acephalic spermatozoa, Sha YW, Wang X, Xu X, Ding L, Liu WS, Li P, Su ZY, Chen J, Mei LB, Zheng LK, Wang HL, Kong SB, You M, Wu JF, 2019
- 福建省高层次人才 (2021)
- 全国妇幼健康科学技术三等奖 (2020)
- 厦门市科技进步奖三等奖 (2020)
- 福建省医学科技进步二等奖 (2019)
- 全国妇幼健康科学技术三等奖 (2019)
- 厦门市科技进步二等奖 (2019)
- 厦门市科技进步二等奖 (2017)
- 全国妇幼健康科学技术二等奖 (2017)
- 厦门市医学创新奖 (2015)