Areas of Focus
- 认知控制的心理机制与神经表征
- 儿童青少年认知控制能力与社会行为
- 主观控制感的计算神经机制与情绪健康
Work Experience
- 2013.10 – 2018.10 - 纽约市立大学皇后学院心理学系 - 博士后
- 2018.10 – 2021.09 - 纽约市立大学皇后学院心理学系 - 研究助理
- 2022.09 – 至今 - 首都师范大学心理学院
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2007.09 – 2013.06 认知神经科学博士: 北京师范大学
- 2003.09 – 2007.07 生物科学学士: 南京大学
- A pilot study on improvements in attention function in major depressive disorder after 12 weeks of escitalopram monotherapy or combined treatment with agomelatine, Li, Z., Wu, T., Xiong, Y.-T., Zhang, X.-Y., Bao, Y.-P., Guo, L.-B., Han, B.-J., Li, S.-X., Wang, Y.-F., Lu, L., Wang, X.-Q., 2023
- Resource sharing in cognitive control: behavioral evidence and neural substrates, Wu, T., Spagna, A., Mackie, M.-A., Fan, J., 2023
- Representational Coding of Overt and Covert Orienting of Visuospatial Attention in the Frontoparietal Network, Wu, T., Mackie, M-A., Chen, C., Fan, J., 2022
- Cognitive Control Deficits in Children with Subthreshold Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Chen, C., Li, Z., Liu, X., Pan, Y., Wu, T., 2022
- Activation of the cognitive control network associated with information uncertainty, Wu, T., Schulz K. P., Fan, J., 2021
- Morphometrical brain markers of sex difference, Brennan, D., Wu, T., Fan, J., 2021
- Supramodal Mechanisms of the Cognitive Control Network in Uncertainty Processing, Wu, T., Spagna, A., Chen, C., Schulz K. P., Hof, P. R., Fan, J., 2020
- The functional anatomy of cognitive control: A domain-general brain network for uncertainty processing, Wu, T., Chen, C., Spagna, A., Mackie, M. A., Russell-Giller, S., Xu, P., Luo, Y., Liu, X., Hof, P. R., Fan, J., 2020
- Impact of unilateral Stroke on Right Hemisphere Superiority in Executive Control, Russell-Giller,
- 2022年: 入选北京市人才计划青年项目