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Avid Technology > 实例探究 > 利用物联网改变传统音乐:格莱美奖得主 Gil Goldstein 的案例研究

利用物联网改变传统音乐:格莱美奖得主 Gil Goldstein 的案例研究

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吉尔·戈德斯坦 (Gil Goldstein) 是一位格莱美奖得主、钢琴家、手风琴家、编曲家和作曲家,曾与斯汀 (Sting)、迈克尔·布雷克 (Michael Brecker)、克里斯·博蒂 (Chris Botti) 和帕特·麦森尼 (Pat Metheny) 等音乐巨匠合作。他为埃斯佩兰萨·斯伯丁 (Esperanza Spalding) 共同制作并编排了屡获殊荣的室内乐协会唱片,该唱片使她于 2011 年荣获格莱美最佳新人奖,这是爵士乐音乐家首次获得该奖项。戈德斯坦每年都会承担一些大型编曲项目,与各种音乐风格合作——其中包括流行音乐、大乐队和管弦乐。
面临的挑战是重新构建传统作品《Swing Low Sweet Chariot》,并在 Bobby Mcferrin 的 spirtyouall CD 中展示这首歌的完全独特的视角,该 CD 为 Goldstein 赢得了格莱美®奖。这需要一个能够提供灵活性和创造性能力的解决方案,以广泛的风格排列来自不同唱片艺术家的歌曲。戈尔茨坦是一位著名的钢琴家、手风琴家、编曲家和作曲家,他必须克服编曲各种音乐风格(其中包括流行音乐、大乐队和管弦乐)的挑战。
戈尔茨坦拥抱了 Avid Everywhere,并依靠 Avid Sibelius 的灵活性和创造力来编曲歌曲。西贝柳斯乐谱和配乐软件为戈德斯坦提供了创作格莱美奖获奖作品所需的灵活性和创造力。戈尔茨坦改编了西贝柳斯以适应他自己的工作风格,并将其与其他工具集成。他开发了一种使用 Wacom 笔和平板电脑技术输入音符的风格,该技术与 Sibelius 屏幕完全协调。他还使用了 Sibelius 的强大功能 PhotoScore 来扫描乐曲并将其转换为另一个调,而如果采用其他方式,这项工作可能需要数周时间。
  • The use of Sibelius has allowed Goldstein to seamlessly transition from idea to final realization. It has become an integral part of his workflow, enabling him to quickly and efficiently arrange music in a wide range of styles. The software's intuitive nature and the common sense that inhabits its commands and layers have made it an organic and brilliantly organized tool that Goldstein can rely on for ease of movement. Its design makes creativity a distinct possibility, always just a keystroke away. Furthermore, the ability to integrate Sibelius with other tools, such as a Wacom pen and tablet technology, has allowed Goldstein to develop a unique style of working that suits his needs.
  • Goldstein was able to create Grammy Award-winning compositions using Sibelius.
  • He was able to transpose a composition to another key in a matter of hours using PhotoScore, a task that would have taken weeks otherwise.
  • Goldstein was able to arrange pieces/selections in a very short timeframe for a ‘who’s who’ of artists for Sting and Trudie Styler’s Rock for the Rainforest concert.

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