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CheckPoint Software > 实例探究 > Shepherd 和 Wedderburn 利用 Pointsec Protector 增强数据安全性

Shepherd 和 Wedderburn 利用 Pointsec Protector 增强数据安全性

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  • 设备与机械
  • 国家安全与国防
  • 校园网
  • 篡改检测
Shepherd and Wedderburn 是英国领先的律师事务所,在爱丁堡、格拉斯哥、伦敦和阿伯丁的四个办事处拥有 49 名合伙人和约 460 名员工。作为一家法律组织,该公司每天处理机密的客户信息,包括与医疗诉讼案件和雇佣纠纷相关的敏感数据。公司的声誉和可信度至关重要,因此保护客户信息和知识产权成为重中之重。
英国领先的律师事务所 Shepherd and Wedderburn 面临着保护机密客户信息和知识产权免遭丢失或盗窃的挑战。作为一家法律组织,该公司每天处理大量敏感数据,从医疗诉讼案件到雇佣纠纷。任何泄露机密的潜在后果对公司来说都将是灾难性的,无论是在声誉还是信任方面。该公司的 IT 经理 Mark Findlay 确定了安全解决方案的三个关键要求:保护知识产权(包括机密客户信息)、防止非商业软件/材料进入公司网络以及防止病毒感染。
Shepherd 和 Wedderburn 评估了传统防病毒供应商的一系列解决方案,但发现 Pointsec Protector 最适合他们的需求。 Pointsec Protector 对可移动媒体设备提供的控制能力是其他竞争供应商所无法比拟的,因此该公司早在 1999 年就选择了该解决方案。在整个组织中用于移动数据的 USB 记忆棒在使用前均经过 Pointsec Protector 的授权。为了减少此政策的限制,高级秘书人员还可以授权可移动媒体。尽管多年来恶意威胁不断增加且可移动媒体设备激增,Pointsec Protector 仍与不断变化的安全形势保持同步。如今,Shepherd 和 Wedderburn 拥有超过 350 个 Pointsec Protector 许可证,并继续发现它是极其有效的安全解决方案。
  • The implementation of Pointsec Protector has significantly reduced the burden on the IT department at Shepherd and Wedderburn. The solution has effectively controlled the corporate network, offering additional control around removable media and enabling the firm to keep track of highly sensitive data. It has also prevented misuse of the corporate network, blocking employees from downloading inappropriate files and ensuring bandwidth isn't clogged with nonbusiness-related data. Pointsec Protector has protected the business from many of the security threats that have hit other companies over the years, proving its effectiveness in today's complex IT environment.
  • Over 350 Pointsec Protector licenses are in use, providing comprehensive coverage across the organization.
  • Pointsec Protector is used almost exclusively to secure valuable data and fight malicious code, reducing the need for additional security solutions.
  • Only around 50 of the laptops used by employees require supplemental antivirus software, demonstrating the effectiveness of Pointsec Protector.

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