Areas of Focus
- 个性与社会性发展
- 青少年发展
- Developmental changes in associations between depressive symptoms and peer relationships: a four-year follow-up of Chinese adolescents, Yang, Y., Chen, L.*, Zhang L., Ji, L., & Zhang, W., 2020
- Developmental Trajectories of Chinese Adolescents’ Relational Aggression: Associations With Changes in Social-Psychological Adjustment, Chen, L., Zhang, W.#, Ji, L., & Deater-Deckard, K., 2019
- Developmental changes in longitudinal associations between academic achievement and psychopathological symptoms from late childhood to middle adolescence, Zhang, W., Zhang, L., Chen, L., Ji L., & Deater-Deckard, K., 2019
- Reconsidering Parenting in Chinese Culture: Subtypes, Stability, and Change of Maternal Parenting Style During Early Adolescence, Zhang, W., Wei, X., Ji, L., Chen, L., & Deater-Deckard, K., 2017
- Profiles of teacher-child interaction quality in preschool classrooms and teachers’ professional competence features, Hu, B., Chen, L.*, & Fan, X., 2018
- Preschool expenditures and Chinese children’s academic performance: The mediating effect of teacher-child interaction quality, Hu, B., Zhou, Y., Chen, L.*, Fan, X., & Winsler, A., 2017
- The dopamine D2 receptor polymorphism (DRD2 TaqIA) interacts with maternal parenting in predicting early adolescent depressive symptoms: Evidence of differential susceptibility and age differences, Zhang, W. X., Cao, Y., Wang, M., Ji, L., Chen, L., & Deater-Deckard, K., 2015
- Hopes and Fears for the Future Among Chinese Adolescents, Zhang, W., Chen, L., Yu, F., Wang, S., & Nurmi, J.-E., 2015
- 基于功能与形式的攻击分类:利特尔攻击量表在中国初中生中的信效度检验, 王昕, 陈亮*, 潘斌, 李雪琳, 张洁, 张文新, 2021
- 青少年早期同伴侵害的亚类别及其稳定性:个体定向的分析, 杨晓霞, 陈亮*, 曹衍淼, 毕馨文, 陈光辉, 张文新, 2020
- 同伴拒绝、友谊支持对青少年抑郁的影响:有中介的调节模型, 杨逸群, 陈亮*, 陈光辉, 张文新, 2020
- 母亲抑郁对青少年抑郁的影响:亲子关系的中介作用与青少年消极情绪性的调节作用, 杨逸群, 陈亮*, 纪林芹, 张文新, 2017
- 青少年期的同伴侵害:影响因素及干预建议, 陈亮, 2017
- 青少年早中期焦虑的发展及其与未来规划的关系:追踪研究, 于凤杰, 陈亮, 张文新, 2013
- 童年晚期同伴关系不利与儿童的攻击行为:自我概念与同伴信念的中介作用, 纪林芹, 魏星, 陈亮, 张文新, 2012
- 童年中晚期攻击的发展轨迹和性别差异:基于母亲报告的分析, 陈亮, 张文新, 纪林芹, 陈光辉, 魏星, 常淑敏, 2011
- 害羞—敏感行为、社会喜好与青少年的身体侵害, 曾玉, 陈亮,田录梅, 张莹莹, 张文新, 2010
- 童年中期身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的情绪适应, 张文新, 陈亮,
- 第六届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖(2021)、山东省教育科学优秀成果奖特等奖(2021):《Developmental changes in longitudinal associations between academic achievement and psychopathological symptoms from late childhood to middle adolescence》
- 教育部高校科研优秀成果奖(人文社科)二等奖(2020)、山东省第三十一次社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2017):《The dopamine D2 receptor polymorphism (DRD2 TaqIA) interacts with maternal parenting in predicting early adolescent depressive symptoms: Evidence of differential susceptibility and age differences》
- 山东省第二十九次社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2015):《童年中晚期攻击的发展轨迹和性别差异:基于母亲报告的分析》
- 山东省第二十九次社会科学优秀成果二等奖(2015年):《童年晚期同伴关系不利与儿童的攻击行为:自我概念与同伴信念的中介作用》
- 山东省第二十八次社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖(2014):《童年中期身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的情绪适应》
- 山东师范大学优秀教学奖(2019)
- 山东师范大学优秀共产党员(2020-2021)