Areas of Focus
- 儿童青少年自我调节发展
- 家庭与儿童青少年认知社会性发展的关系及生理机制
Work Experience
- 2013/07-2017/12 - 首都师范大学,教育学院心理系 - 讲师
- 2018/01-2021/12 - 首都师范大学,心理学院 - 副教授
- 2022/01-至今 - 首都师范大学,心理学院 - 教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2010/09 – 2013/06 博士: 山东师范大学,心理学院
- 2007/09 – 2010/06 硕士: 山东师范大学,心理学院
- 2003/09 – 2007/06 学士: 山东师范大学,心理学院
- Reciprocal Relations between Executive Function and Receptive Vocabulary in Chinese Preschoolers: Evidence from a Two-Year Longitudinal Study, Xing, X. P., Wei, Y, T., & Wang, M. F., 2021
- Parental Corporal Punishment and Child Temperament: Independent and Interactive Predictors of Child Emotion Regulation in China, Wang, M. F., Wang, Y. Z., Wang, F., & Xing, X. P., 2021
- Parental Anxiety and Depression Moderate Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Psychological Aggression in China, Wang, M. F., Wang, F., Wang, Y. Z., & Xing, X. P., 2021
- Parental Warmth and Harsh Discipline as Mediators of the Relations between Family SES and Chinese Preschooler’s Inhibitory Control, Xing, X.P., Liu, X. R., & Wang, M. F., 2019
- Cortisol Stress Reactivity Moderates the Longitudinal Effects of Parental Corporal Punishment on Chinese Preschoolers’ Executive Function, Xing, X.P., Yin, T, T., & Wang, M. F., 2019
- Parental Harsh Discipline and Preschooler’s Inhibitory Control in China: Bidirectional Relations and Gender Differences, Xing, X. P., Zhang, L. Y., Wei, Y. T., Wang, Z. Y., 2019
- Parental corporal punishment in relation to children’s executive function and externalizing behavior problems in China, Xing, X.P., Wang, M.F., & Wang, Z.Y., 2018
- Attitudes mediate the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment in China, Wang, F., Wang, M. F., & Xing, X. P., 2018
- Gender differences in the moderating effects of parental warmth and hostility on the association between corporal punishment and child externalizing behaviors in China, Xing, X.P., & Wang, M. F., 2017
- Child negative emotionality and parental harsh discipline in Chinese preschoolers: The different mediating roles of maternal and paternal anxiety, Xing, X. P., Zhang, H. Z., Shao, S. H., & Wang, M. F., 2017
- The moderating role of HPA Activity in the relations between parental corporal punishment and executive function in Chinese School-aged children, Xing, X. P., & Wang, M. F., 2018
- Parental harsh discipline and child emotion regulation: The moderating role of parental warmth in China, Wang, Y. Z., Wang, M. F., Xing, X. P., 2018
- Intergenerational transmission of parental corporal punishment in China: The moderating role of marital satisfaction and gender, Wang, M. F., Xing, X. P., & Zhao, J. X., 2014
- Intergenerational transmission of parental corporal punishment in China: The moderating role of spouse’s corporal punishment, Wang, M. F., & Xing, X. P., 2014
- Sex differences in the reciprocal relationships between mild and severe corporal punishment and children