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Cadence Design Systems > 实例探究 > IBM 和 Cadence:利用复杂的 PCB 系统简化大型计算机设计

IBM 和 Cadence:利用复杂的 PCB 系统简化大型计算机设计

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  • 处理器与边缘智能 - 微控制器与印刷电路板 (PCB)
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  • 制造过程模拟
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 硬件设计与工程服务
  • 系统集成
50 多年来,IBM 一直是大型机计算领域的领先企业。该公司以其大规模设计而闻名,制造出采用高度复杂印刷电路板 (PCB) 的大型计算机。这些 PCB 是超小型元件的巨大配置,单板在 10 多层电路中承载数万个信号互连。这些设计非常复杂,每个组件的引脚数达到 5,000 个,板级连接数超过 5,000 个,带来了重大的设计挑战。尽管面临这些挑战,IBM 仍在继续创新并在大型机计算领域处于领先地位。
IBM 是大型机计算领域的领导者,在为其大型计算机设计高度复杂的印刷电路板 (PCB) 时面临着挑战。这些 PCB 尺寸高达 50 厘米 x 60 厘米,在 10 多层电路中承载数万个信号互连,每个组件的引脚数达到 5,000 个,板级连接数超过 5,000 个。这些设计的复杂性使得传统原理图的处理和分析变得麻烦且耗时。 IBM 试图通过开发一种解决方案来简化该流程,该解决方案以表格或电子表格格式输入每个信号的设计属性。然而,这又增加了一个步骤,因为工程师必须将信息转换为硬件描述语言 (HDL) 才能与设计平台交互。此外,模拟元件不能以这种方式处理,必须手动配置。
IBM 德国研发实验室采用了 Cadence 的 Allegro System Architect GXL,这是一种集成解决方案,可在完整的设计和仿真环境中管理表格和原理图数据。该解决方案使设计人员能够像使用会计电子表格一样轻松地输入和操作信号规格,将输入时间减少到直接处理原理图所需时间的十分之一,并且错误更少。该解决方案还实现了快速编译,将设计代码编译时间从 8-10 小时缩短到几秒钟。这样可以快速检测错误并提高效率和生产率。 Allegro System Architect GXL 的集成环境还允许工程师更快、更轻松地评估前端定义将如何影响后端设计问题,从而将 PCB 开发所需的时间减少 80%。
  • The adoption of Cadence's Allegro System Architect GXL by IBM R&D Lab Germany resulted in a streamlined design process for their highly complex PCBs. The solution's ability to manage both tabular and schematic data in a full design and simulation environment simplified the design process, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. The rapid compilation feature of the solution allowed for quick detection of errors, significantly increasing productivity. The integrated environment also provided a comprehensive view of the system structure and greater visibility of the buses, enabling better forecasting of the number of layers required. This holistic approach to design also allowed design teams to explore design alternatives, reducing the cost of experimentation and innovation, and resulting in the best-possible design.
  • Design teams using the tabular input capability of Allegro System Architect can complete the input in one-tenth of the time required to work directly with schematics.
  • Compilation of the design code takes a fraction of time previously required for schematics, reducing from 8-10 hours to a matter of seconds.
  • The integrated environment of Allegro System Architect GXL reduced the time required for PCB development by 80%.

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