- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 采购
- 根因分析与诊断
- 时间敏感网络
- 系统集成
Peoplebank 是澳大利亚最大的信息技术招聘公司,自 1990 年以来专门从事各行业 IT&T 专业人员的永久和合同安置。在阿德莱德、布里斯班、堪培拉、墨尔本、珀斯和悉尼设有全国办事处网络以及国际办事处在香港、新加坡和马来西亚,人民银行每年都会安置超过 6,000 名候选人。该公司的使命是继续提高效率并发展整个亚太地区的业务,其中创建可衡量和可复制的流程是首要任务。
Peoplebank 是澳大利亚最大的信息技术招聘公司,其遗留系统面临着重大挑战。该系统速度慢、效率低且缺乏可扩展性,导致招聘人员每个请求都会遇到 3-4 秒的延迟时间,从而显着减慢了工作流程。该系统未集成,迫使招聘人员使用多个平台,事实证明效率极低。招聘人员还在输入安置数据等手动任务上浪费了宝贵的时间。该公司需要一个可以自动化并根据其需求进行定制的系统,并且可以支持其在亚太地区的增长。
Peoplebank 选择 Bullhorn 作为其全面的 CRM、ATS 和协作解决方案。 Bullhorn 提供了一个单一的整体系统,整合了人民银行的所有内部功能,以简化工作流程并节省时间。手动任务变得自动化,降低了错误率并提高了数据完整性。 Bullhorn 还为 Peoplebank 提供了新的报告功能,使该公司能够深入了解其内部运营,并在扩张后连接国际办事处。该系统响应速度极快,从而节省了更多时间,并将效率提高了 300%。强制字段和智能定制提高了数据完整性,删除了重复条目,并将错误减少了 7 倍。
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Case Study
Aircraft Predictive Maintenance and Workflow Optimization
First, aircraft manufacturer have trouble monitoring the health of aircraft systems with health prognostics and deliver predictive maintenance insights. Second, aircraft manufacturer wants a solution that can provide an in-context advisory and align job assignments to match technician experience and expertise.
Case Study
IoT Data Analytics Case Study - Packaging Films Manufacturer
The company manufactures packaging films on made to order or configure to order basis. Every order has a different set of requirements from the product characteristics perspective and hence requires machine’s settings to be adjusted accordingly. If the film quality does not meet the required standards, the degraded quality impacts customer delivery causes customer dissatisfaction and results in lower margins. The biggest challenge was to identify the real root cause and devise a remedy for that.
Case Study
Large Oil Producer Leverages Advanced Analytics Platform
Approximately 17,000 wells in the customer's portfolio have beam pump artificial lift technology. While beam pump technology is relatively inexpensive compared to other artificial lift technology, beam pumps fail frequently, at rates ranging from 66% to 95% per year. Unexpected failures result in weeks of lost production, emergency maintenance expenses, and costly equipment replacements.
Case Study
The Internet of Trains
Train operators the world over are expected to work miracles, i.e. never to be late. So, with acute service and availability targets to meet, an efficient maintenance program is important. And data-enabled functionality is a must for Siemens. Reactive maintenance (after an incident) and routine, preventive maintenance with its visual inspections and scheduled exchange of components, are no longer enough. We’ve moved on to more cost-effective, condition-based, predictive maintenance. The actual condition of components is measured via the transfer and remote monitoring of diagnostic sensor data; data which is also used to analyse patterns and trends. This helps predict when a component is likely to fail, so it can be repaired before anything untoward happens. To ensure the commercial sustainability of this approach, Siemens needs to use and re-use existing data, creating a kind of ‘Internet of Trains’. Towards this end, they’re analysing sensor data in near real time, which means they can react very quickly, ensuring that customer transport services aren’t interrupted. “It is really difficult to define every issue before it impacts operations using only data from the trains”, Kress explains. However, recent success stories prove that everything is possible.
Case Study
FMCG Case Study – CPG Line Monitoring
The leading CPG company operates several warehouses, mostly closer to the last distribution point (Large retailers). Products in various categories are packaged in specific delivery or display cartons at these facilities. As most CPG businesses consist of high volume with low margins, optimizing every operation and effective utilization of resources add up to profit margins. The key problem at these warehouses is the lack of visibility into reasons for machine breakdowns or idle time, thereby delay in delivery. The sunrise meetings lead to post-mortem of delivery issues like delay or quality. The customer wanted to implement real-time line monitoring and alert system to gain control over downtime issues and implement improvement measures.