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Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH 是一家管道系统专家,总部位于德国 Dautphetal。该公司以其定制制造而闻名,以满足不同行业的特殊需求。来自世界各地的客户都依赖于 Georg Fischer DEKA 生产的现代塑料管道系统。该公司的竞争优势包括其对顶级品质的重视以及创造高度定制的产品。例如,这家塑料制造商为空客 340 和 380 的客舱空气通风提供管道系统。快速的产品周转是一项关键标准:必须在 24 小时内交付替换零件。该公司的仓库里堆满了 500 多种不同尺寸的管道,这些管道全部由各种材料制成,批量生产或定制。该公司拥有 112 名员工。
管道系统专家 Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH 面临着一项挑战,因为他们必须存档大量生产数据。产品责任相关法律要求所有制造文档必须安全保存 50 年以上。由于存储空间需求不断增加,该公司正在寻找一种替代纸质存档的方法。此外,该公司将此视为重新思考和重组公司沟通方式的机会。过去,每个工作组以及每个员工都有自己的归档系统。记录都是手动组织、复制和归档到活页夹中。然后,每年过后,这些文件都会被放置在中央存储空间中,只有授权员工才能访问。搜索任何旧记录都相当困难,而且需要花费大量时间。部门之间的任何文件交换通常都很麻烦,甚至更加耗时。客户查询无法快速处理,因为文件必须通过“管道邮件”在建筑物内移动。
公司领导层决定在 DocuWare 销售合作伙伴 DMS Vertriebs GmbH 的帮助下创建一个电子档案。订单处理部门的员工测试了由 QAD 的 ERP 系统 MFG/PRO 处理的全自动归档系统。两周内,文档管理系统 (DMS) 便运行完美。如今,公司的所有部门都在使用中央文档池:销售、生产、质量控制、会计、维护、运输和仓库。每天大约有 200 个流程(涉及多达 600 张纸)被归档。ERP 系统生成的各种记录,例如订单、装运单据、应收账款发票,过去需要打印、复印、打孔并放入活页夹中。现在,该过程完全自动进行,所有这些文档都使用内置的客户编号和名称进行索引,并进行组织和安全存储。任何授权人员只需单击鼠标即可访问这些相同的文档。发票仍可打印并通过邮件发送给客户。中央文档库的记录还可以打印到电子篮子中,然后使用通信软件 Tobit 通过传真或电子邮件发送。
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Case Study
Airbus Soars with Wearable Technology
Building an Airbus aircraft involves complex manufacturing processes consisting of thousands of moving parts. Speed and accuracy are critical to business and competitive advantage. Improvements in both would have high impact on Airbus’ bottom line. Airbus wanted to help operators reduce the complexity of assembling cabin seats and decrease the time required to complete this task.
Case Study
Aircraft Predictive Maintenance and Workflow Optimization
First, aircraft manufacturer have trouble monitoring the health of aircraft systems with health prognostics and deliver predictive maintenance insights. Second, aircraft manufacturer wants a solution that can provide an in-context advisory and align job assignments to match technician experience and expertise.
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Honeywell - Tata Chemicals Improves Data Accessibility with OneWireless
Tata was facing data accessibility challenges in the cement plant control room tapping signals from remote process control areas and other distant locations, including the gas scrubber. Tata needed a wireless solution to extend its control network securely to remote locations that would also provide seamless communication with existing control applications.