- 分析与建模 - 过程分析
- 可穿戴设备 - 智能服饰
- 服装
- 设备与机械
- 公共交通管理
- 时间敏感网络
- 系统集成
Neon Buddha 是一家加拿大女装品牌,已有约二十年的历史。该公司拥有一支位于蒙特利尔的全女性设计团队,为各种身材和体型的女性提供包容性的时尚体验。 Neon Buddha 的服装专为旅行和日常穿着而设计,体现了旅行、冒险和时尚之间的协同作用。该公司的精神体现在其口号“表达你的禅宗”中,代表着表现力和冷静的平衡。 Neon Buddha 有一个由 15 名员工组成的小团队。
Neon Buddha 是一个加拿大服装品牌,在业务流程管理方面遇到了困难。该公司的工作流程涉及从创意构思到生产和营销的多个流程,并由大量标准操作程序 (SOP) 提供服务。然而,这些SOP是在Word文档和Excel表格中创建的,导致混乱和低效率。员工不得不争先恐后地寻找工作所需的信息,浪费了宝贵的时间和资源。缺乏集中、可访问的 SOP 管理系统阻碍了公司的发展,并转移了人们对在竞争激烈的时尚行业中脱颖而出所需的高水平创造力的注意力。
Neon Buddha 采用基于云的业务流程管理系统 SweetProcess 来简化其运营。 SweetProcess 提供了多项关键功能来应对公司的挑战。首先,它提供了简单的流程文档,使 Neon Buddha 能够创建和管理 SOP,而无需从头开始创建新布局的麻烦。其次,SweetProcess 提供远程访问和用户权限控制,使员工能够从任何地方访问 SOP,并确保正确的人员能够访问正确的信息。第三,SweetProcess 促进了团队之间的协作,使员工能够共同完成项目并为实现既定目标做出贡献。最后,SweetProcess 可以与其他生产力工具集成,简化工作流程并节省时间和精力。此外,SweetProcess 允许用户在选择退出的情况下下载所有文件,解决了该公司的一个主要问题。
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Case Study
Fire Alarm System and Remote Monitoring Sytem
Fire alarm systems are essential in providing an early warning in the event of fire. They help to save lives and protect property whilst also fulfilling the needs of insurance companies and government departments.Fire alarm systems typically consist of several inter-linked components, such as smoke detectors, heat detector, carbon monoxide, manual call points, sounders, alarm and buzzer. The fire alarm system should give immediate information in order to prevent the fire spread and protect live and property.To get maximum protection a shoe manufacturer in Indonesia opted for a new fire alarm system to monitor 13 production sites spread over 160 hectars. Although the company had an existing fire alarm system, it could not be monitored remotely.It was essential that the new system would be able to be monitored from a central control room. It needed to be able to connect to the existing smoke detector and manual call point. Information should be easily collected and passed on to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Furthermore, the system should have several features such as alarm management, auto reporting, being connected to many client computers without additional cost, and run 24/7 without fails. The company also needed a system which could be implemented without changing the architecture of the existing fire alarm system.

Case Study
Smart Water Filtration Systems
Before working with Ayla Networks, Ozner was already using cloud connectivity to identify and solve water-filtration system malfunctions as well as to monitor filter cartridges for replacements.But, in June 2015, Ozner executives talked with Ayla about how the company might further improve its water systems with IoT technology. They liked what they heard from Ayla, but the executives needed to be sure that Ayla’s Agile IoT Platform provided the security and reliability Ozner required.

Case Study
IoT enabled Fleet Management with MindSphere
In view of growing competition, Gämmerler had a strong need to remain competitive via process optimization, reliability and gentle handling of printed products, even at highest press speeds. In addition, a digitalization initiative also included developing a key differentiation via data-driven services offers.

Case Study
IoT Applications and Upgrades in Textile Plant
At any given time, the textile company’s manufacturing facility has up to 2,000 textile carts in use. These carts are pushed from room to room, carrying materials or semi-finished products. Previously, a paper with a hand-written description was attached to each cart. This traditional method of processing made product tracking extremely difficult. Additionally, making sure that every cart of materials or semi-finished products went to its correct processing work station was also a problem. Therefore, the company desired an intelligent solution for tracking assets at their factories. They also wanted a solution that would help them collect process data so they could improve their manufacturing efficiency.

Case Study
Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Chillers
For global leaders in the industrial chiller manufacturing, reliability of the entire production process is of the utmost importance. Chillers are refrigeration systems that produce ice water to provide cooling for a process or industrial application. One of those leaders sought a way to respond to asset performance issues, even before they occur. The intelligence to guarantee maximum reliability of cooling devices is embedded (pre-alarming). A pre-alarming phase means that the cooling device still works, but symptoms may appear, telling manufacturers that a failure is likely to occur in the near future. Chillers who are not internet connected at that moment, provide little insight in this pre-alarming phase.

Case Study
Premium Appliance Producer Innovates with Internet of Everything
Sub-Zero faced the largest product launch in the company’s history:It wanted to launch 60 new products as scheduled while simultaneously opening a new “greenfield” production facility, yet still adhering to stringent quality requirements and manage issues from new supply-chain partners. A the same time, it wanted to increase staff productivity time and collaboration while reducing travel and costs.