Wind River
1,001 - 10,000
Wind River Systems 为嵌入式系统提供软件操作系统和开发工具。微处理器和软件包含嵌入式系统,这些系统用于超过 10 亿种产品,包括自动制动系统、互联网交通路由器、喷气式战斗机控制面板、移动电话、机顶盒、交通信号灯和其他消费电子产品。
构建安全可靠的系统是风河的标志。在过去的 30 年里,他们一直在确保从工业厂房和变电站到喷气式客机和通勤列车的所有安全关键系统绝对能够正常工作。他们现在正在利用我们数十年的现场经验来部署软件代理和微内核等先进技术,以将我们的超可靠操作系统更全面地集成到物联网(IoT) 中。物联网正式在这里。随之而来的不仅是新的挑战,还有估计为 19 万亿美元的未开发价值和巨大机遇。通过 Wind River Helix 实现物联网的巨大潜力,这是一个全面的软件解决方案组合,用于利用智能来推动创新和业务转型。通过他们的产品,开发人员和设备制造商不仅可以创建构成物联网的安全、可靠和可靠的智能系统,还可以移动这些系统生成的数据——从边缘的安全和托管设备,通过网关,跨关键网络基础设施,并向上进入云。 Wind River Helix 是企业在这个激动人心的新数据时代生存和发展所需的一切。
波音、NASA JPL、博世、奥林巴斯、华为
Wind River的技术栈描绘了Wind River在平台即服务 (paas), 分析与建模, 网络安全和隐私, 和 处理器与边缘智能等物联网技术方面的实践。
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Case Study
Monday Motorbikes Manufactures 100% electric bikes
Urban commute is a pain: most trips are short and existing options just don't cut it. Cars are expensive / hard to park / stuck in traffic Buses are slow / unreliable / stuck in traffic Motorcycles are heavy / require a special license Bicycles are exhausting / range-limited / slow
Case Study
General Dynamics Uses Wind River Simics to Meet NASA Challenge
In designing and building Fermi, the General Dynamics C4 Systems business unit was faced with a challenge: it needed to provide an environment that could support rigorous testing by multiple Fermi subsystem groups before the spacecraft hardware was available.
Case Study
Mitsubishi Electric's Edge Computing Solution Powered by Wind River VxWorks
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a global leader in factory automation (FA) applications, identified edge computing as a critical component of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The company aimed to enhance device and data security, reduce data traffic to the cloud, and enable faster response to network or device issues. In 2018, Mitsubishi Electric launched its first line of industrial hardware products designed for edge computing, the MELIPC Series. The primary development goals for MELIPC were to support the type of edge computing promoted by Mitsubishi Electric and to introduce advanced vision technology for device control. The flagship computer of the MELIPC line, the MI5000, was designed to combine real-time equipment control with high-speed data collection, processing, diagnosis, and feedback in a single machine. However, the development team needed a real-time control platform that could seamlessly integrate real-time control with proven analytic and diagnostic applications.
Case Study
NASA Meets Satellite Project Testing And Verification Goals
Rising development and maintenance costs comprise the key business challenge of testing and verification for NASA IV&V. Because of their complexity and stringent safety requirements, most NASA projects take many years to come to fruition.
Case Study
Wind River and Parkeon: Making the Smart City a Reality
Parkeon, a global leader in urban mobility technology, had a vision to transform their devices into a new channel for a wide range of city services, creating a developer ecosystem or an 'app store' for meters. The company aimed to create multi-service kiosks that are fully integrated into the Smart City ecosystem, allowing partners to build and deliver additional services through their devices. However, a significant challenge was connecting and integrating these new terminals with the company’s back-office business systems. Parkeon had been using its own network for device connectivity, but with the trend towards the Internet of Things, they realized they needed a more robust connectivity solution than they could build themselves. They needed a solution that could manage deployed meters and integrate the connectivity part of the solution.
Case Study
Continental's Vehicle Systems Development Accelerated by Wind River Compiler
Automotive supplier Continental was faced with the challenge of saving time, reducing costs, and standardizing the development process across its globally dispersed development sites. The company also had to meet the requirements of the functional safety standard ISO 26262. This necessitated a global effort to standardize the development process during every phase and at every geographic site, using common processes and tools. The challenge was not only to streamline and standardize the development process but also to ensure compliance with safety standards across all its development sites.
Case Study
Wind River's IoT Solution Powers Toshiba's Next-Gen Retail System
Toshiba was faced with the challenge of building the next generation of its TCx™ Sky retail optimized operating system. The new system needed to provide stability, security, and performance for today’s widely distributed Point of Sale (POS) systems and also serve as a foundation for emerging IoT innovations such as biometrics and anonymous facial recognition. With TCx Sky powering over a million checkout lines and running a streamlined embedded Linux kernel suitable for retail applications, Toshiba needed a technology partner to help it keep up with the constant evolution and security monitoring associated with embedded Linux deployments. The challenge was further compounded by Toshiba's diverse customer base, which necessitated the constant release of new products to keep up with the latest silicon and security features.
Case Study
AgustaWestland's Safety-Critical Helicopter Touch Screen Unit Development with Wind River
AgustaWestland, a leading helicopter manufacturer, was faced with the challenge of developing a new safety-critical avionics display for a military helicopter upgrade program. The military helicopter had previously used avionics display control units within the cockpit and cabin of the aircraft. However, the new project aimed to enable the implementation of additional functionality to meet new operational requirements. The challenge was to adopt an innovative approach that would not only meet the current needs but also allow for future upgrades using a standards-based approach. The traditional turnkey black-box approach used by traditional suppliers was not suitable for this project due to its lack of flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements.
Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, and global logistics support; all backed by industry-leading front and back office e-business solutions.
ARM designs scalable, energy efficient-processors and related technologies to deliver intelligence in applications ranging from sensors to servers, including smartphones, tablets, enterprise infrastructure and the Internet of Things. Their technology enables current and future IoT applications and services to become truly ubiquitous and intelligent.
Opentrends provides the most advanced custom software solutions to place companies in the Digital Transformation path, allowing them to achieve innovation advantage and contribute to their growth acceleration.More than 18 years delivering innovative projects of high technological complexity in a wide range of industries, while guaranteeing quality and alignment with our client’s objectives. In fact, over a hundred global companies across various industries have full Trust in our unique ability to design, build, implement, and integrate complex software innovations into their organizations.Let’s excel your digital future today.
Hekr is an Internet of Things cloud platform company that provides integrated hardware and software solutions for enterprise and individual developers. The integrated solutions of HEKR Cloud include: HEKR Cloud platform, mobile APP, hardware modules, Embedded Software and supporting self-service and development debugging tools, providing customers with fast, efficient and reliable Internet of Things solutions.