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RingCentral > 实例探究 > Organic By Nature 通过 RingCentral 简化运营并节省成本

Organic By Nature 通过 RingCentral 简化运营并节省成本

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  • 建筑物
  • 电信
  • 楼宇自动化与控制
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 硬件设计与工程服务
  • 系统集成
Organic By Nature 是一家由脱水水果和蔬菜制成的优质天然食品补充剂的制造商。该公司成立于 1993 年,拒绝大剂量维生素和矿物质的趋势,为植物性营养产品树立了新标准。 Organic By Nature 通过近 1000 个独立零售店(包括 Whole Foods 和 Wild Oats 等全国连锁店)网络直接向消费者销售其营养补充剂。该公司希望将其业务整合到一栋大楼中,这在重新安置其旧 PBX 电话系统方面提出了挑战。
Organic By Nature 是一家优质天然食品补充剂制造商,当他们决定将其业务整合到一栋大楼时,面临着重大挑战。主要问题是旧 PBX 电话系统的搬迁,该系统位于他们要腾出的主楼内。新大楼缺乏必要的基础设施来支持 PBX 系统的重型硬件。 IT 和设施总监 Tom Merz 发现,不仅硬件难以物理移动,而且新大楼没有足够的铜线来支持系统。在新大楼中重新安装旧 PBX 的估计成本在 60,000 美元到 80,000 美元之间。此外,旧的 PBX 系统功能有限,需要专门的技术人员来执行日常任务,例如为新员工创建分机,这既耗时又昂贵。
旧 PBX 系统的高成本和复杂性促使 Merz 探索 RingCentral 基于云的商务电话系统。他正在寻找一种不需要大量前期投资并且无需技术人员执行日常任务的解决方案。他还想要一个允许员工管理自己手机设置的系统,例如在结婚时更改设置中的姓氏。在评估了其他几家云 PBX 提供商后,Merz 认为 RingCentral 最能满足他的需求。他在主楼设置了 25 个用户,其中有 4 到 5 个远程用户。新系统允许员工建立自己的电话系统,并在更换办公桌时轻松移动电话,大大减少了电话系统管理所需的时间和精力。
  • The switch to RingCentral's cloud-based business phone system has resulted in significant cost and time savings for Organic By Nature. The company now pays a fraction of what they were paying for their old PBX system. The new system has also simplified phone system management, freeing up valuable time for the IT team. Employees can now set up their own phone system and easily move their phone when they change desks. This has eliminated the need for a specialized technician for routine tasks, further reducing costs and improving efficiency. The transition to RingCentral has streamlined operations, making the company more agile and responsive.
  • Saved $27,000 in upfront hardware and setup costs with RingCentral versus the old PBX system.
  • Saves about $1,000 a month compared to the prior service.
  • Saves 8 hours monthly by enabling employees to set up their own phone system and easily move their phone when they change desks.

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