- 网络安全和隐私 - 安全合规
- 传感器 - 环境传感器
- 服装
- 零售
- 物流运输
- 采购
- 室内空气质量监测
- 库存管理
Nudie Jeans 是成立于哥德堡的瑞典牛仔品牌。该品牌的主要目的是提供以公平方式制作的高品质服装。自 2001 年成立以来,Nudie Jeans 已发展成为全球公认的牛仔品牌以及纺织品循环和可持续发展领域的先驱。该公司在 50 多个市场经营 34 家维修店和 1000 多家批发门,还经营着一家蓬勃发展的网上商店。 Nudie Jeans 致力于可持续发展,是 Fair Wear Foundation 的成员,该基金会帮助该公司在社会合规性方面取得进展,并建立采购供应商时所需的标准框架。
Nudie Jeans 是全球知名的牛仔品牌,在管理其可持续发展数据方面面临着挑战。该公司使用了一种未经优化的方法,通过与供应商的电子邮件通信和 Excel 文件来手动收集和管理可持续发展数据。对于一家在可持续发展方面追求卓越的公司来说,该系统不适合长期可持续发展管理。主要痛点包括手动收集数据、分散的数据点、管理可持续性的短期解决方案以及耗时的流程。 Nudie Jeans 认识到需要一种能够简化流程、提高效率并将所有数据整合到一个地方的工具。
Nudie Jeans 采用 Worldfavor 的解决方案来简化其可持续发展管理。该公司使用 Worldfavor Sustainable Sourcing 来管理供应链的社会和环境合规性。这使他们能够绘制和收集环境数据,跟踪供应商的社会责任,并确保他们的可持续发展价值观在整个价值链中得到体现。 Nudie Jeans 还使用 Worldfavor 的可持续发展管理解决方案来跟踪全球环境数据,包括商店的循环和环境绩效、废物管理、食品、产品和服务的购买以及能源消耗等指标。该解决方案还用于验证 Nudie Jeans 在其运营中制定的气候和社会标准是否得到适当遵守。
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Case Study
Fire Alarm System and Remote Monitoring Sytem
Fire alarm systems are essential in providing an early warning in the event of fire. They help to save lives and protect property whilst also fulfilling the needs of insurance companies and government departments.Fire alarm systems typically consist of several inter-linked components, such as smoke detectors, heat detector, carbon monoxide, manual call points, sounders, alarm and buzzer. The fire alarm system should give immediate information in order to prevent the fire spread and protect live and property.To get maximum protection a shoe manufacturer in Indonesia opted for a new fire alarm system to monitor 13 production sites spread over 160 hectars. Although the company had an existing fire alarm system, it could not be monitored remotely.It was essential that the new system would be able to be monitored from a central control room. It needed to be able to connect to the existing smoke detector and manual call point. Information should be easily collected and passed on to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Furthermore, the system should have several features such as alarm management, auto reporting, being connected to many client computers without additional cost, and run 24/7 without fails. The company also needed a system which could be implemented without changing the architecture of the existing fire alarm system.
Case Study
IoT Applications and Upgrades in Textile Plant
At any given time, the textile company’s manufacturing facility has up to 2,000 textile carts in use. These carts are pushed from room to room, carrying materials or semi-finished products. Previously, a paper with a hand-written description was attached to each cart. This traditional method of processing made product tracking extremely difficult. Additionally, making sure that every cart of materials or semi-finished products went to its correct processing work station was also a problem. Therefore, the company desired an intelligent solution for tracking assets at their factories. They also wanted a solution that would help them collect process data so they could improve their manufacturing efficiency.
Case Study
Improving Production Line Efficiency with Ethernet Micro RTU Controller
Moxa was asked to provide a connectivity solution for one of the world's leading cosmetics companies. This multinational corporation, with retail presence in 130 countries, 23 global braches, and over 66,000 employees, sought to improve the efficiency of their production process by migrating from manual monitoring to an automatic productivity monitoring system. The production line was being monitored by ABB Real-TPI, a factory information system that offers data collection and analysis to improve plant efficiency. Due to software limitations, the customer needed an OPC server and a corresponding I/O solution to collect data from additional sensor devices for the Real-TPI system. The goal is to enable the factory information system to more thoroughly collect data from every corner of the production line. This will improve its ability to measure Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and translate into increased production efficiencies. System Requirements • Instant status updates while still consuming minimal bandwidth to relieve strain on limited factory networks • Interoperable with ABB Real-TPI • Small form factor appropriate for deployment where space is scarce • Remote software management and configuration to simplify operations
Case Study
Digital Retail Security Solutions
Sennco wanted to help its retail customers increase sales and profits by developing an innovative alarm system as opposed to conventional connected alarms that are permanently tethered to display products. These traditional security systems were cumbersome and intrusive to the customer shopping experience. Additionally, they provided no useful data or analytics.
Case Study
How Sirqul’s IoT Platform is Crafting Carrefour’s New In-Store Experiences
Carrefour Taiwan’s goal is to be completely digital by end of 2018. Out-dated manual methods for analysis and assumptions limited Carrefour’s ability to change the customer experience and were void of real-time decision-making capabilities. Rather than relying solely on sales data, assumptions, and disparate systems, Carrefour Taiwan’s CEO led an initiative to find a connected IoT solution that could give the team the ability to make real-time changes and more informed decisions. Prior to implementing, Carrefour struggled to address their conversion rates and did not have the proper insights into the customer decision-making process nor how to make an immediate impact without losing customer confidence.