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Bentley > 实例探究 > Dockwise 利用 Bentley 技术将上部结构的漂浮时间减半

Dockwise 利用 Bentley 技术将上部结构的漂浮时间减半

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  • 传感器 - 电表
  • 石油和天然气
  • 运输
  • 采购
  • 产品研发
  • 自主运输系统
  • 交通模拟
  • 系统集成
Dockwise Shipping BV 是 Royal Boskalis Westminster NV 的全资子公司,是一家为海事基础设施领域的重型运输和安装 (T&I) 开发创新解决方案的公司。 Dockwise 拥有一支由 23 艘半潜式船舶和两个浮动超级托盘组成的船队,其总部位于荷兰布雷达,业务遍及全球。该公司被选为缅甸孟加拉湾SHWE油田开发项目的T&I承包商,为SHWE安装了近22,000吨导管架和30,000吨带甲板支撑框架的上部设施,创下了重量记录平台。
Dockwise 是 Royal Boskalis Westminster NV 的子公司,负责为缅甸孟加拉湾的 SHWE 平台安装近 22,000 吨导管架和 30,000 吨带甲板支撑框架的上部设施。这是价值 15 亿美元的 SHWE 油田开发项目的一部分。该安装涉及世界上最大的导管架之一和最重的上部结构之一,突破了安装驳船的极限。该驳船独特的瓶形满足了稳定性和导管架占地面积要求,但对系泊布置和运输全球强度需求提出了挑战。短、胖、重的夹克也给发射操作带来了挑战。该项目分布在荷兰、美国和中国的三个办公中心,这对数据访问、准确性、可追溯性和工作流程,特别是最终产品设计图纸提出了挑战。
Dockwise 利用 Bentley 的海上平台分析、设计和安装软件 MOSES 和 SACS 来应对工程挑战。 MOSES 是一套用于海上结构安装的综合分析软件,用于计算所有时程水动力相关信息,例如浮体冲击力和运动。 SACS 是一套用于海上结构的结构分析和设计的集成软件套件,用于动态迭代设计、符合海上设计标准并可视化复杂的结果。 SACS 和 MOSES 之间的数据传输提高了项目效率,使项目团队能够进行广泛的分析,以有效的方式验证想法。对于数据管理,项目团队使用 MicroStation 和 ProjectWise。 MicroStation 和 ProjectWise 的全面集成为在不同地点的不同部门之间传输绘图提供了自然而轻松的过程。它还简化了审查和批准过程的工作流程。
  • The use of Bentley technology improved efficiency and accuracy throughout the duration of the project. The topsides float-over analysis was a time-consuming process that required huge data transfer between SACS and MOSES. The ability to transfer data between these two programs was critical and increased project efficiency. The geographic distribution of the project across three office centers allowed key team members to be available 24 hours a day to work on the pre-identified fast-track tasks and unexpected urgent requests from the field. The combination of MicroStation and ProjectWise provided the information mobility solution that Dockwise required for such a large project executed on a global basis. Safety was also a prime consideration during the T&I project. MOSES and SACS were used to simulate the float-over procedure, which provided accurate predictions for the mooring line and equipment impact forces, and verified the mooring line arrangements. These engineering activities significantly reduced the risk of a mooring line break during the operation, and so contributed directly to personal and operational safety. The installation was ultimately performed without any accidents.
  • Efficiencies achieved during detail design saved 5,000 man-hours of the 30,000 engineering hours.
  • Simulations conducted using MOSES and SACS cut the estimated topsides float-over time from four days to two days.
  • The planned four-day operation was actually reduced to just two days for the float-over operation.

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