- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 无人机 - 飞行与控制系统
- 航天
- 设备与机械
- 产品研发
- 制造过程模拟
- 虚拟原型与产品测试
- 系统集成
Esterline Control Systems, Mason 是一家开发主动和被动接收器以及控制系统的公司,这些系统专为各种标准配置而定制,以满足特定的客户要求。他们的产品用于黑鹰直升机、F-18 战斗机、C-5 运输机以及湾流、巴西航空工业公司和波音飞机等标志性应用。自 1942 年以来,该公司一直提供世界一流的航空航天组件、载人、无人和机器人控制设备以及相关子系统。ECS、Mason 以其彻底而优雅的工程设计而闻名,它集成了人为因素、DO-178B 嵌入式软件、多个接口、节能设计、环境坚固性、重量减轻、可维护性等融入到他们的产品中。
Esterline Control Systems, Mason(ECS,Mason)是一家开发飞行控制器以及其他航空航天和军事应用产品的公司。这些产品通常是小批量生产的,例如 200 架直升机或 300 架飞机,这使得全定制设计方法不可行。相反,工程师修改现有的标准产品配置以满足每个客户的需求。此过程涉及对设计的广泛迭代,设计数据在团队和工具之间传递以满足应用程序的约束。然而,该公司最初基于 OrCAD 工作站的电气设计套件效率低下。将设计文件导入和导出到仿真、3D 建模和其他分析工具需要手动过程,该过程速度缓慢且容易出错。缺乏集成的仿真和程序管理工具也阻碍了设计并阻碍了对设计替代方案的探索。
ECS、Mason 采用 Altium Designer 来简化原理图捕获、仿真和电路板设计流程。该工具不仅单独改进了每个流程,而且通过将所有工具集成在一个设计环境中,提供了更大的生产力提升。工程师发现集中式组件库广泛且易于扩展,这节省了时间并降低了项目风险。与机械设计的集成也被发现非常有帮助,机械功能非常好,并且向 SolidWorks 的导出过程也非常有效。 Altium Designer 与所有分析和产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 应用程序无缝集成,将生产新设计的时间和成本减少多达 50%,并以其他方式简化流程。该工具还可以更轻松地满足 DO-254 文档要求,并确保设计持续同步,改善公司与其客户之间的沟通,并有助于防止项目中的人为错误。
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Case Study
Smart Water Filtration Systems
Before working with Ayla Networks, Ozner was already using cloud connectivity to identify and solve water-filtration system malfunctions as well as to monitor filter cartridges for replacements.But, in June 2015, Ozner executives talked with Ayla about how the company might further improve its water systems with IoT technology. They liked what they heard from Ayla, but the executives needed to be sure that Ayla’s Agile IoT Platform provided the security and reliability Ozner required.

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IoT enabled Fleet Management with MindSphere
In view of growing competition, Gämmerler had a strong need to remain competitive via process optimization, reliability and gentle handling of printed products, even at highest press speeds. In addition, a digitalization initiative also included developing a key differentiation via data-driven services offers.

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Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Chillers
For global leaders in the industrial chiller manufacturing, reliability of the entire production process is of the utmost importance. Chillers are refrigeration systems that produce ice water to provide cooling for a process or industrial application. One of those leaders sought a way to respond to asset performance issues, even before they occur. The intelligence to guarantee maximum reliability of cooling devices is embedded (pre-alarming). A pre-alarming phase means that the cooling device still works, but symptoms may appear, telling manufacturers that a failure is likely to occur in the near future. Chillers who are not internet connected at that moment, provide little insight in this pre-alarming phase.

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Premium Appliance Producer Innovates with Internet of Everything
Sub-Zero faced the largest product launch in the company’s history:It wanted to launch 60 new products as scheduled while simultaneously opening a new “greenfield” production facility, yet still adhering to stringent quality requirements and manage issues from new supply-chain partners. A the same time, it wanted to increase staff productivity time and collaboration while reducing travel and costs.

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Integration of PLC with IoT for Bosch Rexroth
The application arises from the need to monitor and anticipate the problems of one or more machines managed by a PLC. These problems, often resulting from the accumulation over time of small discrepancies, require, when they occur, ex post technical operations maintenance.

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Airbus Soars with Wearable Technology
Building an Airbus aircraft involves complex manufacturing processes consisting of thousands of moving parts. Speed and accuracy are critical to business and competitive advantage. Improvements in both would have high impact on Airbus’ bottom line. Airbus wanted to help operators reduce the complexity of assembling cabin seats and decrease the time required to complete this task.