- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 电子产品
- 造纸
- 维护
- 采购
- 租赁金融自动化
- 智能合约
- 系统集成
Innovatix, LLC 是美国最大的服务于非急症护理市场的集团采购组织 (GPO)。它帮助美国和波多黎各各地的数千名会员在日常购物中节省大量费用。 Innovatix 致力于维护和发展行业领先的产品和服务合同组合,以支持减少开支的目标,同时帮助维持和提高所提供的服务和护理的质量。附属 GPO Essensa 是最新且发展最快的 GPO,为全国非急性医疗保健提供商和其他商业市场提供提高运营利润和供应链管理效率的解决方案。这些公司管理一个合同组合,为供应商的产品和/或服务提供优惠定价;他们促进会员执行这些合同,并与批发商合作,确保会员获得适当的价格。
Innovatix 是服务于非急症护理市场的美国最大的集团采购组织 (GPO),在管理其会员文书工作流程方面面临着重大挑战。该公司及其附属 GPO Essensa 管理着包含数千份合同的合同组合,每月处理超过 10,000 份合同文件。要加入 Innovatix 或 Essensa GPO,潜在客户必须提交不同详细程度的会员文件和合同文件。在某些情况下,可能有数十份文档,总计超过 100 页。其中许多文件是由供应商提供的,限制了简化文书工作量的灵活性。该公司希望从纸质系统过渡到电子文档生成系统,该系统与最近实施的 Microsoft Dynamics CRM® 2011 集成,并支持文档和电子(数字)签名的自动识别。
Innovatix 使用 Nintex AssureSign 构建了完整的解决方案,以快速轻松地生成文档并发送出去以供签名。文档生成解决方案是由公司内部开发团队定制的。它与公司的内部 CRM 系统 (Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2011) 集成,并依靠 Microsoft SharePoint 和许多自定义解决方案提供基于 Web 的文档生成平台。这使得客户代表可以完全通过网络浏览器搜索、审查、生成和传输大量文档。 Nintex AssureSign 强大的 API 使 Innovatix 能够以编程方式控制文档生成和签名过程。它允许该公司使用代码将其内部 PDF 文档转换为 Nintex AssureSign 模板,从而无需管理两套文档。 Nintex AssureSign 的网络服务进一步实现了与其现有业务流程的紧密集成。然后,用户可以选择创建带有条形码的 PDF 文档,以便稍后传真或扫描,或者将 PDF 文档转换为 Nintex AssureSign 模板,并使用其内部系统开始电子签名流程。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.

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Wireless Improves Efficiency in Compressed Air Systems
Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to improve the efficiency of their compressed air system, lower the electricity expense component of manufacturing cost in their commodity industry, and conserve energy leading to lowered greenhouse gas emissions. Compressed air systems degrade over time and become leaky and inefficient. Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to increase the frequency of system inspections without paying the high cost of manual labor.

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Predictive maintenance in Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric Le Vaudreuil factory in France is recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the world’s top nine most advanced “lighthouse” sites, applying Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies at large scale. It was experiencing machine-health and unplanned downtime issues on a critical machine within their manufacturing process. They were looking for a solution that could easily leverage existing machine data feeds, be used by machine operators without requiring complex setup or extensive training, and with a fast return on investment.

Case Study
Cloud Solution for Energy Management Platform-Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric required a cloud solution for its energy management platform to manage high computational operations, which were essential for catering to client requirements. As the business involves storage and analysis of huge amounts of data, the company also needed a convenient and scalable storage solution to facilitate operations efficiently.