Areas of Focus
- 生物信息学和计算生物学
- 全尺度遗传变异与人类疾病的关联
- RNA异常剪接与人类疾病的关联
- 疾病生态系统研究
- 多组学数据分析与新型组学数据分析工具研发
Work Experience
- 2022.6-至今: 南方科技大学,医学院,人类细胞生物和遗传学系,副教授,中国
- 2021.9-2022.5: 南方科技大学,医学院,人类细胞生物和遗传学系,助理教授,中国
- 2020.10-2021.8: 欧洲生物信息学研究所(EMBL-EBI),联合博士后,英国
- 2020.1-2021.8: 欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL),EIPOD4博士后(玛丽·居里学者联合资助),德国
- 2015.1-2019.11: 安大略省癌症研究所(OICR),计算生物学项目,博士生研究员,加拿大
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2014-2019: 多伦多大学,计算生物学,博士,加拿大
- 2010-2014: 浙江大学,生物科学,本科,中国
- Combined burden and functional impact tests for cancer driver discovery using DriverPower, 帅世民*, PCAWG Drivers and Functional Interpretation Working Group, Gallinger S, Stein LD* & PCAWG Consortium, 2020
- The U1 spliceosomal RNA is recurrently mutated in multiple cancers, 帅世民, Suzuki H, Diaz-Navarro A, Nadeu F, Kumar SA, Gutierrez-Fernandez A, Delgado J, Pinyol M, López-Otín C, Puente XS, Taylor MD, Campo E & Stein LD, 2019
- Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes, Rheinbay E, Nielsen MM, Abascal F, Wala JA, Shapira O, Tiao G, Hornshøj H, Hess JM, Juul RI, Lin Z, Feuerbach L, Sabarinathan R, Madsen T, Kim J, Mularoni L, 帅世民, Lanzós A, Herrmann C, Maruvka YE, Shen C, et al, 2020
- Candidate Cancer Driver Mutations in Distal Regulatory Elements and Long-Range Chromatin Interaction Networks, Zhu H, Uusküla-Reimand L, Isaev K, Wadi L, Alizada A, 帅世民, Huang V, Aduluso-Nwaobasi D, Paczkowska M, Abd-Rabbo D, Ocsenas O, Liang M, Thompson JD, Li Y, Ruan L, Krassowski M, Dzneladze I, Simpson JT, Lupien M, Stein LD, et al, 2020
- Recurrent noncoding U1 snRNA mutations drive cryptic splicing in SHH medulloblastoma, Suzuki H, Kumar SA, 帅世民, Diaz-Navarro A, Gutierrez-Fernandez A, De Antonellis P, Cavalli FMG, Juraschka K, Farooq H, Shibahara I, Vladoiu MC, Zhang J, Abeysundara N, Przelicki D, Skowron P, Gauer N, Luu B, Daniels C, Wu X, Forget A, et al, 2019
- Recurrent noncoding regulatory mutations in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, Feigin ME, Garvin T, Bailey P, Waddell N, Chang DK, Kelley DR, 帅世民, Gallinger S, McPherson JD, Grimmond SM, Khurana E, Stein LD, Biankin AV, Schatz MC & Tuveson DA, 2017
- Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes, ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes Consortium [including 帅世民], 2020
- Cancer LncRNA Census reveals evidence for deep functional conservation of long noncoding RNAs in tumorigenesis, Carlevaro-Fita J, Lanzós A, Feuerbach L, Hong C, Mas-Ponte D, Pedersen JS, PCAWG Drivers and Functional Interpretation Group [including 帅世民], Johnson R & PCAWG Consortium, 2020
- Integrative pathway enrichment analysis of multivariate omics data, Paczkowska M, Barenboim J, Sintupisut N, Fox NS, Zhu H, Abd-Rabbo D, Mee MW, Boutros PC, PCAWG Drivers and Functional Interpretation Working Group [including 帅世民], Reimand J & PCAWG Consortium, 2020
- Pathway and network analysis of more than 2500 whole cancer genomes, Reyna MA, Haan D, Paczkowska M, Verbeke LPC, Vazquez M, Kahraman A, Pulido-Tamayo S, Barenboim J, Wadi L, Dh
- 2021: 深圳市高层次人才(国家级领军人才)
- 2020: EMBL跨学科博士后奖学金(EIPOD4),由玛丽·居里行动共同资助
- 2019: 加拿大癌症协会旅行奖