Areas of Focus
- 高温/低维超导中的配对现象,超导材料的转角调控和场效应下离子注入,探究超导机理等硬核物理并关注这些量子材料中的新奇衍生现象
Work Experience
- 2014/05-2016/08 - 清华大学物理系 - 博士后,合作导师:薛其坤教授
- 2016/09-2018/11 - 清华大学物理系 - 助理教授
- 2018/12-2022/12 - 清华大学物理系 - 副教授
- 2019/12-至今 - 北京量子信息科学研究院 - 兼职研究员
- 2021/04-至今 - 日本理化研究所 - 兼职研究员
- 2022/11-至今 - 清华大学物理系 - 长聘副教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2004/09-2008/07 学士:北京大学物理学院
- 2008/09-2014/03 博士:德国马斯克-普朗克固态研究所,德国斯图加特大学,导师:Klaus von Klitzing,Jurgen Smet
- Prominent Josephson tunneling between twisted single copper oxide planes of Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y, H. Wang, Y. Zhu*, Z. Bai, Z. Wang, S. Hu, H.-Y. Xie, X. Hu, J. Cui, M. Huang, J. Chen, Y. Ding, L. Zhao, X. Li, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, X. J. Zhou, J. Zhu, D. Zhang*, and Q.-K. Xue*, 2023
- Presence of s-wave pairing in Josephson junctions made of twisted ultrathin Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x flakes, Y. Zhu#, M. Liao#, Q. Zhang#, H.-Y. Xie, F. Meng, Y. Liu, Z. Bai, S. Ji, J. Zhang, K. Jiang, R. Zhong, J. Schneeloch, G. Gu, L. Gu, X. Ma, D. Zhang*, and Q.-K. Xue*, 2021
- Type-II Ising pairing in few-layer stanene, J. Falson, Y. Xu, M. Liao, Y. Zang, K. Zhu, C. Wang, Z. Zhang, Ho. Liu, W. Duan, K. He, Ha. Liu*, J. H. Smet*, D. Zhang*, and Q.-K. Xue, 2020
- Ising pairing in atomically thin superconductors, D. Zhang* and J. Falson*, 2021
- Little-Parks like oscillations in lightly doped cuprate superconductors, M. Liao, Y. Zhu, S. Hu, R. Shang, J. Schneeloch, G. Gu, D. Zhang*, and Q.-K. Xue*, 2022
- Coexistence of resistance oscillations and the anomalous metal phase in a lithium intercalated TiSe2 superconductor, M. Liao, H. Wang, Y. Zhu, R. Shang, M. Rafique, L. Yang, H. Zhang, D. Zhang*, and Q.-K. Xue*, 2021
- Superconductivity in few-layer stanene, M. Liao#, Y. Zang#, Z. Guan, H. Li, Y. Gong, K. Zhu, X.-P. Hu, D. Zhang*, Y. Xu*, Y.-Y. Wang, K. He, X.-C. Ma, S.-C. Zhang, and Q.-K. Xue*, 2018
- Superconductor-insulator transitions in exfoliated B2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ flakes, M. Liao, Y. Zhu, J. Zhang, R. Zhong, J. Schneeloch, G. Gu, K. Jiang, D. Zhang*, X. Ma, and Q.-K. Xue*, 2018
- Quasiparticle tunneling across an exciton condensate, D. Zhang*, J. Falson, S. Schmult, W. Dietsche, and J. H. Smet*, 2020
- Anomalous interlayer transport of quantum Hall bilayers in the strongly Josephson-coupled regime, D. Zhang, W. Dietsche, and K. von Klitzing, 2016
- 2021-2022: 清华大学物理系金锝青年学者
- 2020: 麻省理工科技评论中国“35岁以下科技创新35人”
- 2020: 清华大学第十七届“良师益友”
- 2019: 清华大学学术新人奖