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Alludo > 实例探究 > 数字化转型:Abracadabra 标志和设计从传统艺术到数字艺术的旅程

数字化转型:Abracadabra 标志和设计从传统艺术到数字艺术的旅程

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Abracadabra Signs and Designs 是一家位于加拿大安大略省的标牌制作公司,专门制作独特而令人难忘的卡通人物,作为其标志性的引人注目的壁画和标牌的一部分。12 年来,该公司一直提供手绘图像,为其客户的店面、餐厅和企业增添特别的吸引力。该公司也被称为“卡通沙龙”,由史蒂夫·托马斯·格里尔 (Steve Thomas Greer) 领导,他是一位艺术家和漫画家,手绘壁画已有 12 年多。该公司的团队由另外四名艺术家组成,他们和史蒂夫一样,致力于保持其作品的手工外观。
Abracadabra Signs and Designs 是一家以其独特且令人难忘的卡通人物而闻名的标牌制作公司,面临着重大挑战。该公司由史蒂夫·托马斯·格里尔 (Steve Thomas Greer) 领导,凭借手绘壁画和标志而享有盛誉,这一过程既耗时又费力。随着工作需求的增加,公司发现越来越难以跟上不断增长的项目数量。传统的标牌制作过程涉及油漆、刷子和切割乙烯基,这减慢了他们的工作流程并限制了他们承担更多工作的能力。史蒂夫认识到数字印刷在加快流程和提高生产力方面的潜力。然而,他对转型犹豫不决,因为担心会损害其公司艺术标志性的独特手工外观。
该解决方案以 Corel Painter 的形式出现,该软件提供模仿传统媒体的高度逼真的画笔、纸张和效果。该工具使 Abracadabra 的艺术家能够在数字工作流程中保持其手工制作的艺术品的外观。该公司还在他们的流程中融入了 9x12 Wacom Intuos 3 平板电脑,使艺术家能够以几乎任何艺术媒体的外观创作作品。数字工作流程还提供了速度和“撤消”功能的强大优势。在 Corel Painter 中创建图稿后,它会被导入 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite。使用 Corel PowerTRACE,位图图像被转换为矢量文件,可以轻松缩放和操作。该公司还投资了两台 Roland SOLJET 大幅面打印机,这使他们能够快速输出横幅、壁画和其他大幅面标牌。
  • The transition to a digital workflow has not only increased Abracadabra's productivity but also allowed them to maintain the unique, hand-crafted look that is their trademark. The use of Corel software has provided the artists with ease of use, flexibility, and a broad range of creative tools that meet the demands of even the most challenging jobs. The biggest advantage, however, has been the speed at which the company is now able to deliver the final product to its customers. This has been particularly beneficial in serving one of their biggest clients, a rapidly growing restaurant chain. The digital transformation has enabled Abracadabra to meet the client's needs head-on and dramatically grow its own business in the process.
  • Client jobs that once took four days to complete are now delivered in six hours, reducing the time to complete each job by approximately 85%.
  • The company has seen an immediate return on their investment by dramatically slashing the time it takes to complete each job and reducing their overall outsourcing costs.
  • The company is now able to keep their large-format printers running 8 to 10 hours a day, increasing their output capacity.

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