Mid-size Company
- America
- United States
- IntelePeer CoreCloud™ SIP Trunking
- VOIP services
- SIP trunking
- Enterprise cloud network
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Cost Savings
- Productivity Improvements
- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云计算
- 商业运营
- 远程协作
- 远程控制
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
- 系统集成
First Nations Home Finance Corporation (FNHF) 是一家提供全方位服务的抵押贷款银行,每年为数千笔个人住房抵押贷款提供资金。该公司总部位于圣地亚哥,在南加州的各个城市设有 9 个分支机构,拥有 100 多名员工。FNHF 还在亚利桑那州、科罗拉多州、内华达州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州开展业务。该公司已推出企业云网络,以提供安全访问来处理贷款申请。然而,他们面临着第一个 SIP 中继提供商的挑战,该提供商存在一些限制,对他们期望和要求的服务可靠性和质量产生了负面影响。
First Nations Home Finance Corporation (FNHF) 是一家提供全方位服务的抵押贷款银行,每年为数千笔个人住房抵押贷款提供资金。该公司在南加州的各个城市设有 9 个分支机构,拥有 100 多名员工,并在亚利桑那州、科罗拉多州、内华达州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州开展业务。为了支持其地理分散的团队,FNHF 推出了企业云网络,以提供安全的访问来处理贷款申请。然而,该公司的第一个 SIP 中继提供商存在一些限制,对公司期望和要求的服务可靠性和质量产生了负面影响。因此,FNHF 需要寻找一个在提供安全、可靠的 SIP 中继服务方面拥有良好记录的新通信合作伙伴。
First Nations 列出了新 SIP 中继提供商必须具备的五个特征:具有前端对等点和后端 SIP 中继的冗余、能够在基本互联网服务(非 mpls 电路)上运行、高可靠性、具有压缩的高质量语音和传真服务以及成本效益。在分析了传统电信公司和其他 SIP 中继提供商的提案后,他们发现了 IntelePeer 的“SIP 中继 101”白皮书,并发现 IntelePeer 的统一通信理念及其技术能力与他们的愿望清单相符。First Nations 选择了 IntelePeer 的 CoreCloud™ SIP 中继服务,该服务具有冗余中继,以增加可靠性。IntelePeer 的团队迅速开展工作,无缝移植了 FNHF 的号码,并解决了涉及的各个电信公司的任何问题,确保项目按计划进行,顺利过渡。
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Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future
Goldcorp is committed to responsible mining practices and maintaining maximum safety for its workers. At the same time, the firm is constantly exploring ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, extend the life of its assets, and control costs. Goldcorp needed technology that can maximize production efficiency by tracking all mining operations, keep employees safe with remote operations and monitoring of hazardous work areas and control production costs through better asset and site management.
Case Study
Premium Appliance Producer Innovates with Internet of Everything
Sub-Zero faced the largest product launch in the company’s history:It wanted to launch 60 new products as scheduled while simultaneously opening a new “greenfield” production facility, yet still adhering to stringent quality requirements and manage issues from new supply-chain partners. A the same time, it wanted to increase staff productivity time and collaboration while reducing travel and costs.
Case Study
Remote Monitoring and Control for a Windmill Generator
As concerns over global warming continue to grow, green technologies are becoming increasingly popular. Wind turbine companies provide an excellent alternative to burning fossil fuels by harnessing kinetic energy from the wind and converting it into electricity. A typical wind farm may include over 80 wind turbines so efficient and reliable networks to manage and control these installations are imperative. Each wind turbine includes a generator and a variety of serial components such as a water cooler, high voltage transformer, ultrasonic wind sensors, yaw gear, blade bearing, pitch cylinder, and hub controller. All of these components are controlled by a PLC and communicate with the ground host. Due to the total integration of these devices into an Ethernet network, one of our customers in the wind turbine industry needed a serial-to-Ethernet solution that can operate reliably for years without interruption.
Case Study
Aerospace & Defense Case Study Airbus
For the development of its new wide-body aircraft, Airbus needed to ensure quality and consistency across all internal and external stakeholders. Airbus had many challenges including a very aggressive development schedule and the need to ramp up production quickly to satisfy their delivery commitments. The lack of communication extended design time and introduced errors that drove up costs.
Case Study
Using SNMP for a Ethernet-Based Home Automation System
A startup company was developing a product which provides service partners with an integrated e-services platform that allows customers to remotely monitor and control devices in their home or business. In order to complete their project, the startup needed a control system that could monitor and control the many different devices used by their potential customers, preferably with an open protocol for greater flexibility. SNMP was their first choice, as it is commonly used and well understood in the IT field. The next step was to choose an I/O server to connect to the sensors in a home automation system. System Requirements - Open Ethernet-based procotol - SNMP protocol for I/O control - Compact size to save space - Long-term support and services
Case Study
Porsche Announces Augmented Reality at Scale, Powered by Atheer
The usual practice for car repairs at a Porsche car dealership is to have a factory representative or regional engineer visit to help diagnose the problem, and sometimes a faulty assembly is shipped back to company HQ for damage analysis. All that costs time and money for customers and dealers alike.