Areas of Focus
- 听觉认知能力
- 言语识别
- 精神疾病
- 运动训练的干预效果
- 基于游戏的心理测量
Work Experience
- 2020-2022 - 清华大学 - 博士后(水木学者)
- 2022-至今 - 北京语言大学 - 副教授,心理学院
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2011-2015 学士学位: 北京大学基础医学院
- 2012-2015 双学士学位: 北京大学数学科学学院
- 2015-2020 博士学位: 北京大学心理与认知科学学院,基础心理学专业生理心理学方向,导师: 李量教授
- Relationships among temporal fine structure sensitivity, transient storage capacity, and ultra-high frequency hearing thresholds in tinnitus patients and normal adults of different ages, Ding, Y., Liang, Y., Cao, C., Zhang, Y., & Hu, M., 2022
- The relationship between interaural delay in binaural gap detection and sensitivity to temporal fine structure in young adults with or without musical training experience, Ding, Y., Lei, M., & Cao, C., 2022
- Spatial Specificity in Attentional Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex in Rats, Ding, Y., Chen, L., Meng, Q., & Li, L., 2021
- The role of the deeper layers of the superior colliculus in attentional modulations of prepulse inhibition, Ding, Y., Xu, N., Gao, Y., Wu, Z., & Li, L., 2019
- Both Val158Met Polymorphism of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Gene and Menstrual Cycle Affect Prepulse Inhibition but Not Attentional Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition in Younger-Adult Females, Wu, C., Ding, Y. (co-first-author), Chen, B., Gao, Y., Wang, Q., Wu, Z., ... & Yang, P., 2019
- Traditional martial arts and shooting training have different effects on auditory fine structure processing ability---Evidence from behavioral tests and fMRI, Ding, Y., Zhang, K., Li, L., & Cao, C., 2022
- Different Effects Of Shooting Training And Music Training On Auditory Information Processing Ability: 251, Ding, Y., Cao, C., & Zhang, K., 2022
- Interaural delay modulates the prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex induced by binaural gap in humans, Lei, M., Ding, Y., 2021
- Neural Correlates of Attentional Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition, Lei, M., Ding, Y., Meng, Q., 2021
- Attribute capture underlying the precedence effect in rats, Chen, L., Ding, Y., Meng, Q., & Li, L., 2021
- Negative emotions in the target speaker's voice enhance speech recognition under 'cocktail-party' environments, Lu, L., Ding, Y., Xue, C., & Li, L., 2020
- The medial agranular cortex mediates attentional enhancement of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex, Meng, Q., Ding, Y., Chen, L., & Li, L., 2020
- Different effects of isolation-rearing and neonatal mk-801 treatment on attentional modulations of prepulse inhibition of startle in rats, Wu, Z.-M., Ding, Y., Jia, H.-X., Li, L., 2016
- The Effects of Attention on the Syllable-Induced Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex and Cortical EEG Responses against Energetic or Informational Masking in Humans, Yang, X., Liu, L., Yang, P., Ding, Y., Wang, C., & Li, L., 2022
- Differences in auditory associative memory between younger adults and older adults, Zhemeng Wu, Xiaohan Bao, Ding, Y., Yayue Gao, Changxin Zhang, Tianshu Qu & Liang Li, 2021
- Selective attention enhances beta band cortical oscillation to speech under 'cocktail party' listening conditions, Gao, Y.-Y., Wang, Q., Ding, Y., Wang, C.-M., Li H.-F., Wu, X.-H., Qu, T.-S., Li, L., 2017
- Different binaural processing of the envelope component and the temporal fine structure component of a narrowband noise in rat inferior colliculus, Xu, N., Luo, L., Chen, L., Ding, Y., & Li, L., 2021
- Interaction between 3,