Clear Object
< $10m
11 - 50
ClearObject 是物联网系统创新者,帮助世界上最好的公司将他们的大胆想法与物联网联系起来。我们将多年的经验、我们的专家团队和领先的合作伙伴联盟结合在一起,使您的物联网解决方案成为现实。在 ClearObject,我们想象一个由互联技术驱动的世界,并将其变为现实。互联货运车队可实现更有效的运输、促进先进医疗设备测试的安全托管环境、高效的替代能源并改善设备与其创建者之间的通信。
七年前,在芝加哥郊区的一个地下室里,少数人有了一个想法。这个想法从地下室的头脑风暴,到汽车修理厂的投资者会议,到印第安纳波利斯的初创公司,以及(最终)成为一个屡获殊荣的行业知名组织。我们已经从那个地下室走了很长一段路。经过无数小时、无数牺牲、无数奉献,我们成长为CloudOne。通过更多相同的方式,我们获得了扩展和多样化的机会。现在,我们公司的业务遍及全球,并拥有一堵客户徽标墙,其中包括世界思想领袖、行业专家和最值得信赖的品牌。过去三年,我们的收入稳步增长。我们的团队搬进了位于印第安纳州费希尔斯的新总部。我们的伙伴关系不断加强。我们的产品不断增加。多年来,我们的使命、专业知识和潜力不断发展。我们的团队壮大了,我们有了新的想法,也有了新的资源。现在,是时候让我们的身份更好地反映这些能力和资产了。考虑到这一点,我很高兴地宣布,CloudOne 现在是 ClearObject,即日起生效。我们有同样的创业动力,我们有同样的关注点,我们对我们的客户有着同样坚定不移的奉献精神。我们希望我们的名字和形象能够展示我们所提供的一切;我们不仅仅是一家云公司。 ClearObject 是物联网系统的创新者:我们颠覆您开展业务的方式,而不会中断您的组织。我们让您的数据发挥作用。我们将您的“事物”与物联网的巨大潜力联系起来。我们通过部署使 CloudOne 取得如此巨大成功的相同策略来实现这一点。 ClearObject 利用我们自己的专家和合作伙伴的综合力量来提供世界一流的物联网服务。 ClearObject 旨在成为万物互联的领导者。我们为客户的物联网目标及其数据提供清晰的途径。我们阐明了软件、网络和云中发现的复杂性,这些复杂性通常会阻碍创新。我们启用大胆。当我们展望作为 ClearObject 的未来时,我们向那些让 CloudOne 如此成功并使 ClearObject 成为可能的人表示衷心的“感谢”。我们很高兴在未来的许多年里与大家分享这段旅程。
Clear Object 是 云规划/设计/实施服务, 和 系统集成等工业物联网服务方面的供应商。.
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Case Study
IBM InfoSphere Streams Powered by CloudOne
InfoSphere Streams (STREAMS) provides an advanced analytics platform that allows user-developed applications to quickly digest, analyze and correlate informational data as it arrives from thousands of real time sources.STREAMS can process high speed data throughput rates, up to millions of events/messages per second. This solution is designed to give your team the most flexibility for managing data collection applications and services, while letting CloudOne manage the servers for threats or mistakes.

Opentrends provides the most advanced custom software solutions to place companies in the Digital Transformation path, allowing them to achieve innovation advantage and contribute to their growth acceleration.More than 18 years delivering innovative projects of high technological complexity in a wide range of industries, while guaranteeing quality and alignment with our client’s objectives. In fact, over a hundred global companies across various industries have full Trust in our unique ability to design, build, implement, and integrate complex software innovations into their organizations.Let’s excel your digital future today.

Altiux Innovations
Altiux Innovations is a product engineering, design and technology services company that helps clients to design, develop and deploy products and solutions for the connected world. With expertise in M2M, IoT, Mobility, Big data, Cloud and Analytics they help build products and solutions for companies in the Consumer Electronics, Smart Homes, Intelligent Buildings, Smart Cities and Manufacturing verticals.

onetelecom is an international solution-provider and a world-class wholesale services to fixed and mobile operators, service providers, carriers and OTT-Media companies. Our service portfolio includes International Submarine Capacity , Voice, Carrier Enterprise, Mobile and Satellite, innovative Digital solutions (IoT, Security, Cloud, Big Data) and end-to-end solutions for enterprises. As a global provider of a wide range of integrated communication solutions, Operates network-neutral data centers and co-location facilities in the middle-east and the global , and Wireless communications solutions and app’s.

Industrial data platformThe ConnectedThinks Industrial data platform is capable of connecting to multiple industrial data sources, correlating and transforming the data into useful insights, and helping improve the efficiency of your industrial business.Edge ConnectorsThe edge-connectors suite is a middleware deployable on ARM or X86-based Industrial edge IoT gateways. It enables quick connection and rapid onboarding of various assets such as machinery, sensors, asset trackers, Bluetooth beacons, and IP Video streams as well as OT assets such as PLC, SCADA, CNC, and HMI – to name a few. It offers secure device management and remote connection. Data PlatformThe ConnectedThinks data platform is a modern technology stack, built-to-scale to ingest and process high-speed, high-density, and real-time industrial data. Its functionality could be split into 3 primary parts – the data-ingest, the data-transform-&-store, and the data-query part.The data-ingest part consists of a high-performant MQTT broker and a highly-scalable, multi-cluster Kafka messaging queue which together can ingest and process data at a very high speed.The data-transform-&-storage part is built on top of Kafka KSQLdb and Apache Spark with real-time data transformation and the ability to integrate real-time machine-learning predictions for Anomaly Detection and other Predictive Maintenance tasks. The platform offers out-of-the-box connectors to store data on almost any database, data warehouse, or even into S3-storage compatible Data Lakes with efficient storage formats like PARQUET and AVRO.The data-query part consists of multiple custom-built connectors to various SQL and pseudo-SQL databases and storages along with highly-scalable PRESTO (a.k.a prestodb)Together it forms a complete Industry 4.0 offering for data intelligence and integration. The entire offering is built with Microservices and dockerized to make it suitable for deployment on-prem, private-cloud, or Public Cloud like AWS, Azure, or Google. Data visualization & BIConnectedThinks platform offers a custom-built visualization engine, built from the ground up to serve the specific requirements of industrial operations which demand a combination of real-time diagnostic monitoring for high-speed data, a SCADA-like monitoring system with visual aids and historical data analytics with data ranging from a few weeks to couple years. It is built on top of front-end REACT-js libraries along with Authentication and fine-grain access Authorization to deliver a secure web portal that is accessible from any corner of the world. The platform is also pre-integrated with Apache Superset and offers embedded dashboards as well as quick drag-and-drop data exploration. The prestodb query engine ODBC connectors enable you to import and explore data from your existing BI solutions such as Tableau, Looker, PowerBI, etc,
IBM Watson (IBM)
Watson is a question answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language, developed in IBM's DeepQA project by a research team led by principal investigator David Ferrucci. Watson was named after IBM's first CEO and industrialist Thomas J. Watson. The computer system was specifically developed to answer questions on the quiz show Jeopardy!. In 2011, Watson competed on Jeopardy! against former winners Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings. Watson received the first place prize of $1 million. Watson had access to 200 million pages of structured and unstructured content consuming four terabytes of disk storage including the full text of Wikipedia, but was not connected to the Internet during the game. For each clue, Watson's three most probable responses were displayed on the television screen. Watson consistently outperformed its human opponents on the game's signaling device, but had trouble in a few categories, notably those having short clues containing only a few words. In February 2013, IBM announced that Watson software system's first commercial application would be for utilization management decisions in lung cancer treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in conjunction with health insurance company WellPoint. IBM Watson's former business chief Manoj Saxena says that 90% of nurses in the field who use Watson now follow its guidance.