Areas of Focus
- 婴幼儿心理
- 社会认知
- 亲子关系
- 正念管教
- 家庭干预
- 压力和应激
- 母婴心理健康
Work Experience
- 2011-2013 - 中山大学 - 讲师
- 2013-至今 - 中山大学 - 副教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2001-2005 心理学理学学士: 北京大学
- 2005-2009 心理学文学硕士: 伊利诺伊大学
- 2009-2011 心理学哲学博士: 伊利诺伊大学
- 阅读合伙人, 何子静, 2020
- 家庭绘本教育理论与实践, 何子静, 2018
- 婴幼儿的情绪世界, 艾丽西娅·利伯曼, 译者: 何子静, 2023
- 正念养育, 肖娜•夏皮罗, 译者: 何子静, 2017
- 人性火花, 杰罗姆•凯根, 译者: 何子静, 2015
- False-belief understanding and why it matters: The social-acting hypothesis, Baillargeon, R., He, Z., Setoh, P., Scott, R. M., Sloane, S., & Yang, D. Y.-J., 2014
- Psychological and sociomoral reasoning in infancy, Baillargeon, R., Scott, R. M., He, Z., Sloane, S., Setoh, P., Jin, K., Wu, D., & Bian, L., 2014
- Maternal Emotional Reminiscing, Child Autobiographical Memory, and Their Associations with Pre-Schoolers’ Socioemotional Functioning, Wu, Y.*, He, Z.* (共同通讯作者), & Jobson, L., 2021
- Five-Month-Old Infants Attribute Inferences Based on General Knowledge to Agents, Ting, F.*, He, Z.* (共同通讯作者), Baillargeon, R.*, 2021
- Maternal Reminiscing and Autobiographical Memory Features of Mother-Child Dyads in a Cross-Cultural Context, Wu, Y.*, He, Z.* (共同通讯作者), & Jobson, L., 2020
- Toddlers and infants expect individuals to refrain from helping an ingroup victim's aggressor, Ting, F., He. Z. (共同通讯作者), & Baillargeon, R., 2019
- Early false-belief understanding in traditional non-Western societies, Barrett, C., Broesch, T., Scott, R., He, Z., Baillargeon, R., Wu, D., Bolz, M. Henrich, J., Setoh, P., Wang, J., & Laurence, S., 2013
- False-belief understanding in 2.5-year-olds: Evidence from two verbal spontaneous-response tasks, Scott, R., He, Z. (通讯作者), Baillargeon, R., & Cummins, D., 2012
- 2.5-year-olds Succeed at a Verbal Anticipatory-Looking False-Belief Task, 何子静 (通讯作者), Bolz, M., & Baillargeon, R., 2012
- False-belief understanding in 2.5-year-olds: evidence from change-of-location and unexpected-contents violation-of-expectation tasks, 何子静 (通讯作者), Bolz, M., & Baillargeon, R., 2011
- False-belief understanding in infants, Baillargeon, R., Scott, R., & He, Z., 2010
- 语言表征在颜色类别知觉中的作用, 全鹏, 何子静, 高定国, 2011
- 3-5岁儿童的交换行为研究, 穆岩, 何子静, 苏彦捷, 2004
- 2018: 䇹政基金卓越贡献奖
- 2013: 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”
- 2010: J. McVicker Hunt Award for Excellence in Developmental Research
- 2010: Knowledge for All Lecture系列讲座特邀主讲
- 2011, 2009, 2007: 国际儿童发展研究学会(SRCD) Student Conference Award
- 2010, 2008, 2007: Lyle H. Lanier Travel Award
- 2003: 秦惠䇹与李政道中国大学生见习进修基金
- 2003: 校长奖学金