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Expel > 实例探究 > GreenSky 利用 Expel 进行高效的反网络钓鱼管理

GreenSky 利用 Expel 进行高效的反网络钓鱼管理

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  • 篡改检测
  • 时间敏感网络
GreenSky, Inc. 成立于 2006 年,是一家领先的技术公司,为不断发展的商家、消费者和银行生态系统提供销售点商务支持。该公司帮助近 18,000 家商家向消费者提供无摩擦的促销支付选项,从而推动销量增加并加速现金流。银行利用 GreenSky 的技术向全国的超级优质和优质信贷消费者提供贷款。自成立以来,已有超过 340 万消费者使用 GreenSky 的无纸化、实时“申请并购买”技术为超过 250 亿美元的商业融资。
GreenSky 是一家领先的金融科技公司,正在应对网络钓鱼的挑战,这是该组织最紧迫的安全问题之一。尽管制定了广泛的网络钓鱼教育和意识计划,该公司仍然容易受到潜在的网络钓鱼攻击。该公司负责 IT 安全和业务连续性的副总裁 Lori Temples 和她的团队不得不将工作日的大部分时间用于网络钓鱼,这使得他们专注于更具战略性的项目的时间更少。他们投资了一种工具来自动分析潜在的网络钓鱼电子邮件,但该工具缺乏人性化,需要 GreenSky 团队在日常反网络钓鱼工作中发挥积极作用。该团队需要一种能够有效管理网络钓鱼调查的解决方案,使他们能够专注于其他战略计划。
GreenSky 求助于 Expel,这是他们之前聘请的一家提供 24x7 安全监控服务的公司。他们决定使用 Expel for Phishing,该解决方案不仅可以更深入地了解网络钓鱼尝试,还可以大大减少审查潜在有害电子邮件所花费的时间。该解决方案与 GreenSky 的端点检测和响应 (EDR) 工具集成,使 Expel 的分析师能够更深入地挖掘潜在的网络钓鱼尝试。当检测到潜在恶意电子邮件时,Expel 团队将首先确定其真实性。如果发现恶意行为,他们将使用 EDR 工具进行进一步调查,以确定还有谁收到了该电子邮件以及是否有人因此受到损害。这一过程将 GreenSky 团队花在审查网络钓鱼电子邮件上的时间减少了 75%,使他们能够专注于更具战略性的项目。
  • The partnership with Expel brought about significant operational improvements for GreenSky. The team was able to focus more on strategic projects, thanks to the reduced time spent on investigating phishing emails. The shared Slack channel with Expel facilitated faster and more thorough investigations, with immediate action on legitimate threats. The team also experienced improved executive reporting, with the ability to gather detailed data from Expel Workbench for reporting to GreenSky’s executives. This level of detail was appreciated by the management, especially in the wake of rising ransomware and COVID-related attacks. Looking ahead, GreenSky plans to use the time saved to focus on additional strategic projects and further refine their phishing awareness program based on the trends and tactics identified by Expel.
  • Reduced time spent on phishing investigations by 75 percent, from four hours a day to about one hour.
  • Enabled the team to focus on more strategic projects by freeing up time previously spent on phishing investigations.
  • Provided more detailed data about anti-phishing efforts to share with stakeholders around the company.

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