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Bentley > 实例探究 > 俄勒冈州交通部的 AssetWise 线性网络管理:物联网效率案例研究

俄勒冈州交通部的 AssetWise 线性网络管理:物联网效率案例研究

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  • 功能应用 - 企业资产管理系统 (EAM)
  • 功能应用 - 运输管理系统 (TMS)
  • 建筑与基础设施
  • 运输
  • 物流运输
  • 维护
  • 资产生命周期管理
  • 交通监控
  • 系统集成
  • 培训
俄勒冈州交通部 (ODOT) 是负责建立和监管该州交通基础设施的政府机构。这包括管理俄勒冈州境内超过 8,000 英里的州和州际高速公路。 ODOT 还监督与高速公路、道路和桥梁、铁路、公共交通服务、运输安全计划和汽车运输监管相关的计划。该部门的任务是满足州和联邦报告要求,这需要全面了解他们拥有哪些资产以及它们位于何处。由于与它们相关的网络不断变化,这一挑战变得更加复杂。
俄勒冈州交通部 (ODOT) 负责管理俄勒冈州境内超过 8,000 英里的州和州际高速公路,以及与高速公路、道路和桥梁、铁路、公共交通服务、运输安全计划和汽车运输监管相关的计划。此前,ODOT 使用运行在各种技术上的遗留系统管理其运输资产,执行并非最初设计的功能,并在多个存储库中复制数据。满足政府报告要求需要数月的自定义编码、手动更新和警惕的错误检查。 ODOT 需要一种新的、全面的、线性的资产管理解决方案,该解决方案能够实现更高效的数据捕获、分析和信息移动,从而简化流程并改进监管报告。
ODOT 实施了 TransInfo,这是一个价值 330 万美元的线性资产管理系统,基于 Bentley 的 AssetWise 资产绩效软件构建。该系统创建了一个可确保信息完整性和可用性的互联数据环境。 TransInfo 提供整个道路网络和相关要素的统一视图,将所有资产集成到单个信息和资产管理系统中,并维护所有数据的无缝空间表示。 AssetWise 为 ODOT 提供单一事实来源来管理所有道路资产信息,包括空间网络数据、库存和维护数据、资产数据、道路几何数据和道路分类数据。 ODOT 还开始使用 Bentley 的运输智能网关 (TIG),该网关提供强大且灵活的运营分析,这些分析已集成到 ODOT 的事务系统中并使用线性引用数据。
  • The implementation of TransInfo and AssetWise has transformed the operations of ODOT. The system has increased ODOT’s ability to respond to the ever-changing needs of various safety programs through better data accuracy, increased ability to produce both tabular and map-based reports, and the option to quickly add new fields to the database to track additional data as needed. The extracts and reports have also been created for the TripCheck web applications, which benefit Oregon residents who use web applications to stay informed about road closures and traffic incidents on state highways. ODOT has been able to provide data that is quickly accessible, more comprehensive, and solidly defensible to customers through enhanced reporting functionality and increased accuracy of the captured data. This complex reporting was not possible before the implementation of AssetWise and the TIG reporting capability. The solution acts as a business intelligence capability to help the agency understand the current state of assets, make better maintenance decisions, and proactively manage transportation assets.
  • Using Bentley applications reduced the time and effort required to prepare federal reports by 83 percent.
  • Data management efficiency was increased by 20 to 25 percent and reporting efficiency increased by an average of 60 percent.
  • ODOT estimates that its TransInfo system powered by Bentley’s AssetWise will deliver a total return on investment of USD 6.1 million over five years.

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