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DigiFabster > 实例探究 > iOrthotics 通过 DigiFabster 简化运营并增强客户体验

iOrthotics 通过 DigiFabster 简化运营并增强客户体验

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  • 建筑物
  • 设备与机械
  • 采购
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 添加剂制造
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 系统集成
iOrthotics 是一家成立于 2009 年的澳大利亚公司,为医疗行业开发定制设备。该公司经历了快速增长,带动了就业并为澳大利亚经济注入了活力。 2017 年,iOrthotics 投资了惠普的 Multi Jet Fusion 3D 打印技术,发现其他行业也可以从其功能中受益。为了服务那些无法证明设备和人才投资合理的小公司,iOrthotics 创建了一个名为 i3DPS 的衍生公司。 i3DPS 的目标是利用网络和电子商务为许多不同行业的客户提供 i3DPS 及其客户可用的独特功能。
iOrthotics 是一家为医疗行业开发定制设备的澳大利亚公司,在有效接触和服务不同市场的新客户方面面临着挑战。该公司投资了惠普的 Multi Jet Fusion 3D 打印技术,并创建了一个衍生产品 i3DPS,为无法证明设备和人才投资合理的小型公司提供服务。然而,传统的企业对企业 (B2B) 电子商务方法被证明是一个障碍。大多数 B2B 公司,包括服务机构和机械商店,其网站的信息量比交易性的要多。现有的在线报价系统通常很麻烦,涉及开放式表格以及估算员和客户之间的来回对话。这不仅让顾客感到沮丧,而且还限制了每个估算员可以完成的工作量,从而阻碍了商店达到其容量。 iOrthotics 认识到这些限制并决心消除它们。
iOrthotics 采用了 DigiFabster 独特的在线报价、订单输入和 CRM 软件解决方案。在查看 DigiFabster 的网站并确定适当的功能和定价计划后,iOrthotics 能够访问必要的工具。他们使用 DigiFabster 的灵活选项设置定价并测试了系统。系统准备就绪后,iOrthotics 生成了 iFrame 小部件的代码,并将其放置在 i3DPS 网站上。这使他们能够开始自动报价工作并接受在线订单。 DigiFabster 系统为最终用户带来了显着的好处。客户现在可以输入所有必要的信息,上传文件并收到即时报价。如果他们对价格感到满意,他们可以像任何其他电子商务交易一样下订单,从而节省他们的时间和离线报价请求带来的麻烦。
  • With DigiFabster’s system in place, i3DPS began marketing their new online capabilities using various tactics including content marketing, search engine optimization, email, and other methods. The system has not only made the quoting and ordering process easier for customers but also reduced the amount of time i3DPS spends on spreadsheets, emails, and phone calls to complete a quote and help their customers place an order. DigiFabster’s CRM system helps them maintain contact with their clients and update them on job status. Once the job is complete, DigiFabster helps them automate shipping and payment reconciliation. The automation has also helped eliminate costly mistakes, reducing human error. Overall, iOrthotics is very satisfied with their decision to implement DigiFabster’s software. It has created a win-win solution where customers get easier access to state-of-the-art technology and expertise, while the company also benefits by offering an automated solution that allows them to scale their business.
  • iOrthotics saves 30 to 60 minutes per order using DigiFabster's software
  • The company is now able to scale its business and gain the maximum possible return on their significant investment in people, processes, and technology
  • The automation provided by DigiFabster helps reduce human error, saving both money and time

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