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Alludo > 实例探究 > 彻底改变微型模型制作:Herdwick Landscapes 的 CorelDRAW 之旅

彻底改变微型模型制作:Herdwick Landscapes 的 CorelDRAW 之旅

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Herdwick Landscapes 是一家总部位于英国斯塔福德郡的艺术和工艺品行业公司,由 Peter 和 Kate Kelsall 创立。该公司专门设计和制造具有时代特色的石头娃娃屋,以英格兰西北部湖区的经典石头建筑为蓝本。这些微型模型的制作极其注重细节,体现了古式房屋的特色,包括镶板或树篱和涂抹隔墙、可移动地板、石板地板、木制或石制楼梯、壁炉和壁炉架。该公司的产品范围包括基于著名作家碧翠丝·波特的故事的建筑,以及许多委托项目。每个玩偶之家都有自己的产权转让契约,提供了该建筑的简要历史以及对其所容纳的居民类型的描述。
Herdwick Landscapes 是一家总部位于英国的公司,专门从事石质娃娃屋的建造,在生产过程中面临着巨大的挑战。该公司由彼得·凯尔索尔 (Peter Kelsall) 和凯特·凯尔索尔 (Kate Kelsall) 创立,其灵感来自英格兰西北部湖区的粗犷之美,旨在创建能够准确代表该地区发现的经典石头建筑的微型模型。然而,手工制作这些复杂的模型非常耗时且对体力具有挑战性,特别是在 1/48 比例下工作时。更精细的细节,例如浮雕、窗户和门,特别难以制作。这项工作的劳动密集型性质也限制了他们可以提供的风格范围,并且一些元素(例如会发光的窗户和壁炉)实在太小,无法以 1/48 比例手工制作。
为了克服这些挑战,Peter 和 Kate 决定将 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 纳入他们的生产流程中。该图形软件使他们能够设计更复杂的作品并制作更详细的模型。他们使用 CorelDRAW 进行房屋平面图、门窗、雕刻、家具设计以及模拟雕刻。该软件的工具箱及其矢量形状和绘图工具被证明特别有用,颜色样式泊坞窗对于保持项目之间的颜色一致性也非常有用。变换工具还有助于对象的定位、倾斜和旋转。此外,Kelsall 夫妇还在他们的工具包中添加了 HPC 激光切割机,这使他们能够直接输出 CorelDRAW 文件并受益于精确切割的工件。激光切割机将 CorelDRAW 中的填充工具解释为雕刻,从而可以在工作中添加更精细的修饰。
  • The integration of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and the HPC laser cutter into Herdwick Landscapes' production process has significantly improved the company's operational efficiency. The software has not only reduced the time spent on creating intricate pieces but also expanded the range of styles that can be offered. This has allowed the company to take on more diverse and complex projects, such as the residence of Charles Darwin, a Norwegian house, and the Black Pig coaching inn for a large model railway set in Wales. The use of digital tools has also enabled the company to create more intricate and detailed work, enhancing the quality and authenticity of their dolls' houses. This has helped Herdwick Landscapes captivate people from all walks of life and across all corners of the globe, further establishing their reputation in the field.
  • Time spent on creating windows reduced from five days to just one day
  • Creation of intricate pieces like the panelling on a four-poster bed, which previously took several hours, can now be produced within a couple of hours
  • The range of styles that can be offered has expanded due to the ease and speed of creating new designs

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