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WIBU-SYSTEMS > 实例探究 > 安全和基于云的数据市场


 Secure and Cloud-based Data Marketplace - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 数据库安全
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 身份认证管理
  • 设备与机械
  • 商业运营
  • 网络安全
通快集团是一家德国家族企业,总部位于斯图加特附近的迪琴根。通快是全球最大的机床供应商之一。 TRUMP 拥有 70 多家运营子公司

像“工业 4.0”这样的新的工业互联概念的巨大前景是它们能够提供历史上无与伦比的响应能力和灵活性。尽管现代供应链已经高度整合并设计为流动性和快速移动,但大量制造业仍然受制于规模经济、大规模生产和精心的预先计划。

工业物联网 (IIoT) 将通过允许在真正的工业规模上进行小批量甚至定制制造来改变这种状况。机器的功能不是一成不变的,而是灵活且由其操作软件决定的机器,以及一种新的连接形式,使工业工程师、产品制造商和最终用户比以往任何时候都更紧密地联系在一起。对汽车零件进行临时调整,例如,在活跃的产品运行期间或定制运动鞋的定制制造期间确实成为非常可行的选择。

这在很大程度上仍然是一个理论愿景,但德国工业 4.0 中 IT 安全的国家参考项目 IUNO 通过运行智能饮料搅拌机的安全技术数据市场展示了新功能。


IUNO 演示器由模拟供应链的两端组成:技术数据市场,饮料的发明者可以上传配方,以及鸡尾酒混合机,它连接到市场并可以许可加密的配方。该系统使用 Wibu-Systems 的基于云的 CodeMeter License Central 来保护配方,即在这个智能生产网络中充当货币的生产数据,在发送到搅拌机和制作饮料时都进行完全加密机器本身——其内部工作再次使用 CodeMeter 加密狗作为信任锚和可靠的身份证明进行保护,由英飞凌的 SLM 97 安全控制器提供支持。在前端,饮料被混合并准备好供买家享用。

Production Efficiency, Recipes
  • [Data Management - Data Security]
    The IUNO demonstrator is a template for a secure technology data marketplace that is both fully protected with Wibu-Systems’ solutions and open enough to accommodate additional actors and vendors; the IUNO cocktail mixing machine becomes a model for a new paradigm in manufacturing. Where vertical integration once meant physical control and ownership over every link in the supply chain, it can now mean the integration of independent partners. Like the recipes, production data can be traded, licensed, and securely transported through the Industrial Internet to smart factories that offer manufacturing as a service (MaaS). This creates new commercial freedom and access for sellers, buyers, and makers, all of whom can rest assured that their data is protected from theft, illicit use by more unscrupulous partners in the supply chain, or tampering along the way with the power of CodeMeter’s licensing and protection capabilities.
  • Developed in a multivendor project partnership including the IUNO members Wibu-Systems and TRUMPF, the drinks mixer works by combining a technology data marketplace – a repository of drinks that would-be vendors can add their favorite recipes to – with a secure data transmission concept and similarly protected front-end hardware. With a selection of recipes at the customer’s disposal, the drinks are chosen from the custom-made sales platform (at https://iuno.axoom.cloud) and paid for by Testnet Bitcoin. Once the customer has made his or her selection and the Bitcoin transaction has been processed, the technology marketplace sends the order for the right recipe in fully encrypted form to the physical mixer, using Wibu-Systems’ CodeMeter License Central - the cloud solution for license management - to do the heavy lifting of encrypting, licensing, and securing the operation.

    In the mixer itself, a CodeMeter dongle provides an anchor of trust for the protected operating software of the mixer and for the mixer’s correct identity in its transaction with the IUNO marketplace, using an industry-grade Infineon SLM 97 security controller. At no stage in the supply chain can the recipe be read out or tampered with, neither in the cloud marketplace nor in its transmission or in the mixer itself.

    On top of protecting the IP in the recipes, the CodeMeter technology is used to enforce the licensing for each recipe. Only the paid number of items (drinks in this case) can be produced. The encrypted recipe is worthless without the corresponding license which defines the amount of goods allowed for production.

    As in more regular manufacturing operations, the manufacturer of the technology (the mixer) and the vendor of the product (the recipe) – who could be one and the same or separate entities – can rest assured that their intellectual property is safe and sound.

  • The customer on the front end sees little of the intricate software and hardware that goes into making his or her drink of choice. Whatever drink the customer goes for, one thing is certain: the end result is more than a refreshing beverage. It is a taste of the future of industry.

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